Create Tool:uTorrent/1700
Create Time:2007-07-11 23:50:02
File Size:393.14 MB
File Count:636
File Hash:4ae5e68293a806601afadf52c969a7891007e7f5
Adolfo Bioy Casares - Plan de evadare.doc | 498.00 KB |
Alain Robbe-Grillet - Reluarea.rtf | 822.95 KB |
Amicis, Edmondo de - Cuore.rtf | 1.36 MB |
Anderson, Poul/Anderson, Poul - | 455.38 KB |
Anderson, Poul/Anderson, Poul - Operatiunea Haos.rar | 214.74 KB |
Anderson, Poul/Anderson, Poul - Orion va | 570.64 KB |
Anderson, Poul/Anderson, Poul - Pazitorii | 175.34 KB |
Anderson, Poul/Anderson, Poul - Ziua reintoarcerii | 195.39 KB |
Andre Neher - Moise si vocatia iudaica.doc | 648.50 KB |
Andre Vauchez - Spiritualitatea evului mediu.doc | 1.08 MB |
Archer, Jeffrey/Archer, Jeffrey - Nici un ban in plus, nici un ban in | 204.08 KB |
Archer, Jeffrey - Nici un ban in plus, nici un ban in minus.rtf | 843.02 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Bucla inchisa.rtf | 26.21 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Daca te voi uita vreodata, Pamant.rtf | 17.81 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - De-a v-ati ascunselea.rtf | 42.02 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Expeditia spre Pamant.rtf | 30.04 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Intilnire in zori.rtf | 40.50 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Mostenire.rtf | 32.22 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Nemesis.rtf | 53.29 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Sentinela.rtf | 39.04 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Arthur C. Clarke - Superioritate.rtf | 37.64 KB |
Arthur C. Clarke/Isaac Asimov - Ultima intrebare.rtf | 47.64 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Cavernele de | 424.00 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Culegere povestiri.rar | 214.32 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Eu, robotul (colectie).zip | 243.29 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Fundatia 1 - Preludiul | 365.89 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Fundatia 2 - | 199.40 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Fundatia 3 - Fundatia si | 218.98 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Fundatia 4 - A doua | 205.23 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Fundatia 5 - Marginea | 356.93 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Fundatia 6 - Fundatia si | 359.32 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Fundatia 7 - Fundatia Renascuta.rar | 256.17 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - | 278.48 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - O piatra pe | 250.66 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Robotii de pe | 424.07 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Robotii si | 347.72 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Sfarsitul | 337.03 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Soarele | 176.77 KB |
Asimov, Isaac/Asimov, Isaac - Zeii | 208.23 KB |
Atanasie Berzescu - Lacrimi si Sange.rtf | 685.79 KB |
Austen, Jane - Mandrie si prejudecata.rtf | 1.27 MB |
Balzac, Honore de - Eugenie Grandet.rtf | 638.22 KB |
Baudelaire, Charles - | 32.01 KB |
Bauersima Igor/2.jpg | 47.16 KB |
Bauersima Igor/Dsc00102.jpg | 41.36 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway.html | 1.76 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway.txt | 277.79 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway0.html | 4.46 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway1.html | 2.35 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway2.html | 6.95 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway3.html | 2.96 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway4.html | 49.81 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway5.html | 39.57 KB |
Bauersima Igor/ibauersimanorway6.html | 51.32 KB |
Bauersima Igor/logo_liternet200.jpg | 9.81 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway1_1.jpg | 29.38 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway4_1.jpg | 27.68 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway6_1.jpg | 18.12 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway8_1.jpg | 14.60 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norwaycoperta.jpg | 85.74 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norwaytoday_1.jpg | 18.94 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norwaytoday_10.jpg | 25.01 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norwaytoday_2.jpg | 17.49 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norwaytoday_5.jpg | 39.18 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norwaytoday_8.jpg | 31.93 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway_22.jpg | 28.59 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway_32.jpg | 31.02 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway_today_Aalen.jpg | 31.40 KB |
Bauersima Igor/norway_today_Stuttgart.jpg | 30.67 KB |
Beckett Samuel/Samuel Beckett - Asteptandu-l pe Godot.doc | 428.00 KB |
Beckett Samuel/Samuel Beckett - Sfarsit de partida.doc | 271.00 KB |
Beecher Stowe, H. - Coliba unchiului Tom (varianta prescurtata).rtf | 715.71 KB |
Bellow, Saul/Saul Bellow - Traieste | 211.43 KB |
Blatty, William Peter - Exorcistul.rtf | 1.12 MB |
Blixen, Karen - Din inima Africii.ace | 589.68 KB |
Boetius din Dacia - Despre viata filosofului.doc | 302.00 KB |
Borges, Jorge Luis/Borges, Jorge Luis - | 57.38 KB |
Borges, Jorge Luis/Jorge Luis Borges - Opere | 500.38 KB |
Borges, Jorge Luis/Jorge Luis Borges - Opere | 430.51 KB |
Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre.rtf | 1.73 MB |
Bronte, Emily - La rascruce de vanturi.rtf | 971.18 KB |
Brown, Dan/Brown, Dan - Codul lui da | 395.23 KB |
Brown, Dan/Brown, Dan - Conspiratia.rtf | 1.60 MB |
Brown, Dan/Brown, Dan - Fortareata | 399.04 KB |
Brown, Dan/Brown, Dan - Ingeri si Demoni.part01.rar | 232.09 KB |
Brown, Dan/Brown, Dan - Ingeri si Demoni.part02.rar | 215.50 KB |
Bukovski, Charles/Bukowski, Charles - Femei.ace | 251.21 KB |
Bukovski, Charles/Charles Bukovski - femei.doc | 2.08 MB |
Bukovski, Charles/Charles Bukovski - | 517.49 KB |
Bulgakov, Mihail/Bulgakov, Mihail - Roman | 157.95 KB |
Bulgakov, Mihail/Mihail Bulgakov - Maestrul si | 609.71 KB |
Bulgakov, Mihail/Mihail Bulgakov - | 846.63 KB |
Burt, Andrew - Ca praful in vânt.doc | 120.50 KB |
Camus, Albert/Albert Camus - Opere 20.doc | 2.47 MB |
Camus, Albert/Camus, Albert - Caderea.rtf | 227.29 KB |
Camus, Albert/Camus, Albert - Ciuma.doc | 1.05 MB |
Camus, Albert/Camus, Albert - Exilul si imparatia.rtf | 354.13 KB |
Camus, Albert/Camus, Albert - Strainul.rtf | 218.66 KB |
Card, Orson Scott/Card, Orson Scott - Ender 1 - Jocul lui Ender.rtf | 1.22 MB |
Card, Orson Scott/Card, Orson Scott - Ender 2 - Vorbitor in numele mortilor.rtf | 1.73 MB |
Card, Orson Scott/Card, Orson Scott - Xenocide.rar | 303.89 KB |
Carol, Lewis - Alice in Tara | 70.17 KB |
Caroll, Lewis/Lewis Carroll - Alice in Tara | 104.00 KB |
Cars, Guy des - Bruta.rtf | 743.28 KB |
Carsac, Francis - Robinsonii Cosmosului.rar | 175.07 KB |
Cartarescu, Mircea - Dublu CD.doc | 49.00 KB |
Castaneda, Carlos/Castaneda, Carlos - Arta | 216.81 KB |
Castaneda, Carlos/Castaneda, Carlos - Calatorie la | 164.35 KB |
Cehov, Anton P. - Livada de visini.rar | 1.07 MB |
Ch. Challand - George Muller, Viata si Lucrarea.doc | 924.00 KB |
Chandler, Raymond/Chandler, Raymond - Adio, frumoasa mea.rtf | 826.50 KB |
Chandler, Raymond/Chandler, Raymond - Ramas bun pentru veciei.rtf | 1.50 MB |
Chandler, Raymond/Chandler, Raymond - Somnul de veci.rtf | 867.12 KB |
Chester, Tony - Ultima lupta, prima lupta.doc | 106.50 KB |
Cheyney, Peter - Ce le pasa damelor.rtf | 617.82 KB |
Cicerone Ionitiu - Morminte fara cruce.doc | 2.07 MB |
Clarke, Arthur C. - Sfarsitul | 217.34 KB |
Claudio Rendina - Papii - Istorie si secrete.pdf | 673.56 KB |
Coelho, Paulo/Coelho, Paulo - Al cicelea munte.rar | 158.41 KB |
Coelho, Paulo/Coelho, Paulo - Alchimistul | 91.08 KB |
Coelho, Paulo/Coelho, Paulo - Diavolul si domnisoara | 111.13 KB |
Coelho, Paulo/Coelho, Paulo - La raul Piedra am sezut jos si am | 141.52 KB |
Coelho, Paulo/Coelho, Paulo - | 51.68 KB |
Coelho, Paulo/Coelho, Paulo - Unsprezece Minute.doc | 928.00 KB |
Coelho, Paulo/Coelho, Paulo - Veronika se hotaraste sa moara | 142.55 KB |
Cohen, Leonard/Leonard Cohen - Frumosii | 602.76 KB |
Cohen, Leonard/Leonard Cohen - Joaca | 392.75 KB |
Condon, Richard - Familia Prizzi.rtf | 757.25 KB |
Cortazar, Julio/Cortazar, Julio - Cat o iubim pe Glenda.rtf | 496.24 KB |
Cortazar, Julio/Cortazar, Julio - Manuscris gasit intr-un buzunar si alte | 324.37 KB |
Cortazar, Julio/Cortazar, Julio - Toate focurile, focul.rtf | 387.88 KB |
Cortazar, Julio - Manuscris gasit intr-un buzunar si alte povestiri.ace | 266.97 KB |
Dan Chertes - Floarea tacerii.doc | 530.00 KB |
Dante Alighieri/Dante Alighieri - Divina Comedie.rar | 1.13 MB |
Daudet, Alphonse - Tartarin de | 3.35 MB |
David Herbert Lawrence - Curcubeul.doc | 2.00 MB |
Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders.rtf | 901.45 KB |
Dick, Philip K/Dick, Philip K - | 197.30 KB |
Dick, Philip K/Dick, Philip K - Omul din Castelul | 231.94 KB |
Dick, Philip K/Dick, Philip K - Timpul | 194.92 KB |
Dick, Philip K/Dick, Philip K - Vanatorul de | 188.83 KB |
Dickens, Charles - Un colind de Craciun.rtf | 220.79 KB |
Diehl, William/Diehl, William - Chipul raului.rtf | 1.52 MB |
Diehl, William/Diehl, William - Domnie in iad.rtf | 1.23 MB |
Diehl, William/Diehl, William - Fiinta raului.rtf | 1.30 MB |
Dino Buzzati - Monstrul Colombre si alte cincizeci de povest.doc | 1.36 MB |
Dostoievski , F. M/ | 200.27 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Dostoievski , F. M. - Crima si | 496.57 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Dostoievski , F. M. - | 789.22 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Dostoievski , F. M. - Fratii | 1.30 MB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Dostoievski, Feodor - Eternul sot.rtf | 443.10 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Dostoievski, Feodor - Adolescentul.rtf | 2.14 MB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Dostoievski, Feodor - Idiotul.rtf | 2.12 MB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Dostoievski, Feodor - Nopti albe.rtf | 179.17 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Feodor Mihailovici Dostoievski - Opere in 11 volume (Vol 1).zip | 847.55 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Feodor Mihailovici Dostoievski - nuvele si povestiri vol | 958.27 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Feodor Mihailovici Dostoievski - Nuvele si povestiri vol | 839.04 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Feodor Mihailovici Dostoievski - Opere complete (Vol. 11).zip | 667.99 KB |
Dostoievski , F. M/Feodor Mihailovici Dostoievski - Opere complete (Vol. 3).zip | 2.33 MB |
Doyle, Arthur Conan - Crimele din Baltimore.doc | 249.00 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Cavalerul reginei.rtf | 1.15 MB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Cei patruzeci si cinci Vol. | 365.69 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Cei patruzeci si cinci Vol. | 421.53 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Cei trei | 592.92 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Dupa douazeci de | 693.80 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Robin Hood.rtf | 1.82 MB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Vicontele de Bragelonne | 480.72 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Vicontele de Bragelonne | 468.12 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Vicontele de Bragelonne | 458.00 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre - Vicontele de Bragelonne | 335.11 KB |
Dumas, Alexandre/Dumas, Alexandre, fiul - Dama cu camelii.rtf | 768.07 KB |
Eco, Umberto/Eco, Umberto - Insula din ziua de ieri.doc | 1.42 MB |
Eco, Umberto/Eco, Umberto - Numele | 620.22 KB |
Eco, Umberto/Eco, Umberto - Pendulul lui Foucault - Vol | 511.52 KB |
Eco, Umberto/Eco, Umberto - Pendulul lui Foucault - Vol | 394.93 KB |
Eco, Umberto/Umberto Eco - In cautarea limbii perfecte.doc | 1.90 MB |
Eco, Umberto/Umberto Eco - Sase plimbari prin padurea | 146.21 KB |
Edgar Allan Poe/Edgar Allan Poe - Cask Of Amontillado, The.txt | 13.29 KB |
Edgar Allan Poe/Edgar Allan Poe - Masque Of The Red Death, The.txt | 13.67 KB |
Edgar Allan Poe/Edgar Allan Poe - Sphinx, The.txt | 10.20 KB |
Edgar Allan Poe/Edgar Allan Poe - Tell-Tale Heart, The.txt | 10.97 KB |
Edgar Allan Poe/Edgar Allan Poe - The Raven.txt | 45.42 KB |
Edgar Allan Poe/The raven.txt | 6.96 KB |
Elisabeth Eliot - Pasiune si Puritate.doc | 681.50 KB |
Ernesto Sabato - Intre scris si sange.doc | 791.50 KB |
Ernst Cassirer - Eseu despre om.doc | 1.53 MB |
Eugen Cizeck - Roma in timpul lui Nero.doc | 3.08 MB |
Farah Pahlavi - Memorii.rtf | 856.60 KB |
Faulkner, William/William Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!.zip | 464.00 KB |
Faulkner, William/William Faulkner - Lumina de august.doc | 1.89 MB |
Faulkner, William/William Faulkner - Lumina de | 454.11 KB |
Faulkner, William/William Faulkner - Zgomotul si furia.doc | 1.54 MB |
Faulkner, William/William Faulkner - Zgomotul si | 365.64 KB |
Flaubert, Gustave/Gustave Flaubert - A Simple Heart.rar | 34.12 KB |
Flaubert, Gustave/Gustave Flaubert - La Légende de Saint Julien l'Hospitalier.rar | 639.14 KB |
Flaubert, Gustave/Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary.rar | 639.09 KB |
Flaubert, Gustave/Gustave Flaubert - Mémoires d'un Fou.rar | 99.47 KB |
Flaubert, Gustave/Gustave Flaubert - Un Coeur Simple.rar | 65.89 KB |
Fleming, Ian - 007 - Traieste si lasa-i pe ceilalti sa moara.rtf | 638.15 KB |
Florence Scovell-Shin - Jocul Vietii.doc | 133.50 KB |
Forbes, Colin - Terminal.rtf | 1.02 MB |
Forsyth, Frederick - Negociatorul.rtf | 1.54 MB |
Franz Brentano - Despre multipla semnificatie a fiintei la Aristotel.doc | 1.45 MB |
Friedrich Nietzsche/Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good & Evil.txt | 81.12 KB |
Friedrich Nietzsche/Friedrich Nietzsche - On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense.rtf | 31.95 KB |
Friedrich Nietzsche/Friedrich Nietzsche - The Antichrist.pdf | 368.07 KB |
Friedrich Nietzsche/Friedrich Nietzsche - The Use and Abuse of History.pdf | 333.44 KB |
Frisch, Max/Max Frisch - Homo | 309.05 KB |
Frisch, Max/Max Frisch - Nu sunt | 845.33 KB |
Frisch, Max/Max Frisch - | 207.23 KB |
Fuentes, Carlos/Fuentes, Carlos - | 206.53 KB |
Fuentes, Carlos/Fuentes, Carlos - Gringo viejo.ace | 774.01 KB |
Fuentes, Carlos - Diana.rtf | 454.14 KB |
Galsworthy, John/Galsworthy, John - Forsyte saga 1.rtf | 1.06 MB |
Galsworthy, John/Galsworthy, John - Forsyte Saga 2.rtf | 1.15 MB |
Galsworthy, John/Galsworthy, John - Forsyte Saga 3.rtf | 1.01 MB |
Glenn Bland/Puterea mintii.doc | 64.50 KB |
Golding, William - Imparatul mustelor.rtf | 494.24 KB |
Gordon Thomas - Mossad.rtf | 3.05 MB |
Gradina zeitei de Jad - Povestiri chinezesti.rtf | 3.19 MB |
Greg King - Regele nebun.rtf | 1016.92 KB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - Avocatul | 285.19 KB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - Camera mortii.rtf | 2.09 MB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - Cazul | 299.23 KB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - | 445.31 KB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - | 404.90 KB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - Juriul.rtf | 1.39 MB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - Si vreme e ca sa ucizi.rtf | 1.31 MB |
Grisham, John/Grisham, John - Testamentul.rtf | 1.06 MB | | 179.51 KB |
Gyr, Radu - | 95.26 KB |
H.G. Wells - The New Machiavelli/index-1.html | 5.34 KB |
H.G. Wells - The New Machiavelli/index-2.html | 5.31 KB |
H.G. Wells - The New Machiavelli/index-3.html | 5.36 KB |
H.G. Wells - The New Machiavelli/index-4.html | 5.12 KB |
H.G. Wells - The New Machiavelli/index.html | 8.96 KB |
H.G. Wells - The New Machiavelli/literature.css | 906 B |
Hammett, Dashiell - Soimul maltez.rtf | 788.01 KB |
Hannah Pakula - Ultima Romantica - Regina Maria a Romaniei.rtf | 1.92 MB |
Harriet Lummis Smith/Harriet Lummis Smith - Pollyanna (Secretul Multumirii) Vol1.doc | 870.50 KB |
Harriet Lummis Smith/Harriet Lummis Smith - Pollyanna (Secretul Multumirii) Vol2.doc | 1003.50 KB |
Harriet Lummis Smith/Harriet Lummis Smith - Pollyanna (Secretul Multumirii) Vol3.doc | 944.00 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 01 Legiunea | 222.53 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 02 Blindatele | 211.88 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 03 Camarazi de | 202.21 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 04 Batalion de | 249.16 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 05 | 307.64 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 06 Monte | 1.03 MB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 07 Lichidati | 254.45 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 08 General | 247.53 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 09 Imperiul | 226.84 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 10 Moarte si | 191.58 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 11 Drum singeros catre | 322.11 KB |
Hassel, Sven/Hassel, Sven - 12 - Batalion_de_mars.rar | 295.00 KB |
Hawking, Stephen - Scurta istorie atimpului.rar | 98.56 KB |
Heidegger Martin/Martin Heidegger - Introducere in metafizica.doc | 1.12 MB |
Heidegger Martin/Martin Heidegger - Originea operei de arta.doc | 1.67 MB |
Heinlein, Robert A. - Luna e o doamna cruda.rtf | 1.40 MB |
Hemingway, Ernest - | 190.82 KB |
Herbert Frank/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune - House Atreides.pdf | 926.26 KB |
Herbert Frank/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune - House Harkonnen.pdf | 951.51 KB |
Herbert Frank/Frank Herbert - Dune 1 - Dune.pdf | 3.27 MB |
Herbert Frank/Frank Herbert - Dune 2 - Dune Messiah.pdf | 375.05 KB |
Herbert Frank/Frank Herbert - Dune 3 - Children of Dune.pdf | 643.68 KB |
Herbert Frank/Frank Herbert - Dune 4 - God Emporer of Dune.pdf | 608.75 KB |
Herbert Frank/Frank Herbert - Dune 5 - Heretics of Dune.pdf | 761.37 KB |
Herbert Frank/Frank Herbert - Dune 6 - Chapterhouse Dune.pdf | 701.61 KB |
Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill/Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill - Bill - Pandora 1 - Incidentul Iisus.rtf | 1.96 MB |
Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill/Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill - Pandora 2 - Efectul Lazar.rtf | 1.93 MB |
Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill/Herbert, Frank & Ransom, Bill - Pandora 3 - Factorul Inaltare.rtf | 1.58 MB |
Hesse, Hermann/Hesse, Hermann - Calatoria spre | 58.56 KB |
Hesse, Hermann/Hesse, Hermann - | 146.66 KB |
Hesse, Hermann/Hesse, Hermann - Jocul cu margele de sticla.doc | 1.68 MB |
Hesse, Hermann/Hesse, Hermann - Narcis si | 250.42 KB |
Hesse, Hermann/Hesse, Hermann - | 93.15 KB |
Hesse, Hermann/Hesse, Hermann - Ultima vara a lui | 48.80 KB |
Higgins Clark, Mary - Escrocheria.rtf | 2.06 MB |
Higgins, Jack/Higgins, Jack - Confesionalul.rtf | 2.15 MB |
Higgins, Jack/Higgins, Jack - Pactul cu diavolul.rtf | 903.86 KB |
Higgins, Jack - Pactul cu | 204.12 KB |
Hoffmann, E.T.A. - Elixirele diavolului.rtf | 916.74 KB |
Homer/Homer | 1.16 MB |
Homer/ | 7.07 KB |
Houellebecq, Michel/Michel Houellebecq - Particule | 1.12 MB |
Houellebecq, Michel/Michel Houellebecq - Platforma/Partea 1.doc | 463.50 KB |
Houellebecq, Michel/Michel Houellebecq - Platforma/Partea 2.doc | 855.00 KB |
Houellebecq, Michel/Michel Houellebecq - Platforma/Partea 3.doc | 116.50 KB |
Houellebecq, Michel/Michel Houellebecq - | 417.30 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/00a_pagina_garda.doc | 20.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/00b_cuprins.doc | 20.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/00c_prefata.doc | 49.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/01_capitol_I.doc | 163.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/02_capitol_II.doc | 121.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/03_capitol_III.doc | 173.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/04_capitol_IV.doc | 136.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/05_capitol_V.doc | 111.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/06_capitol_VI.doc | 120.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/07_capitol_VII.doc | 159.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/08_capitol_VIII.doc | 141.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/09_capitol_IX.doc | 134.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/10_capitol_X.doc | 158.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/11_capitol_XI.doc | 180.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/12_capitol_XII.doc | 165.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/13_capitol_XIII.doc | 85.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/99a_bibliografie.doc | 167.50 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica postmodernismului/99b_postfata.doc | 42.00 KB |
Hutcheon, Linda/Linda Hutkeon - Poetica | 630.61 KB |
Huxley, Aldous - Doua sau trei gratii.rtf | 410.71 KB |
Huxley, Aldous - Geniul si | 121.11 KB |
I.S. Turgheniev - Un Cuib de Nobili.rtf | 403.59 KB |
Ibsen, Henric/Henric Ibsen - | 673.89 KB |
Ibsen, Henric/Henrik Ibsen - Volumul | 583.41 KB |
Ilf si Petrov - Vitelul de aur.rtf | 1.22 MB |
Irvin D. Yalom - Plansul lui Nietzsche.doc | 1.74 MB |
Ivo Andric - Cronica din Travnik.doc | 2.17 MB |
J.P Vernant - Omul grec.doc | 1.74 MB |
Jacques le Goff - Nasterea purgatoriului Vol. II.doc | 1.50 MB |
Jean Racine - Teatru.doc | 1.42 MB |
John Arden/John Arden - Azilul fericit.doc | 394.50 KB |
John Arden/John Arden - Dansul sergentului Musgrave.doc | 407.00 KB |
John Brunner - Retelele infinitului.rtf | 520.59 KB |
John C. Maxwell/Cum sa devii o persoana cu influenta.doc | 87.50 KB |
John C. Maxwell/John C. Maxwell-Dezvolta liderul din tine.doc | 144.50 KB |
Jose Saramago - Pestera.rtf | 717.53 KB |
Joyce, James/James Joyce - Portret al artistului in | 302.90 KB |
Joyce, James/James Joyce - | 1.10 MB |
Joyce, James - Portret al artistului in tinerete.rtf | 774.08 KB |
Jurgen Habermas - Constiinta morala si actiunea comunicativa.doc | 1.09 MB |
J_K_Rowling/Harry Potter/J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix | 666.36 KB |
J_K_Rowling/Harry Potter/J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter Pocalul de Foc | 572.74 KB |
J_K_Rowling/Harry Potter/J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter Prizonier la Azkaban | 352.89 KB |
J_K_Rowling/Harry Potter/J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter si Camera Secretelor | 293.51 KB |
J_K_Rowling/Harry Potter/J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter si Piatra Filozofala | 225.54 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Franz Kafka - Castelul.doc | 1.48 MB |
Kafka, Franz/Franz Kafka - Procesul.doc | 1.20 MB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka Franz - | 307.72 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka Franz - Verdictul si alte | 203.12 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - Colonia Penitenciara.doc | 173.50 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - In fata legii.doc | 30.50 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - La galerie.doc | 28.00 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - Metamorfoza.doc | 286.00 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - O dare de seama pentru Academie.doc | 72.00 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - Procesul.rtf | 640.36 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - Un artist al foamei.doc | 73.50 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - Un medic de tara.doc | 52.50 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - Unsprezece feciori.doc | 46.50 KB |
Kafka, Franz/Kafka, Franz - Verdictul.doc | 83.50 KB |
Klein, Gerard/Klein, Gerard - Sceptrul | 116.95 KB |
Klein, Gerard/Klein, Gerard - Seniorii | 162.94 KB |
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Kundera, Milan/Milan Kundera - | 387.01 KB |
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Le Carre, John - Omul nostru din | 356.30 KB |
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Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Afaceri de stat.htm | 5.05 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Birocratie management.htm | 5.25 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Cercetare si proiectare.htm | 7.11 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Expertiza.htm | 4.91 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Generalitati.htm | 6.58 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Informatica.htm | 6.65 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Murphologie contabila si juridica.htm | 5.25 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Murphologie transcedentala.htm | 4.64 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Piata.htm | 5.09 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murphy Viata de zi cu zi.htm | 8.81 KB |
Legile lui Murphy/Legile lui Murpy Murphologie.htm | 6.50 KB |
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Llosa, Mario Vargas/Llosa, Mario Vargas - Conversatie la | 1.25 MB |
Llosa, Mario Vargas/Llosa, Mario Vargas - Orasul si | 641.66 KB |
Llosa, Mario Vargas/Llosa, Mario Vargas - Pantaleon si | 284.72 KB |
Llosa, Mario Vargas/Mario Vargas Llosa - Matusa Julia si | 1.57 MB |
Llosa, Mario Vargas/Mario Vargas Llosa - Poti fi oare elvetian.doc | 45.00 KB |
Llosa, Mario Vargas/Mario Vargas Llosa - | 278.02 KB |
Llosa, Mario Vargas/Mario Vargas Llosa - Razboiul sfarsitului lumii.doc | 3.27 MB |
Llosa, Mario Vargas/Mario Vargas Llosa - Scrisori catre un tanar | 165.82 KB |
Lodge, David/David Lodge - Ce mica-i | 2.35 MB |
Lodge, David/David Lodge - Limbajul | 382.55 KB |
Lodge, David/David Lodge - | 2.20 MB |
Lodge, David/David Lodge - Muzeul Britanic s-a | 1.09 MB |
Lodge, David/David Lodge - Schimb de | 572.77 KB |
Lodge, David/David Lodge - Vesti din | 965.25 KB |
Lodge, David/Lodge,David - Ganduri ascunse.rtf | 5.29 MB |
Lodge, David/Lodge,David - Terapia.rtf | 1.80 MB |
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Lovecraft/Lovecraft - Cautarea lui Iranon.rtf | 22.94 KB |
Lovecraft/Lovecraft - Dagon (volum povestiri).rtf | 651.00 KB |
Lovecraft/Lovecraft - Monstrul din prag (volum povestiri).doc | 879.50 KB |
Lovecraft/Lovecraft - Polaris.rtf | 22.53 KB |
Lovecraft/Lovecraft - Zeii ceilalti.doc | 40.50 KB |
Luc Benoiste - Semne, simboluri si mituri.doc | 668.50 KB |
Makine Andrei/Andrei Makine - Crima Olgai Arberova.doc | 1.00 MB |
Makine Andrei/Andrei Makine - Pamantul si Cerul.rtf | 310.59 KB |
Mann, Thomas/Mann, Thomas - Casa Buddenbrook.rtf | 1.94 MB |
Mann, Thomas/Mann, Thomas - Doctor Faustus.rtf | 1.93 MB |
Mann, Thomas - Muntele | 947.90 KB | | 1.08 MB |
Mario Vargas Llosa - Cine l-a ucis pe Palomino | 179.97 KB |
Marlowe, Cristopher - Tragica istorie a doctorului Faust.doc | 319.00 KB |
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Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Cronica unei morti | 3.87 MB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Despre dragoste si alti | 176.73 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Douasprezece povestiri | 368.29 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Stiri despre o | 334.31 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - 13 rinduri pt viata (Cugetari).pps | 461.00 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Aventura lui Miguel Littin clandestin in Chile.rtf | 299.70 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Dragostea in vremea holerei.rtf | 1.32 MB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Generalul in labirintul sau.rtf | 864.88 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Incredibila si trista... (povestiri).rtf | 289.59 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Povestea tarfelor mele | 70.75 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Toamna patriarhului.rtf | 634.06 KB |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Un veac de singuratate.rtf | 1.34 MB |
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Martin, George R.R/Martin, George R.R. - Regii | 43.68 KB |
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Maurois, Andre/Maurois, Andre - Istoria Angliei Vol | 815.59 KB |
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McEwan, Ian/Ian McEwan - Cainii | 181.98 KB |
McEwan, Ian/Ian McEwan - Durabila | 570.16 KB |
McEwan, Ian/ian McEwan - Gradina de | 197.59 KB |
McEwan, Ian/Ian McEwan - | 752.31 KB |
McMullen, Sean - Glasul de otel.doc | 200.00 KB |
Mesa Selimovic - Dervisul si moartea.doc | 1.82 MB |
Michel de Grece - Theodora Imparateasa Bizantului.txt | 624.52 KB |
Michel Foucault - A supraveghia si a pedepsi.doc | 2.06 MB |
Miller, Walter M. Jr - Cantica pentru | 398.37 KB |
Mircea Berinde - Paravanul venetian.rtf | 662.34 KB |
Mitchell, Margaret - Pe aripile | 1.01 MB |
Mose Dayan - Istoria vietii mele.rtf | 1.61 MB |
Mulford Prentice - In zarea nemuririi.doc | 507.50 KB |
Muller, Marcia - Trofee si lucruri moarte.rtf | 818.67 KB |
Murakami, Haruki/Haruki Murakami - Dans, dans, | 482.35 KB |
Murakami, Haruki/Haruki Murakami - In cautarea oii fantastice.doc | 1.58 MB |
Murakami, Haruki/Haruki Murakami - Iubita mea | 164.08 KB |
Murakami, Haruki/Haruki Murakami - La sud de | 230.15 KB |
Murakami, Haruki/haruki murakami - Padurea | 520.07 KB |
Nabokov, Vladimir/Vladimir Nabokov - Ada sau ardoarea.doc | 2.79 MB |
Nabokov, Vladimir/Vladimir Nabokov - | 517.36 KB |
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Nicholas, Preston B. & Moon, Peter/Nicholas, Preston B. & Moon, Peter - Proiectul Montauk - Experimente in | 730.00 KB |
Nicolas Stebing - Anglicanism si Ortodoxie.doc | 442.00 KB |
Niven, Larry/Niven, Larry - Inginerii Lumii Inelare.rar | 384.36 KB |
Niven, Larry/Niven, Larry - Lumea Inelara.rar | 330.79 KB |
Niven, Larry/Niven, Larry - Tronul Lumii Inelare.rar | 292.87 KB |
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Nostradamus/Nostradamus' Prophecy on WWIII.doc | 86.00 KB |
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Nothomb, Amelie/metafizica | 73.31 KB |
Olga Tokarczuc - Calatoriaoamenilor cartii.doc | 819.50 KB |
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Pahlavi, Farah - | 448.71 KB |
Pascal Bruckner - Palatul Chelfanelii.rtf | 215.08 KB |
Pascal Quignard - Sexul si spaima.doc | 888.50 KB |
Paul Ferrini - Linistea Inimii.doc | 1.02 MB |
Paul Feval/Paul Feval - La Croix-Miracle.html | 18.95 KB |
Pirandello, Luigi - Unul, nici unul si o suta de mii.ace | 109.48 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Edgar Alan Poe - Crimele din Rue Morguet si Misterul Mariei .zip | 121.24 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Edgar Alan Poe - Schite, nuvele, | 873.64 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - Berenice.rtf | 33.42 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - Hruba si pendulul.rtf | 49.92 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - Jucatorul de sah al lui Maelzel.rtf | 80.73 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - Masca mortii rosii.rtf | 22.64 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - Metzengernstein.rtf | 27.44 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - Misterul Mariei Roget.rtf | 168.05 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - Un vis.rtf | 11.67 KB |
Poe, Edgar Alan/Poe, Edgar Allan - William Wilson.rtf | 70.91 KB |
Porfir Fenicianul - Isagoga.doc | 393.00 KB |
Preston B Nicholas & Peter Moon/Preston B. Nicholas & Peter Moon - Montauk Revizitat Aventuri in sincronicitate.doc | 1.18 MB |
Preston B Nicholas & Peter Moon/Preston B. Nicholas & Peter Moon - Proiectul Montauk Experimente in timp.doc | 1.11 MB |
Proust, Marcel/Marcel Proust - In cautarea timpului pierdut(Vol. 5-6).zip | 896.69 KB |
Proust, Marcel/Marcel Proust - Plecarea Albertinei.rtf | 997.22 KB |
Proust, Marcel/Marcel Proust - Prizoniera.rtf | 1.07 MB |
Proust, Marcel/Marcel Proust - Sodoma si Gomora.rtf | 2.04 MB |
Proust, Marcel/Marcel Proust - Swan.rtf | 1.69 MB |
Puskin, A. S/Puskin, A. S. - Fata capitanului.rtf | 305.53 KB |
Puskin, A. S/Puskin, A.S. - Dama de pica.rtf | 76.20 KB |
Puskin, A. S. - Fata | 93.61 KB |
Quinn, Chelsea - Yarbro.rtf | 1.31 MB |
Rabelais, Francois - Gargantua si Pantagruel.rtf | 2.40 MB |
Reverte, Arturo Perez - Tabloul flamand.rtf | 815.13 KB |
Ribot Theodule - Memoria si patologia ei.doc | 1.35 MB |
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Rice, Anne/Rice, Anne - Cronicile vampirilor 2 - Vampirul Lestat.rtf | 1.82 MB |
Rice, Anne/Rice, Anne - Cronicile vampirilor 3 - Regina damnatilor.rtf | 1.79 MB |
Rice, Anne/Rice, Anne - Cronicile vampirilor 4 - Povestea hotului de trupuri.doc | 2.05 MB |
Rice, Anne/Rice, Anne - Cronicile vampirilor 5 - Diavolul Memnoch.rtf | 1.13 MB |
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Ryu Mukarami - Albastru nemarginit, aproape | 88.06 KB |
Sabato, Ernesto/Sabato, Ernesto - Abaddon exterminatorul.rtf | 1.26 MB |
Sabato, Ernesto/Sabato, Ernesto - Tunelul.rtf | 255.82 KB |
Sade/Sade - Decameronul frantuzesc.rtf | 262.22 KB |
Sade/Sade - Justine.rtf | 343.61 KB |
Sallinger, J. D/J.D. Sallinger - Franny si | 260.80 KB |
Sallinger, J. D/Salinger, J.D. - De veghe in lanul de secara.rtf | 947.05 KB |
Sanda Cordos - Lumea.doc | 815.00 KB |
Saramago, Jose/Saramago, Jose - Pluta de piatra.ace | 229.35 KB |
Saramago, Jose/Saramago, Jose - Toate | 183.87 KB |
Saramago, Jose - Toate numele.rtf | 556.91 KB |
Saul Kripke - Numire si necesitate.doc | 942.50 KB |
Saul, John/Saul, John - | 288.50 KB |
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Saul, John/Saul, John - | 327.97 KB |
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Sepulveda, Luis - Jurnalul unui killer | 34.63 KB |
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Steinbeck, John/Steinbeck, John - Soareci si | 115.53 KB |
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Stephen King/King, Stephen & Peter Straub - Talismanul 3.rtf | 928.26 KB |
Stephen King/King, Stephen - Apocalipsul.rtf | 4.76 MB |
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Stephen King/King, Stephen - Carrie.rtf | 1.88 MB |
Stephen King/King, Stephen - Christine.doc | 2.40 MB |
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