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McChesney - Rich Media, Poor Democracy; Communication Politics in Dubious Times (2015).pdf | 74.25 MB |
Schubert et al - The Irony of Democracy; an Uncommon Introduction to American Politics, 16e (2014).pdf | 20.35 MB |
Foley - Ballot Battles; the History of Disputed Elections in the United States (2016).pdf | 18.33 MB |
Brown - Pay-to-Play Politics; How Money Defines the American Democracy (2016).pdf | 8.17 MB |
Lowery et al (Eds.) - Un-Democratic Acts; New Departures for Dialogues in Society and Schools (2016).pdf | 7.26 MB |
Berman - American Democracy Besieged, The Nation - July 31-August 7, 2017.pdf | 6.29 MB |
Chou - Theorising Democide; Why and How Democracies Fail (2013).pdf | 5.37 MB |
Reybrouck - Against Elections; the Case for Democracy (2016).epub | 4.38 MB |
Street - They Rule; the 1% vs. Democracy (2014).pdf | 4.01 MB |
Potter & Penniman - Nation on the Take; How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It (2016).epub | 3.20 MB |
Poundstone - Gaming the Vote; Why Elections Aren't Fair (2008).pdf | 3.18 MB |
Achen & Bartels - Democracy for Realists; Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government (2016).pdf | 2.84 MB |
Gumbel - Down for the Count; Dirty Elections and the Rotten History of Democracy in America, Rev. Ed. (2016).pdf | 2.67 MB |
Keller - Democracy Betrayed; the Rise of the Surveillance Security State (2017).epub | 2.45 MB |
Whitehouse & Stinnett - Captured; the Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy (2017).pdf | 2.35 MB |
May - Bending Toward Justice; the Voting Rights Act and the Transformation of American Democracy (2013).epub | 1.97 MB |
Denton & Voth - Social Fragmentation and the Decline of American Democracy; the End of the Social Contract (2017).pdf | 1.94 MB |
Boyett - Won't Get Fooled Again; a Voter's Guide to Seeing through the Lies, Getting Past the Propaganda .. (2008).pdf | 1.93 MB |
Brennan - Against Democracy (2016).pdf | 1.80 MB |
Kettell - Dirty Politics; New Labour, British Democracy and the Invasion of Iraq (2006).pdf | 1.78 MB |
Legutko - The Demon in Democracy; Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies (2016).pdf | 1.70 MB |
Signer - Demagogue; The Fight to Save Democracy from Its Worst Enemies (2009).pdf | 1.68 MB |
Kultgen & Lenzi (Eds.) - Problems for Democracy (2006).pdf | 1.46 MB |
Waldman - The Fight to Vote (2016).epub | 1.33 MB |
Bauman & Bordoni - State of Crisis (2014).pdf | 954 KB |
Varoufakis - Adults in the Room; My Battle with Europe's Deep Establishment (2017).epub | 715 KB |
Tyulkina - Militant Democracy; Undemocratic Political Parties and Beyond (2015).pdf | 710 KB |
Scott - The American Deep State; Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy (2015).epub | 650 KB |
Todorov & Brown - The Inner Enemies of Democracy (2014).pdf | 559 KB |
Nichols & McChesney - Dollarocracy; How the Money and Media Election Complex Is Destroying America (2013).epub | 542 KB |
Minogue - The Servile Mind; How Democracy Erodes the Moral Life (2012).epub | 465 KB |
Agresto - Rediscovering America; Liberty, Equality, and the Crisis of Democracy (2015).epub | 414 KB |
Rabin-Havt - Lies, Inc.; the World of Post-Truth Politics (2016).epub | 361 KB |
Hume - Revolting! How the Establishment are Undermining Democracy and What They're Afraid of (2017).epub | 351 KB |
Hasen - The Fraudulent Fraud Squad; a Sneak Preview from the Voting Wars (2012).epub | 97 KB |
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