TorrentBank - Torrent Cache,Magnet Link and Torrent Conversion Site


It is a website that convert magnet link and torrent, and also provide free torrent caching service.

You can not search or list torrent files that are stored here, you can only access them if you already know the info_hash value of the torrent you want to download. The way to access torrents is simple, you just use the url

Example URL: (UBUNTU 14.10 Desktop x64)


We DO NOT have or track any information about what type of content the torrents point to.

We DO NOT have any type of search or listing system.

We DO NOT run our own trackers.

The original filename of the torrent is NOT saved.

We DO NOT log any IP adresses of uploaders / downloaders.

You can ONLY download torrents if you ALREADY KNOW the INFO_HASH of the torrent file.

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