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anulV/Manuale rom/Ciofu - Esentialul in pediatrie.pdf | 303.09 MB |
anulV/Ciofu - Esentialul in pediatrie.pdf | 303.09 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Manuale rom/Ciofu - Esentialul in pediatrie.pdf | 303.09 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Ciofu - Esentialul in pediatrie.pdf | 303.09 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manuale rom/Ciofu - Esentialul in pediatrie.pdf | 303.09 MB |
pulm-all/manuale pediatrie/Ciofu - Esentialul in pediatrie.pdf | 303.09 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nutriția/photos malnutrit corijat.ppt | 125.60 MB |
anulV/Manuale rom/Gastroenterologie Pediatrica (C.A. Scan.).pdf | 116.53 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Manuale rom/Gastroenterologie Pediatrica (C.A. Scan.).pdf | 116.53 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manuale rom/Gastroenterologie Pediatrica (C.A. Scan.).pdf | 116.53 MB |
anulV/Manuale rom/Esentialul in pneumologia copilului(scan C.A.).pdf | 113.98 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Manuale rom/Esentialul in pneumologia copilului(scan C.A.).pdf | 113.98 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manuale rom/Esentialul in pneumologia copilului(scan C.A.).pdf | 113.98 MB |
prelegeri/Boala celiacat.ppt | 112.18 MB |
anulV/Manuale rom/Evaluarea practica in pediatrie(scan C.A.).pdf | 77.74 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Manuale rom/Evaluarea practica in pediatrie(scan C.A.).pdf | 77.74 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manuale rom/Evaluarea practica in pediatrie(scan C.A.).pdf | 77.74 MB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/caz clinic Carp.ppt | 41.97 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/caz clinic Carp.ppt | 41.97 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/caz clinic Carp.ppt | 41.97 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/caz clinic Carp.ppt | 41.97 MB |
stud. an V/caz clinic Carp.ppt | 41.97 MB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/Caz Clinic.ppt | 26.62 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/Caz Clinic.ppt | 26.62 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/Caz Clinic.ppt | 26.62 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/Caz Clinic.ppt | 26.62 MB |
stud. an V/Caz Clinic.ppt | 26.62 MB |
prelegeri/Dr.Catalin Carstoveanu/CC_Nutritia parenterala totala.ppt | 26.38 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Ebstein Anomaly.mp4 | 25.89 MB |
neonatologie/Пневмопатии.ppt | 25.56 MB |
rez.all max/Prezentari alergologie gr. 102/Dermatita atopica tratament local.ppt | 23.02 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return.mp4 | 21.57 MB |
PALS familie/Patologia hematologica acuta.ppt | 20.63 MB |
prelegeri/V.Turea/V.Turea.Patologia hematologica acuta.ppt | 20.63 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Patologia hematologica acuta.ppt | 20.63 MB |
stud an V hemat/V.Turea.Patologia hematologica acuta.ppt | 20.63 MB |
prelegeri/Patologia hematologica acuta.ppt | 20.63 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Diateze Hemoragice.ppt | 18.66 MB |
prelegeri/V.Turea/hemostaza.ppt | 17.98 MB |
stud an V hemat/hemostaza.ppt | 17.98 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/PAF Hemato.ppt | 17.78 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Boala Crohn II.ppt | 17.57 MB |
prelegeri/V.Turea/sangele si hematopoeza.ppt | 17.50 MB |
stud an V hemat/sangele si hematopoeza.ppt | 17.50 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/PNA.ppt | 17.39 MB |
neonatologie/prematurii mar.1.ppt | 16.07 MB |
prelegeri/prematurii mar.1.ppt | 16.07 MB |
prelegeri/managem pneum5.doc.ppt | 15.55 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/AS_EKG- ul usor.ppt | 14.89 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_EKG- ul usor.ppt | 14.89 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_EKG- ul usor.ppt | 14.89 MB |
prelegeri/AS_EKG- ul usor.ppt | 14.89 MB |
stud. an V/AS_EKG- ul usor.ppt | 14.89 MB |
neonatologie/adaptarea.ppt | 14.35 MB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/cordul.ppt | 12.97 MB |
anulV/cord/cordul.ppt | 12.97 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/AS_EKG.ppt | 12.82 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_EKG.ppt | 12.82 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_EKG.ppt | 12.82 MB |
prelegeri/AS_EKG.ppt | 12.82 MB |
stud. an V/AS_EKG.ppt | 12.82 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/manual_20de_20radiologie_20si_20imagistica_20medicala._20vol._20i_20-_20toracele.pdf | 12.47 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/manual_20de_20radiologie_20si_20imagistica_20medicala._20vol._20i_20-_20toracele (2).pdf | 12.47 MB |
prelegeri/prelegerE T.RABA 45 MIN | 12.42 MB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Extrasistolii ventriculare.pptx | 11.86 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Transpoziţia completă a vaselor.pptx | 11.38 MB |
prelegeri/nou-născuţii şi ITU.ppt | 10.77 MB |
hemat an 5/Diateze Hemoragice.ppt | 10.62 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Celiachie.ppt | 10.09 MB |
prelegeri/T. Raba Hepatitele,06.10.11.ppt | 9.71 MB |
PALS familie/3. SVBP-PBLS.pptx | 9.66 MB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/DR IORDACHE Intoxicatii cu cardiace.ppt | 9.55 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Patologia Hemoglobinei.ppt | 9.46 MB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/FILME IOT/Combitube Movie.wmv | 9.19 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/Polichistoza renală la copil.pptx | 9.18 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Hemostaza şi DH.ppt | 8.99 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/ghid2397.pdf | 8.92 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/ghid2397.pdf | 8.92 MB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/An Introduction To Long-QT Syndrome.mp4 | 8.92 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Гемолитические анемии.ppt | 8.84 MB |
prelegeri/Boala celiaca la copii.pptx | 8.83 MB |
anulV/an V nefrologie/Polichistoza renală la copil caz.ppt | 8.64 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/an V nefrologie/Polichistoza renală la copil caz.ppt | 8.64 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/Polichistoza renală la copil caz.ppt | 8.64 MB |
prelegeri/Dr.Catalin Carstoveanu/CC_Sindromul de reperfuzie tisulara.ppt | 8.45 MB |
prelegeri/alergia alimentara la copii.ppt | 8.11 MB |
rez.all max/alergia alimentara la copii.ppt | 8.11 MB |
rez.all max/rey.all/PREZENTARE DE CAZ CLINIC.ppt | 8.07 MB |
prelegeri/alim sug.nat cur col.ppt | 7.78 MB |
книга-ПЕДИАТРИЯ.pdf | 7.72 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Semiorenal curs studenti.ppt | 7.43 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/cardio pp.ppt | 7.42 MB |
neonatologie/ingrijirea.ppt | 7.38 MB |
prelegeri/ingrijirea.ppt | 7.38 MB |
prez all/pollinoz- Diaconu Ecaterina.ppt | 7.35 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Malabsorbtie 2011.ppt | 7.35 MB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/Donos-dezv.neuropsih.doc | 7.22 MB |
neonatologie/examin pentru cursanti.ppt | 6.96 MB |
an V+nefr/Semiorenal cursanti.ppt | 6.92 MB |
neonatologie/alimentatia nou nascut_mw.pptx | 6.88 MB |
anulV/an V nefrologie/Semiorenal cursanti.ppt | 6.86 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/an V nefrologie/Semiorenal cursanti.ppt | 6.86 MB |
neonatologie/prematurii mar..ppt | 6.78 MB |
prelegeri/prematurii mar..ppt | 6.78 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Eritrocite Fiziologie.ppt | 5.99 MB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/AS_Insuficienta cardiaca la copil.ppt | 5.95 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/AS_Insuficienta cardiaca la copil.ppt | 5.95 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_Insuficienta cardiaca la copil.ppt | 5.95 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_Insuficienta cardiaca la copil.ppt | 5.95 MB |
prelegeri/AS_Insuficienta cardiaca la copil.ppt | 5.95 MB |
stud. an V/AS_Insuficienta cardiaca la copil.ppt | 5.95 MB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/SDR nou.pptx | 5.85 MB |
pulm-all/SDR nou.pptx | 5.85 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual | 5.84 MB |
hemat an 5/TROMBOCITOPENIILE.ppt | 5.81 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/TROMBOCITOPENIILE.ppt | 5.81 MB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/FILME IOT/LMA Insertion Movie.wmv | 5.77 MB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Ablatia prin radiofrecventa.mp4 | 5.71 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/АФО почек.ppt | 5.68 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Sindromul nefritic.doc.ppt | 5.59 MB |
rez.all max/AlergiaA/AlergAlimClinica.ppt | 5.29 MB |
rez.all max/AlergAlimClinica.ppt | 5.29 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/GLOMERULONEFRITA ACUTA POSTSTREPTOCOCICA.ppt | 5.24 MB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/FILME IOT/IOT Demonstratie Movie.wmv | 5.21 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC.ppt | 5.18 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Diarea cronică.ppt | 5.07 MB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil.ppt | 5.04 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil (2).ppt | 5.04 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil.ppt | 5.04 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil (2).ppt | 5.04 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil.ppt | 5.04 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil (2).ppt | 5.04 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil.ppt | 5.04 MB |
prelegeri/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil (2).ppt | 5.04 MB |
prelegeri/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil.ppt | 5.04 MB |
stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil (2).ppt | 5.04 MB |
stud. an V/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil.ppt | 5.04 MB |
urgente pediatrice/AS_Urgente cardiologice la copil (2).ppt | 5.04 MB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/MaiStasDA_DTA.ppt | 4.99 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemii Hemolitice1.ppt | 4.88 MB |
an V+nefr/ITU LA COPII.ppt | 4.86 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/ITU LA COPII.ppt | 4.86 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/sangele si hematopoeza.ppt | 4.74 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/The Arterial Switch Operation to Treat Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA).mp4 | 4.70 MB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/Spinu Radu anem.megaloblastice.ppt | 4.69 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nutriția/Galerie foto.ppt | 4.65 MB |
prelegeri/TUBULOPATII.ppt | 4.63 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Sindromul Dent.ppt | 4.63 MB |
pulm-all/CIMC_Stasii/E_CONSULTATI Mama.doc | 4.62 MB |
anulV/an V nefrologie/Semiorenal curs studenti.ppt | 4.49 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/an V nefrologie/Semiorenal curs studenti.ppt | 4.49 MB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/grupa101/Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint.pptx | 4.48 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/ANEMIA APLASTICĂ LA COPII.ppt | 4.41 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nutriția/MALNUT~1.PPT | 4.17 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/indica'ie metodica ITU PN/briceni cistita cronica.pptx | 4.08 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/indica'ie metodica ITU PN/cistita la copii prelegere.pptx | 4.08 MB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/GNF cursanti.ppt | 4.02 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/GNF cursanti.ppt | 4.02 MB |
prelegeri/power point-RABOCHII.ppt | 4.01 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Boala Ebstein.ppt.pptx | 3.98 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/tegumentele la copii 2.ppt | 3.96 MB |
rg+imajistica/raze.rar | 3.78 MB |
anulV/Gid asistenta pediatrica spialiceasca.pdf | 3.78 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Gid asistenta pediatrica spialiceasca.pdf | 3.78 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Gid asistenta pediatrica spialiceasca (2).pdf | 3.78 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Gid asistenta pediatrica spialiceasca.pdf | 3.78 MB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/sinus rhythm with ventricular extrasystoles on an ECG heart monitor.mp4 | 3.77 MB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/FILME IOT/IOT Videolaringoscop Movie.wmv | 3.70 MB |
neonatologie/Neonatologie CURS.pdf | 3.68 MB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/FILME IOT/Cricotiroidostomia Movie.wmv | 3.65 MB |
PALS familie/Sindromul HEMOLITICO UREMIC.ppt | 3.54 MB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/LES caz clinic.ppt | 3.50 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/LES caz clinic.ppt | 3.50 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/LES caz clinic.ppt | 3.50 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/LES caz clinic.ppt | 3.50 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/LES caz clinic.ppt | 3.50 MB |
stud. an V/LES caz clinic.ppt | 3.50 MB |
anulV/cazuri clinice hematologie/B.talasemie.pptx | 3.45 MB |
stud an V hemat/B.talasemie.pptx | 3.45 MB |
PALS familie/Raport anual - 2011.ppt | 3.36 MB |
prelegeri/Бронхиальная астма - rom - modern GINA 2006.ppt | 3.32 MB |
rez.all max/Бронхиальная астма - rom - modern GINA 2006.ppt | 3.32 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Pediatria ca disciplina. Examenul obiectiv.ppt | 3.30 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Sindromul Nefrotic1.ppt | 3.25 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/Disritmiile la copii.ppt | 3.24 MB |
an V gastrololie/caz clinic Niemann-Pick (2).pptx | 3.17 MB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/alergia alimentara stasii.pptx | 3.16 MB |
prelegeri/FI_Boala KAWASAKI.ppt | 3.13 MB |
rez.all max/AlergiaA/CazLayel1A.ppt | 3.10 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Patologia Biliara RUS.ppt | 3.07 MB |
anulV/Afectiunele stomacukui si duodenului.ppt | 3.06 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Afectiunele stomacukui si duodenului.ppt | 3.06 MB |
prelegeri/Afectiunele stomacukui si duodenului.ppt | 3.06 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Celule Sanguine.ppt | 3.05 MB |
neonatologie/Icterul cursanti 2009.ppt | 2.99 MB |
neonatologie/sepsisul cur.ppt | 2.96 MB |
prelegeri/Prof.Dr. Mircea Nanulescu/MN_Revarsat pleural.ppt | 2.83 MB |
prelegeri/Sindromul HEMOLITICO UREMIC.ppt | 2.81 MB |
neonatologie/Icterul.ppt | 2.80 MB |
rez.all max/Prezentari alergologie gr. 102/Alergia la acarieni.pptx | 2.80 MB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cas clinic MCC.ppt | 2.75 MB |
prelegeri/Manifectari extraesofagiene.ppt | 2.74 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Sindromul adenomegalic, splenomegalia.ppt | 2.73 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat necomplicat.doc | 2.70 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat necomplicat.doc | 2.70 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat necomplicat.doc | 2.70 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Ciroza Hepatica.ppt | 2.70 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat necomplicat.doc | 2.70 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Dereglări de defecație la sugari.ppt | 2.70 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Semiologia sistemului imun.ppt | 2.68 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemia fierodeficitară Ţurea.ppt | 2.67 MB |
stud an V hemat/Anemia fierodeficitara.ppt | 2.67 MB |
prelegeri/V.Turea/Anemia fierodeficitara.ppt | 2.67 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/102. Cancerul glandei mamare.doc | 2.67 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/102. Cancerul glandei mamare.doc | 2.67 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/102. Cancerul glandei mamare.doc | 2.67 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/102. Cancerul glandei mamare.doc | 2.67 MB |
prelegeri/Vasulita hemoragică la copii.ppt | 2.62 MB |
stud an V hemat/Vasulita hemoragică la copii.ppt | 2.62 MB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/Tubulopatii Radu Inga.ppt | 2.60 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/Tubulopatii Radu Inga.ppt | 2.60 MB |
prelegeri/1.C. SITUATII PARTICULAREAB_2.ppt | 2.60 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Glomerulonefrite MT.ppt | 2.57 MB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/FILME IOT/IOT Copil Movie.wmv | 2.57 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/Tubulopatii Radu Inga.ppt | 2.55 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Boala Crohn I.ppt | 2.52 MB |
hemat an 5/CAZ CLINIC tromb.pptx | 2.41 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/45. Maladiile benigne ale glandei mamare.doc | 2.41 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/45. Maladiile benigne ale glandei mamare.doc | 2.41 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/45. Maladiile benigne ale glandei mamare.doc | 2.41 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/45. Maladiile benigne ale glandei mamare.doc | 2.41 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemia fierodeficitară Eşanu.ppt | 2.37 MB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/Cursuri Puericultura.rar | 2.37 MB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/Curs introductiv. Perioade copil..doc | 2.36 MB |
rez.all max/rey.all/Epidermoliza buloasă congenitală.pptx | 2.34 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Tetrada Fallot.pptx | 2.26 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Hemostaza.DH.ppt | 2.25 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nutriția/Carențe nutriționale.ppt | 2.24 MB |
anulV/Pancreatita la copii.ppt | 2.24 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Pancreatita la copii.ppt | 2.24 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/93. Fibroza chistica.doc | 2.20 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/93. Fibroza chistica.doc | 2.20 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/93. Fibroza chistica.doc | 2.20 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/93. Fibroza chistica.doc | 2.20 MB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/93. Fibroza chistica.doc | 2.20 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/93. Fibroza chistica.doc | 2.20 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Pancreatita la copii.ppt | 2.20 MB |
anulV/Manual Ilciuc.doc | 2.17 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Manual Ilciuc.doc | 2.17 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manual Ilciuc.doc | 2.17 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manual Ilciuc (2).doc | 2.17 MB |
pulm-all/CIMC_Stasii/D_Trat.cop_5.doc | 2.12 MB |
anulV/cazuri clinice hematologie/Caz clinic talasemie.pptm | 2.09 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/Miocarditele.ppt | 2.06 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Genetica/Bolile genetice.ppt | 2.05 MB |
Dermatite/dermatita atopica partea I.pdf | 2.04 MB |
terapia desensibilizanta 1.ppt | 2.01 MB |
anulV/Manuale rom/Manual Ilciuc.doc | 1.98 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Manuale rom/Manual Ilciuc.doc | 1.98 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manuale rom/Manual Ilciuc.doc | 1.98 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/FEBRA REUMATISMALĂ ACUTĂ.ppt | 1.97 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/FEBRA REUMATISMALĂ ACUTĂ.ppt | 1.97 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/FEBRA REUMATISMALĂ ACUTĂ.ppt | 1.97 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/Vasculite Sistemice.ppt | 1.97 MB |
PALS familie/MCC la copii 2011.ppt | 1.96 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/Vasculite Sistemice.ppt | 1.96 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/Vasculite Sistemice.ppt | 1.96 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/ITU PNA şi PNC.ppt | 1.95 MB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/grupa101/ALERGIILE MEDICAMENTOASE.ppt | 1.93 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Drenaj venos pulmonar aberant total.pptx | 1.92 MB |
prelegeri/Imunologie.ppt | 1.92 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Sindromul Bernard–Soulier1.ppt | 1.92 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/6112-PCN-53%20FRA.pdf | 1.89 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/6112-PCN-53%20FRA.pdf | 1.89 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/91. Boala Crohn la copil.doc | 1.88 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/91. Boala Crohn la copil.doc | 1.88 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/91. Boala Crohn la copil.doc | 1.88 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/91. Boala Crohn la copil.doc | 1.88 MB |
pulm-all/CIMC_Stasii/B_ApreciatiClasificati..doc | 1.88 MB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/91. Boala Crohn la copil.doc | 1.88 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/91. Boala Crohn la copil.doc | 1.88 MB |
stud an V hemat/caz clinic B-talasemie.ppt | 1.87 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/1. HTA.doc | 1.85 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/1. HTA.doc | 1.85 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/1. HTA.doc | 1.85 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/1. HTA.doc | 1.85 MB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Blocuri atrioventriculare şi de ramură la copil.pptx | 1.82 MB |
anulV/Blocuri atrioventriculare şi de ramură la copil.pptx | 1.82 MB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Coarctatia de Aorta.pptx | 1.79 MB |
prelegeri/DecStasDA_DTA.ppt | 1.78 MB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/Caz clinic.pptx | 1.74 MB |
neonatologie/6272-2_Resuscitarea%20cardiorespiratorie.pdf | 1.74 MB |
prez all/Şocul Anafilactic la copii-Petrasisina Olga.pptx | 1.74 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Fiziologia Sistemului Renal/2.pdf | 1.72 MB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/copil nelin +++ ]ntr.ppt | 1.61 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Genetica/Consultul medico-genetic.ppt | 1.58 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/87.Insuficienta renala cronica sub dializa.doc | 1.56 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/87.Insuficienta renala cronica sub dializa.doc | 1.56 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/87.Insuficienta renala cronica sub dializa.doc | 1.56 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/87.Insuficienta renala cronica sub dializa.doc | 1.56 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Vasculita Hemoragica.ppt | 1.56 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Examenul de laborator in sistemul urinar.ppt | 1.53 MB |
hemat an 5/Vasculita Hemoragica.ppt | 1.53 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/caz clinic pielonefrita.ppt | 1.51 MB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/Vasculita hemoragica.pptx | 1.50 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/INSUFICIENTA RENALA ACUTA.ppt | 1.48 MB |
prelegeri/Feb_ES_Febra (2).ppt | 1.47 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/DH prelegere.ppt | 1.46 MB |
Dermatite/dermatita atopica partea II.pdf | 1.45 MB |
neonatologie/IRA-pedagogie.pptx | 1.43 MB |
anulV/Manual-Urgentse-Neonatale.pdf | 1.43 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Manual-Urgentse-Neonatale.pdf | 1.43 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manual-Urgentse-Neonatale (2).pdf | 1.43 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Manual-Urgentse-Neonatale.pdf | 1.43 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/Victorina-Cardiologie.pps | 1.40 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/Victorina-Cardiologie.pps | 1.40 MB |
an V gastrololie/porfiria.ppt | 1.38 MB |
anulV/cazuri clinice hematologie/porfiria.ppt | 1.38 MB |
stud an V hemat/porfiria.ppt | 1.38 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/FRA MR.ppt | 1.36 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/FRA MR.ppt | 1.36 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/FRA MR.ppt | 1.36 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemii Hemolitice3.ppt | 1.35 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Tulburarile Hemostazei.ppt | 1.35 MB |
hemat an 5/porfiria.ppt | 1.34 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/ARJ S1.ppt | 1.33 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/ARJ S1.ppt | 1.33 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap1.pdf | 1.32 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/13. Accidentul vascular cerebral ischemic.doc | 1.32 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/13. Accidentul vascular cerebral ischemic.doc | 1.32 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/13. Accidentul vascular cerebral ischemic.doc | 1.32 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/13. Accidentul vascular cerebral ischemic.doc | 1.32 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/GHIDUL_SIMPTOME.doc | 1.29 MB |
Manuale Ghiduri/GHIDUL_SIMPTOME (2).doc | 1.29 MB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/sasa/Tabloul clinic al CH la copii.pptx | 1.28 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/55. Tuberculoza la copil.doc | 1.25 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/55. Tuberculoza la copil.doc | 1.25 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/55. Tuberculoza la copil.doc | 1.25 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/55. Tuberculoza la copil.doc | 1.25 MB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/55. Tuberculoza la copil.doc | 1.25 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/55. Tuberculoza la copil.doc | 1.25 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Limfadenopatia.pptx | 1.25 MB |
anulV/cardio teme/defect septal ventricular.ppt | 1.25 MB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/defect septal ventricular.ppt | 1.25 MB |
cardio teme/defect septal ventricular.ppt | 1.25 MB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/defect septal ventricular.ppt | 1.24 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/ARJ S1.ppt | 1.23 MB |
prelegeri/Copy of Trapia antibacteriana.ppt | 1.23 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/92. Colita ulceroasa la copil.doc | 1.20 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/92. Colita ulceroasa la copil.doc | 1.20 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/92. Colita ulceroasa la copil.doc | 1.20 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/92. Colita ulceroasa la copil.doc | 1.20 MB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/92. Colita ulceroasa la copil.doc | 1.20 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/92. Colita ulceroasa la copil.doc | 1.20 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/Aritmii cardiace la copii.ppt | 1.18 MB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/Вскармливание.pdf | 1.17 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/36. Insuficienta renala acuta.doc | 1.14 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/36. Insuficienta renala acuta.doc | 1.14 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/36. Insuficienta renala acuta.doc | 1.14 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/36. Insuficienta renala acuta.doc | 1.14 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/MCC la copii 2010 (forma scurtă).ppt | 1.14 MB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Extrasistole atriale.pptx | 1.14 MB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/Patologia-HEMOSTAZEI.ppt | 1.13 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/SINDROMUL INTESTINULUI IRITABIL.ppt | 1.12 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/67. Boala diareica acuta lacopil.doc | 1.11 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/67. Boala diareica acuta lacopil.doc | 1.11 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/67. Boala diareica acuta lacopil.doc | 1.11 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/67. Boala diareica acuta lacopil.doc | 1.11 MB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/67. Boala diareica acuta lacopil.doc | 1.11 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/67. Boala diareica acuta lacopil.doc | 1.11 MB |
prelegeri/Trapia antibacteriana.ppt | 1.10 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/insuficienta cardiaca cronica 2011.ppt | 1.10 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemiile la copii.ppt | 1.09 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/15. Tireotoxicoza.doc | 1.08 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/15. Tireotoxicoza.doc | 1.08 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/15. Tireotoxicoza.doc | 1.08 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/15. Tireotoxicoza.doc | 1.08 MB |
prez all/hipereactivitatea bronsica-Erhan Marina.pptx | 1.07 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/pilonefrita la copii Prepelita Ecaterina.ppt | 1.07 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/protocol hemofilia.pdf | 1.06 MB |
anulV/semiologie.pdf | 1.06 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/semiologie.pdf | 1.06 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/16. Gripa la copil.doc | 1.04 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/16. Gripa la copil.doc | 1.04 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/16. Gripa la copil.doc | 1.04 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/16. Gripa la copil.doc | 1.04 MB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/16. Gripa la copil.doc | 1.04 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/16. Gripa la copil.doc | 1.04 MB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Fiziologia Sistemului Renal/1.pdf | 1.02 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/63. Hipertensiunea portalaTP.20.05.09.doc | 1.02 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/63. Hipertensiunea portalaTP.20.05.09.doc | 1.02 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/63. Hipertensiunea portalaTP.20.05.09.doc | 1.02 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/63. Hipertensiunea portalaTP.20.05.09.doc | 1.02 MB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/96. MCC.doc | 1.01 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/96. MCC.doc | 1.01 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/96. MCC.doc | 1.01 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/96. MCC.doc | 1.01 MB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/96. MCC.doc | 1.01 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/96. MCC.doc | 1.01 MB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/34. Hipotiroidia.doc | 1.00 MB |
anulV/cas clinic ulcer.ppt | 1.00 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/34. Hipotiroidia.doc | 1.00 MB |
hemat an 5/anulV/cas clinic ulcer.ppt | 1.00 MB |
PCN WORD TOATE/34. Hipotiroidia.doc | 1.00 MB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/34. Hipotiroidia.doc | 1.00 MB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/Endocardita infecțioasă.pptx | 1023 KB |
prelegeri/Endocardita infecțioasă.pptx | 1023 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Burdila Alina (hepatitele la copii).ppt | 1015 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/18. BPOC.doc | 1010 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/18. BPOC.doc | 1010 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/18. BPOC.doc | 1010 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/sdr kartangener.ppt | 1010 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/18. BPOC.doc | 1010 KB |
prelegeri/BRGE.ppt | 995 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/17. Hepatita virala A la copil.doc | 992 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/17. Hepatita virala A la copil.doc | 992 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/17. Hepatita virala A la copil.doc | 992 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/17. Hepatita virala A la copil.doc | 992 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/17. Hepatita virala A la copil.doc | 992 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/17. Hepatita virala A la copil.doc | 992 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap4.pdf | 991 KB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Sindromul de Q-T prelungit.ppt | 988 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/Miocardite prelegere.ppt | 981 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/Miocardite prelegere.ppt | 981 KB |
Miocardite prelegere.ppt | 981 KB |
neonatologie/Resuscitarea cardiorespiratorie. Protocoale.pdf | 975 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/protocol anemia fierodeficitara.pdf | 970 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/82. Insuficienta cardiacala adult.doc | 967 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/82. Insuficienta cardiacala adult.doc | 967 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/82. Insuficienta cardiacala adult.doc | 967 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/82. Insuficienta cardiacala adult.doc | 967 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/19. Ciroza hepatica compensata la adult.doc | 962 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/19. Ciroza hepatica compensata la adult.doc | 962 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap5.pdf | 962 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/19. Ciroza hepatica compensata la adult.doc | 962 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/19. Ciroza hepatica compensata la adult.doc | 962 KB |
pals/Modul curs prevenireadiscriminarii HIV.ppt | 958 KB |
pulm-all/CIMC_Stasii/F_ConduitaSugaruluiRedactat.doc | 954 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/52913169-Reumatism-Articular-Acut.ppt | 952 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/52913169-Reumatism-Articular-Acut.ppt | 952 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/52913169-Reumatism-Articular-Acut.ppt | 952 KB |
stud an V hemat/CAZ CLINIC.ppt | 947 KB |
stud an V hemat/CAZ CLINIC-mincovschii-Sofar.ppt | 947 KB |
stud an V hemat/hemofilia caz clinic.pptx | 946 KB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Bradicardia sinusala.pptx | 944 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemia Fieripriva.ppt | 943 KB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Tahicardia paroxistică supraventriculară (TPSV).pptx | 942 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/76. Artrita reactiva la adult.doc | 940 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/76. Artrita reactiva la adult.doc | 940 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/76. Artrita reactiva la adult.doc | 940 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/76. Artrita reactiva la adult.doc | 940 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/100. Pneumonii comunitare la copil.doc | 929 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/100. Pneumonii comunitare la copil.doc | 929 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/100. Pneumonii comunitare la copil.doc | 929 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/100. Pneumonii comunitare la copil.doc | 929 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/100. Pneumonii comunitare la copil.doc | 929 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/100. Pneumonii comunitare la copil.doc | 929 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/DERMATOMIOZITA LA COPII.ppt | 923 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/DERMATOMIOZITA LA COPII.ppt | 921 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap7.pdf | 920 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemii hemolitice4.ppt | 918 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/50. IRVA la copil.doc | 910 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/50. IRVA la copil.doc | 910 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/50. IRVA la copil.doc | 910 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/50. IRVA la copil.doc | 910 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/50. IRVA la copil.doc | 910 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/50. IRVA la copil.doc | 910 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/58. Pancreatita cronica final.doc | 907 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/58. Pancreatita cronica final.doc | 907 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/58. Pancreatita cronica final.doc | 907 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/58. Pancreatita cronica final.doc | 907 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/80. Endocardita infectioasa.doc | 906 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/80. Endocardita infectioasa.doc | 906 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/80. Endocardita infectioasa.doc | 906 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/80. Endocardita infectioasa.doc | 906 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/ARJ.ppt | 892 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/ARJ.ppt | 892 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/ARJ.ppt | 892 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/2. ASTMUL BRONSIC.doc | 891 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/2. ASTMUL BRONSIC.doc | 891 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/2. ASTMUL BRONSIC.doc | 891 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/protocol bronsita acuta obstructiva.pdf | 880 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/GNA poststreptococica1.ppt | 880 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/95. Icter neonatal.doc | 876 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/95. Icter neonatal.doc | 876 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/95. Icter neonatal.doc | 876 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/95. Icter neonatal.doc | 876 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/95. Icter neonatal.doc | 876 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/95. Icter neonatal.doc | 876 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/protocol purpura trombocitopenika.pdf | 875 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/IReA1.ppt | 873 KB |
anulV/Ghid_explicativ_al_principalelor__ANALIZE_MEDICALE.pdf | 871 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Ghid_explicativ_al_principalelor__ANALIZE_MEDICALE.pdf | 871 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Ghid_explicativ_al_principalelor__ANALIZE_MEDICALE.pdf | 871 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/CAUZELE SINCOPEI.ppt | 871 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/protocol ultima varINFECTIA HERPES simplex pentru ordin.doc | 870 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/Nefropatii eriditare Vlad Ekaterina.ppt | 870 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/protocol ultima varINFECTIA HERPES simplex pentru ordin.doc | 870 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/Nefropatii eriditare Vlad Ekaterina.ppt | 870 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/protocol ultima varINFECTIA HERPES simplex pentru ordin.doc | 870 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/protocol ultima varINFECTIA HERPES simplex pentru ordin.doc | 870 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/protocol ultima varINFECTIA HERPES simplex pentru ordin.doc | 870 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/protocol ultima varINFECTIA HERPES simplex pentru ordin.doc | 870 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/RAA.ppt | 867 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/RAA.ppt | 867 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/RAA.ppt | 867 KB |
prez all/Dermatita atopica-Pelin Olesea.ppt | 867 KB |
prelegeri/Rahitismul.ppt | 860 KB |
pulm-all/CIMC_Stasii/C_DeterminareaTratamentului.doc | 857 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/85. Osteoporoza la adult.doc | 849 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/85. Osteoporoza la adult.doc | 849 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/85. Osteoporoza la adult.doc | 849 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/85. Osteoporoza la adult.doc | 849 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/59. Pielonefrita acuta la adult.doc | 839 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/59. Pielonefrita acuta la adult.doc | 839 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/59. Pielonefrita acuta la adult.doc | 839 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/59. Pielonefrita acuta la adult.doc | 839 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/44. Boala hepatica alcoolica.doc | 827 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/44. Boala hepatica alcoolica.doc | 827 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap3.pdf | 827 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/44. Boala hepatica alcoolica.doc | 827 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/44. Boala hepatica alcoolica.doc | 827 KB |
PALS familie/semiologia sistemului cardiovascular.ppt | 826 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/semiologia sistemului cardiovascular.ppt | 826 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/89. Pielonefrita cronica la adult.doc | 824 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/89. Pielonefrita cronica la adult.doc | 824 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/89. Pielonefrita cronica la adult.doc | 824 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/89. Pielonefrita cronica la adult.doc | 824 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/35. Hepatita virala C acuta la adult.doc | 816 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/35. Hepatita virala C acuta la adult.doc | 816 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/35. Hepatita virala C acuta la adult.doc | 816 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/35. Hepatita virala C acuta la adult.doc | 816 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Caustice.ppt | 808 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/83. Sindromul nefrotic.doc | 805 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/83. Sindromul nefrotic.doc | 805 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/83. Sindromul nefrotic.doc | 805 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/83. Sindromul nefrotic.doc | 805 KB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/Alimentatia in Vasculita hemoragica la copii.pptx | 804 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Diabet insipid.ppt | 800 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/referat Carditele congenitale.pptx | 799 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/referat Carditele congenitale.pptx | 799 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/referat Carditele congenitale.pptx | 799 KB |
cardio teme/referat Carditele congenitale.pptx | 799 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/protocol anemia aplastica.pdf | 786 KB |
stud an V hemat/Caz clinic Hemofilia A..ppt | 785 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/23. Hepatita virala B cronica la adult.doc | 784 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/23. Hepatita virala B cronica la adult.doc | 784 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/23. Hepatita virala B cronica la adult.doc | 784 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/23. Hepatita virala B cronica la adult.doc | 784 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/114 - Glomerulonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 782 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/114 - Glomerulonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 782 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/114 - Glomerulonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 782 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/114 - Glomerulonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 782 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/114 - Glomerulonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 782 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/114 - Glomerulonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 782 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/116. Tulburari afective.doc | 779 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/116. Tulburari afective.doc | 779 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/116. Tulburari afective.doc | 779 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/116. Tulburari afective.doc | 779 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/97. Dereglari de ritm.doc | 778 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/97. Dereglari de ritm.doc | 778 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/97. Dereglari de ritm.doc | 778 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/97. Dereglari de ritm.doc | 778 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/97. Dereglari de ritm.doc | 778 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/97. Dereglari de ritm.doc | 778 KB |
prelegeri/ADENOMEGALIA LA COPII.ppt | 770 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Pitel Ecat Hepatitele.ppt | 766 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/6420-Binder1.pdf | 765 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/reflexe.pptx | 764 KB |
reflexe.pptx | 764 KB |
stud an V hemat/Презентация1.ppt | 755 KB |
hemat an 5/Презентация1.ppt | 751 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/protocol anemii hemolitice.pdf | 749 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/21. Insufucienta renala cronica la adulti.doc | 745 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/21. Insufucienta renala cronica la adulti.doc | 745 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/21. Insufucienta renala cronica la adulti.doc | 745 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/21. Insufucienta renala cronica la adulti.doc | 745 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/6.Infectia meningococica.doc | 736 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/6.Infectia meningococica.doc | 736 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/6.Infectia meningococica.doc | 736 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/6.Infectia meningococica.doc | 736 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/6.Infectia meningococica.doc | 736 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/6.Infectia meningococica.doc | 736 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/22. Hepatita virala B acuta la adult.doc | 734 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/22. Hepatita virala B acuta la adult.doc | 734 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/22. Hepatita virala B acuta la adult.doc | 734 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/22. Hepatita virala B acuta la adult.doc | 734 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/74. Angina pectorală.doc | 730 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/74. Angina pectorală.doc | 730 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/74. Angina pectorală.doc | 730 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/74. Angina pectorală.doc | 730 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/Urolitiaza Rotaru Tatiana.pptx | 728 KB |
anulV/an V nefrologie/Urolitiaza Rotaru Tatiana.pptx | 728 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/Urolitiaza Rotaru Tatiana.pptx | 728 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/an V nefrologie/Urolitiaza Rotaru Tatiana.pptx | 728 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/Urolitiaza Rotaru Tatiana.pptx | 728 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/84. Guta la adult.doc | 726 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/84. Guta la adult.doc | 726 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/84. Guta la adult.doc | 726 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/84. Guta la adult.doc | 726 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/62. Traumatism renal.doc | 720 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/62. Traumatism renal.doc | 720 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/62. Traumatism renal.doc | 720 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/62. Traumatism renal.doc | 720 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/PCN-105 Rahitismul la copil.doc | 716 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-105 Rahitismul la copil.doc | 716 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-105 Rahitismul la copil.doc | 716 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-105 Rahitismul la copil.doc | 716 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/PCN-105 Rahitismul la copil.doc | 716 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-105 Rahitismul la copil.doc | 716 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/101. Bronsita cronica la copil.doc | 715 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/101. Bronsita cronica la copil.doc | 715 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/101. Bronsita cronica la copil.doc | 715 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/101. Bronsita cronica la copil.doc | 715 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/101. Bronsita cronica la copil.doc | 715 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/101. Bronsita cronica la copil.doc | 715 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap6.pdf | 714 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/10.Tulburari mentale -Opiacee.doc | 713 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/10.Tulburari mentale -Opiacee.doc | 713 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/10.Tulburari mentale -Opiacee.doc | 713 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/10.Tulburari mentale -Opiacee.doc | 713 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/Mononucleoza infectioasa redactat pentru ordin.doc | 702 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/Dispensarizarea bolnavilor cu ciroza GONDIU IRA.pptx | 702 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/Mononucleoza infectioasa redactat pentru ordin.doc | 702 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/Mononucleoza infectioasa redactat pentru ordin.doc | 702 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/Mononucleoza infectioasa redactat pentru ordin.doc | 702 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/Mononucleoza infectioasa redactat pentru ordin.doc | 702 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/Mononucleoza infectioasa redactat pentru ordin.doc | 702 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Fiziologia Sistemului Renal/3.pdf | 696 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/73. Hepatita autoimuna.doc | 694 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/73. Hepatita autoimuna.doc | 694 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/73. Hepatita autoimuna.doc | 694 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/73. Hepatita autoimuna.doc | 694 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Colita ulcerativă.ppt | 691 KB |
anulV/cazuri clinice hematologie/minkovscki chaufard.pptx | 689 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap9.pdf | 688 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/SINDROMUL NEFROTIC.ppt | 682 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/78. Dislipidemiile.doc | 679 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/78. Dislipidemiile.doc | 679 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/78. Dislipidemiile.doc | 679 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/78. Dislipidemiile.doc | 679 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/sclerodermie Preentare.ppt | 678 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/sclerodermie Preentare.ppt | 678 KB |
rez.all max/AlergiaA/jetaRusu.ppt | 676 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/simptomele in patologie reno-urinara.ppt | 671 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/94. Sepsisul neonatal.doc | 661 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/94. Sepsisul neonatal.doc | 661 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/94. Sepsisul neonatal.doc | 661 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/94. Sepsisul neonatal.doc | 661 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/94. Sepsisul neonatal.doc | 661 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/94. Sepsisul neonatal.doc | 661 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/24. Hepatita virala C cronica la adult.doc | 654 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/24. Hepatita virala C cronica la adult.doc | 654 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/24. Hepatita virala C cronica la adult.doc | 654 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Gastrita la copii.ppt | 654 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/24. Hepatita virala C cronica la adult.doc | 654 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/51. Scarlatina la copil.doc | 653 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/61. Ascita in ciroza hepatica.doc | 653 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/51. Scarlatina la copil.doc | 653 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/77. Adenomul de prostata.doc | 653 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/61. Ascita in ciroza hepatica.doc | 653 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/51. Scarlatina la copil.doc | 653 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/77. Adenomul de prostata.doc | 653 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/61. Ascita in ciroza hepatica.doc | 653 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/51. Scarlatina la copil.doc | 653 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/77. Adenomul de prostata.doc | 653 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/51. Scarlatina la copil.doc | 653 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/61. Ascita in ciroza hepatica.doc | 653 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/51. Scarlatina la copil.doc | 653 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/77. Adenomul de prostata.doc | 653 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/coarctatia de aorta.pptx | 642 KB |
stud an V hemat/anemiile hemolitice.ppt | 642 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/75. Artrita reumatoida la adult.doc | 640 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/75. Artrita reumatoida la adult.doc | 640 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/75. Artrita reumatoida la adult.doc | 640 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/75. Artrita reumatoida la adult.doc | 640 KB |
an V gastrololie/Prezentare de caz clinic.ppt | 639 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/88. Urolitiaza la adult.doc | 638 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/88. Urolitiaza la adult.doc | 638 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/88. Urolitiaza la adult.doc | 638 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/88. Urolitiaza la adult.doc | 638 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/48. Paraliziile cerebrale la copil.doc | 637 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/56. Encefalopatia hepatica la adult.doc | 637 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/48. Paraliziile cerebrale la copil.doc | 637 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/56. Encefalopatia hepatica la adult.doc | 637 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/48. Paraliziile cerebrale la copil.doc | 637 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/56. Encefalopatia hepatica la adult.doc | 637 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/48. Paraliziile cerebrale la copil.doc | 637 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/48. Paraliziile cerebrale la copil.doc | 637 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/56. Encefalopatia hepatica la adult.doc | 637 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/48. Paraliziile cerebrale la copil.doc | 637 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Tahicardia paroxistică supraventriculară.ppt | 635 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Tahicardia paroxistică supraventriculară.ppt | 635 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Tahicardia paroxistică supraventriculară.ppt | 635 KB |
cardio teme/Tahicardia paroxistică supraventriculară.ppt | 635 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/53. Febra reumatismala acuta la copil.doc | 633 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa (2).ppt | 631 KB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa (2).ppt | 631 KB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa.ppt | 631 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa (2).ppt | 631 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa.ppt | 631 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa (2).ppt | 631 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa.ppt | 631 KB |
stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa (2).ppt | 631 KB |
stud. an V/cas clinic Cardiopatie dilatativa.ppt | 631 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/20. Tulburari mentale -Alcool.doc | 629 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/20. Tulburari mentale -Alcool.doc | 629 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/20. Tulburari mentale -Alcool.doc | 629 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/20. Tulburari mentale -Alcool.doc | 629 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/79.Dermrmatita atopica.doc | 625 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/79.Dermrmatita atopica.doc | 625 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/79.Dermrmatita atopica.doc | 625 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/79.Dermrmatita atopica.doc | 625 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/79.Dermrmatita atopica.doc | 625 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/79.Dermrmatita atopica.doc | 625 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/anemia aplastica burdila.ppt | 624 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Splenomegalia ANNA.ppt | 614 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Genetica/MOŞTENIREA GRUPELOR.ppt | 613 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/MOŞTENIREA GRUPELOR.ppt | 613 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/Pericardite.pptx | 611 KB |
prelegeri/Pericardite.pptx | 611 KB |
Pericardite.pptx | 611 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/3. Pneumonia comunitara.doc | 610 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/3. Pneumonia comunitara.doc | 610 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/3. Pneumonia comunitara.doc | 610 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/3. Pneumonia comunitara.doc | 610 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/Tumorile maligne ale plaminului.doc | 602 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/Tumorile maligne ale plaminului.doc | 602 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/Tumorile maligne ale plaminului.doc | 602 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/Tumorile maligne ale plaminului.doc | 602 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/98. Bronsita acuta obstr. la copil.doc | 600 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/98. Bronsita acuta obstr. la copil.doc | 600 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/98. Bronsita acuta obstr. la copil.doc | 600 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/98. Bronsita acuta obstr. la copil.doc | 600 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/98. Bronsita acuta obstr. la copil.doc | 600 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/98. Bronsita acuta obstr. la copil.doc | 600 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Acidoza tubulară renală.ppt | 599 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/IRA Guzinschi Ecaterina.ppt | 592 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/70. Rujeola la copil.doc | 590 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/70. Rujeola la copil.doc | 590 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/70. Rujeola la copil.doc | 590 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/70. Rujeola la copil.doc | 590 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/70. Rujeola la copil.doc | 590 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/70. Rujeola la copil.doc | 590 KB |
prelegeri/prelegere CID mai 2010.ppt | 589 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Genetica/MOŞTENIREA GRUPELOR Pedagogie.ppt | 589 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/MOŞTENIREA GRUPELOR Pedagogie.ppt | 589 KB |
prelegeri/GENOTIParea umana.pptx | 585 KB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Stenoza aortica.pptx | 582 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/9. Schizofrenie.doc | 582 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/9. Schizofrenie.doc | 582 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/9. Schizofrenie.doc | 582 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/9. Schizofrenie.doc | 582 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/8.Convulsii febrile.doc | 579 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/8.Convulsii febrile.doc | 579 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/8.Convulsii febrile.doc | 579 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/8.Convulsii febrile.doc | 579 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/8.Convulsii febrile.doc | 579 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/8.Convulsii febrile.doc | 579 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/IRA Guzinschi Ecaterina.ppt | 573 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/IRA Guzinschi Ecaterina.ppt | 573 KB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/grupa101/Alergii alimentare.ppt | 571 KB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/tibia final_WMV V9.wmv | 568 KB |
prez all/Презентация1-Cocirta Olesea.ppt | 568 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/SD Brugada.pptx | 563 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/SD Brugada.pptx | 563 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/canal arterial persistent.pptx | 563 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/SD Brugada.pptx | 563 KB |
cardio teme/SD Brugada.pptx | 563 KB |
prelegeri/canal arterial persistent.pptx | 563 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/7. Artrita juvenila idiopaticat.doc | 560 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/7. Artrita juvenila idiopaticat.doc | 560 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/7. Artrita juvenila idiopaticat.doc | 560 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/7. Artrita juvenila idiopaticat.doc | 560 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/7. Artrita juvenila idiopaticat.doc | 560 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/7. Artrita juvenila idiopaticat.doc | 560 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/4. Moartea subita cardiaca.doc | 559 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/4. Moartea subita cardiaca.doc | 559 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/4. Moartea subita cardiaca.doc | 559 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/4. Moartea subita cardiaca.doc | 559 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/PCN-108 Hemofilia la copil.doc | 556 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/FI_Studiu de caz_Kawasaki.ppt | 556 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-108 Hemofilia la copil.doc | 556 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/an.V+reumat cazuri/FI_Studiu de caz_Kawasaki.ppt | 556 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-108 Hemofilia la copil.doc | 556 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-108 Hemofilia la copil.doc | 556 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/PCN-108 Hemofilia la copil.doc | 556 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-108 Hemofilia la copil.doc | 556 KB |
stud an V hemat/PCN-108 Hemofilia la copil.doc | 556 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/26. Infectia enterovirala ala copil.doc | 551 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/26. Infectia enterovirala ala copil.doc | 551 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/26. Infectia enterovirala ala copil.doc | 551 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/26. Infectia enterovirala ala copil.doc | 551 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/26. Infectia enterovirala ala copil.doc | 551 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/26. Infectia enterovirala ala copil.doc | 551 KB |
rez.all max/Prezentari alergologie gr. 102/Аллергия на латекс.pptx | 549 KB |
neonatologie/Afixia.ppt | 548 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/86. Osteoartroza deformata la adult.doc | 547 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/86. Osteoartroza deformata la adult.doc | 547 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/86. Osteoartroza deformata la adult.doc | 547 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/86. Osteoartroza deformata la adult.doc | 547 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap8.pdf | 545 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Fiziologia Sistemului Renal/4.pdf | 542 KB |
prelegeri/Планирование семьи и генетическая консультация.pptx | 538 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/112. nefropatia ereditara.doc | 530 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/112. nefropatia ereditara.doc | 530 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/112. nefropatia ereditara.doc | 530 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/112. nefropatia ereditara.doc | 530 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/112. nefropatia ereditara.doc | 530 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/112. nefropatia ereditara.doc | 530 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/40. Fracturile cotului la copl.doc | 528 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copl.doc | 528 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copl.doc | 528 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copl.doc | 528 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/40. Fracturile cotului la copl.doc | 528 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copl.doc | 528 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/115. Pielonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 522 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/115. Pielonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 522 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/115. Pielonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 522 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/INSUFICIENTA_RENALA_CRONICA_endocrine[1].ppt | 522 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/115. Pielonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 522 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/115. Pielonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 522 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/115. Pielonefrita acuta la copil.doc | 512 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/43. Strabism.FINAL.doc | 512 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/43. Strabism.FINAL.doc | 512 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/43. Strabism.FINAL.doc | 512 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/43. Strabism.FINAL.doc | 512 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/43. Strabism.FINAL.doc | 512 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/43. Strabism.FINAL.doc | 512 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/66. Leucemia mieloida cronica.doc | 509 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/66. Leucemia mieloida cronica.doc | 509 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/66. Leucemia mieloida cronica.doc | 509 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/66. Leucemia mieloida cronica.doc | 509 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/Insuficienta cardiaca.ppt | 507 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/90. Sclerodermia sistemica.doc | 506 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/90. Sclerodermia sistemica.doc | 506 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/90. Sclerodermia sistemica.doc | 506 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Splenomegalie.pptx | 506 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/90. Sclerodermia sistemica.doc | 506 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Colita ulcerativa_+luminari.pps | 504 KB |
anulV/Semiologia practică Simptomatica la copii.doc | 499 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Semiologia practică Simptomatica la copii.doc | 499 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/Semiologia practică Simptomatica la copii.doc | 499 KB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/111111111111111.pptx | 496 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/52. Cataracta la copil.doc | 485 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/52. Cataracta la copil.doc | 485 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/52. Cataracta la copil.doc | 485 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/52. Cataracta la copil.doc | 485 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/52. Cataracta la copil.doc | 485 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/52. Cataracta la copil.doc | 485 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/27. Hidronefroza congenitala la copil.doc | 483 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/29. Hernia diafragmatica congenitala.doc | 483 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/27. Hidronefroza congenitala la copil.doc | 483 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/29. Hernia diafragmatica congenitala.doc | 483 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/27. Hidronefroza congenitala la copil.doc | 483 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/29. Hernia diafragmatica congenitala.doc | 483 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/27. Hidronefroza congenitala la copil.doc | 483 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/29. Hernia diafragmatica congenitala.doc | 483 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/27. Hidronefroza congenitala la copil.doc | 483 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/29. Hernia diafragmatica congenitala.doc | 483 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/27. Hidronefroza congenitala la copil.doc | 483 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/29. Hernia diafragmatica congenitala.doc | 483 KB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/Puericultura tot.doc | 470 KB |
rez.all max/DERMATITA ATOPICĂ A COPILULUI.ppt | 470 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/sasa/Anemia Fe deficit GARABAJII.pptx | 468 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/PCN-111 Anemia fierodeficitara.doc | 464 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-111 Anemia fierodeficitara.doc | 464 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-111 Anemia fierodeficitara.doc | 464 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-111 Anemia fierodeficitara.doc | 464 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/PCN-111 Anemia fierodeficitara.doc | 464 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-111 Anemia fierodeficitara.doc | 464 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/5.Urgente hipertensive.doc | 463 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/5.Urgente hipertensive.doc | 463 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/5.Urgente hipertensive.doc | 463 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Rahitismul la copii.ppt | 463 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/5.Urgente hipertensive.doc | 463 KB |
anulV/11104-Protocolul%20clinic%20na%C5%A3ional%20%E2%80%9EColecistita%20la%20copil%E2%80%9D%20%28aprobat%20prin%20Consiliul%20de%20Experti%20al%20MS%2C%20proces%20verbal%20nr.4%20din%2018.10.2011%29. | 457 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/11104-Protocolul%20clinic%20na%C5%A3ional%20%E2%80%9EColecistita%20la%20copil%E2%80%9D%20%28aprobat%20prin%20Consiliul%20de%20Experti%20al%20MS%2C%20proces%20verbal%20nr.4%20din%2018. | 457 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/99. Aspiratia corpilor straini.doc | 452 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/99. Aspiratia corpilor straini.doc | 452 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/99. Aspiratia corpilor straini.doc | 452 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/99. Aspiratia corpilor straini.doc | 452 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/99. Aspiratia corpilor straini.doc | 452 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/99. Aspiratia corpilor straini.doc | 452 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/41. Plaga penetranta a globului ocular la copl.doc | 448 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta a globului ocular la copl.doc | 448 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta a globului ocular la copl.doc | 448 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta a globului ocular la copl.doc | 448 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/41. Plaga penetranta a globului ocular la copl.doc | 448 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta a globului ocular la copl.doc | 448 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Sindromul Wolff-Parkinson-White.pptx | 441 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Sindromul Wolff-Parkinson-White.pptx | 441 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Sindromul Wolff-Parkinson-White.pptx | 441 KB |
cardio teme/Sindromul Wolff-Parkinson-White.pptx | 441 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/PCN-110 Anemia aplastica.doc | 437 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-110 Anemia aplastica.doc | 437 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-110 Anemia aplastica.doc | 437 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-110 Anemia aplastica.doc | 437 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/PCN-110 Anemia aplastica.doc | 437 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-110 Anemia aplastica.doc | 437 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/PCN-107 Purpura trombocitopenica.doc | 436 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-107 Purpura trombocitopenica.doc | 436 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-107 Purpura trombocitopenica.doc | 436 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-107 Purpura trombocitopenica.doc | 436 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/PCN-107 Purpura trombocitopenica.doc | 436 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-107 Purpura trombocitopenica.doc | 436 KB |
stud an V hemat/PCN-107 Purpura trombocitopenica.doc | 436 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/47. Convulsii neonatale.doc | 434 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/47. Convulsii neonatale.doc | 434 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/47. Convulsii neonatale.doc | 434 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/47. Convulsii neonatale.doc | 434 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Hematopoieza.pdf | 434 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/47. Convulsii neonatale.doc | 434 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/47. Convulsii neonatale.doc | 434 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/Diabetul renal fosfaturic.ppt | 432 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/Diabetul renal fosfaturic.ppt | 432 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/37. Anemie aplastica la adult.doc | 431 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/81. Infarcttul miocardic acut.doc | 431 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/37. Anemie aplastica la adult.doc | 431 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/81. Infarcttul miocardic acut.doc | 431 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/37. Anemie aplastica la adult.doc | 431 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/81. Infarcttul miocardic acut.doc | 431 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/37. Anemie aplastica la adult.doc | 431 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/81. Infarcttul miocardic acut.doc | 431 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/60. Fibrilatia atriala.doc | 430 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/60. Fibrilatia atriala.doc | 430 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/60. Fibrilatia atriala.doc | 430 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/60. Fibrilatia atriala.doc | 430 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/TRANSPOZITIA DE VASE MARI (TVM ).pptx | 429 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/TRANSPOZITIA DE VASE MARI (TVM ).pptx | 429 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/TRANSPOZITIA DE VASE MARI (TVM ).pptx | 429 KB |
cardio teme/TRANSPOZITIA DE VASE MARI (TVM ).pptx | 429 KB |
anulV/cord/prezentări cardiologice!!!!!/Canalul atrio-ventricular.pptx | 427 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/53. Febra reumatismala acuta la copil.doc | 427 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/53. Febra reumatismala acuta la copil.doc | 427 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/53. Febra reumatismala acuta la copil.doc | 427 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/53. Febra reumatismala acuta la copil.doc | 427 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/53. Febra reumatismala acuta la copil.doc | 427 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/prelegeri anemie .ppt | 422 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/54. Astmul bronsic la copil.doc | 420 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/54. Astmul bronsic la copil.doc | 420 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/54. Astmul bronsic la copil.doc | 420 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/54. Astmul bronsic la copil.doc | 420 KB |
pulm-all/CIMC_Stasii/G_Supravegherea.doc | 420 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/54. Astmul bronsic la copil.doc | 420 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/54. Astmul bronsic la copil.doc | 420 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/42. Herpesul oclular la copil.doc | 419 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PROTOCOALE NEFROLOGIE FINAL/protocalele DIABET SI IRA 2/protocol IRA 1 finisat.doc | 419 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/42. Herpesul oclular la copil.doc | 419 KB |
Dermatite/ProtocDACopil.PDF | 419 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/42. Herpesul oclular la copil.doc | 419 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/42. Herpesul oclular la copil.doc | 419 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/42. Herpesul oclular la copil.doc | 419 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/42. Herpesul oclular la copil.doc | 419 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/71. Malformatia luxanta a_soldului la copil.doc | 418 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/71. Malformatia luxanta a_soldului la copil.doc | 418 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/71. Malformatia luxanta a_soldului la copil.doc | 418 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/71. Malformatia luxanta a_soldului la copil.doc | 418 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/71. Malformatia luxanta a_soldului la copil.doc | 418 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/71. Malformatia luxanta a_soldului la copil.doc | 418 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/117. Fetopatia diabetica a nou-nascutului.doc | 416 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/117. Fetopatia diabetica a nou-nascutului.doc | 416 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/117. Fetopatia diabetica a nou-nascutului.doc | 416 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/117. Fetopatia diabetica a nou-nascutului.doc | 416 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/117. Fetopatia diabetica a nou-nascutului.doc | 416 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/117. Fetopatia diabetica a nou-nascutului.doc | 416 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemii hemolitice2.ppt | 410 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/32. Cataracta senila.doc | 405 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/32. Cataracta senila.doc | 405 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/32. Cataracta senila.doc | 405 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/32. Cataracta senila.doc | 405 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblasticela adult.doc | 404 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblasticela adult.doc | 404 KB |
pals/Modul curs PrecautiuniUniversale.ppt | 404 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblasticela adult.doc | 404 KB |
prelegeri/hepatite cronice la copii.ppt | 404 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblasticela adult.doc | 404 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/indica'ie metodica ITU PN/слайд шоу.ppt | 403 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/65. Leucemia limfocitara cronica.doc | 403 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/65. Leucemia limfocitara cronica.doc | 403 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/65. Leucemia limfocitara cronica.doc | 403 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/65. Leucemia limfocitara cronica.doc | 403 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/31. Otita medie cronica la adult.doc | 402 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/31. Otita medie cronica la adult.doc | 402 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/31. Otita medie cronica la adult.doc | 402 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/31. Otita medie cronica la adult.doc | 402 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/слайд шоу.ppt | 401 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/nefrologie caz clinic/слайд шоу.ppt | 401 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Leucemii.ppt | 397 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PROTOCOALE NEFROLOGIE FINAL/protocalele DIABET SI IRA 2/protocol IRA institutional finisat2003.doc | 393 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/CID.ppt | 393 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PROTOCOALE NEFROLOGIE FINAL/protocalele DIABET SI IRA 2/protocol IRA institutional finisat.doc | 392 KB |
neonatologie/sumar....doc | 388 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Sindr.Fanconi.ppt | 388 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/11.Otitammedie acuta la copil.doc | 384 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 384 KB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/PURPURA TROMBOCITOPENICA Pitel Ecaterina.pptx | 384 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/11.Otitammedie acuta la copil.doc | 384 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 384 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/11.Otitammedie acuta la copil.doc | 384 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 384 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/11.Otitammedie acuta la copil.doc | 384 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 384 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/11.Otitammedie acuta la copil.doc | 384 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 384 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/11.Otitammedie acuta la copil.doc | 384 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 384 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Pancreatita acuta.ppt | 383 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/30. Laringita Cronica la adult.doc | 382 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/30. Laringita Cronica la adult.doc | 382 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/30. Laringita Cronica la adult.doc | 382 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/30. Laringita Cronica la adult.doc | 382 KB |
Ghidul_de_buzunar_GINA.pdf | 381 KB |
prelegeri/Prof.Dr. Mircea Nanulescu/MN_Febra.ppt | 380 KB |
prelegeri/ES_Convulsii.ppt | 379 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Sindromul nefroticPM.ppt | 379 KB |
stud an V hemat/hemofilia.pptx | 376 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/64. Limfom-non-Hodgkin la adult.doc | 375 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/64. Limfom-non-Hodgkin la adult.doc | 375 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/64. Limfom-non-Hodgkin la adult.doc | 375 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/64. Limfom-non-Hodgkin la adult.doc | 375 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/defect septal atrial.ppt | 373 KB |
cardio teme/defect septal atrial.ppt | 373 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/103. Policitemia nou-nascutului.doc | 372 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/ANEMIILE LA COPII Pitel Ecaterina.pptx | 372 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/103. Policitemia nou-nascutului.doc | 372 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/103. Policitemia nou-nascutului.doc | 372 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/103. Policitemia nou-nascutului.doc | 372 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/103. Policitemia nou-nascutului.doc | 372 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/103. Policitemia nou-nascutului.doc | 372 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/defect septal atrial.ppt | 371 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/defect septal atrial.ppt | 371 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/protocoale pediatrie/protocol bronsiolita acuta la copil.pdf | 370 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Insecticide.ppt | 365 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/68. Arsurile termice la copil.doc | 363 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/68. Arsurile termice la copil.doc | 363 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/68. Arsurile termice la copil.doc | 363 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/68. Arsurile termice la copil.doc | 363 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/68. Arsurile termice la copil.doc | 363 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/68. Arsurile termice la copil.doc | 363 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PROTOCOALE NEFROLOGIE FINAL/protocalele DIABET SI IRA 2/diabet finisat.doc | 362 KB |
prelegeri/Prof.Dr. Mircea Nanulescu/MN_Pneumotoracele.ppt | 360 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/111anemii hemolitice dobindite TIMOFTI.ppt | 357 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/PCN-109 Anemiile hemolitice.doc | 356 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-109 Anemiile hemolitice.doc | 356 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-109 Anemiile hemolitice.doc | 356 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-109 Anemiile hemolitice.doc | 356 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/PCN-109 Anemiile hemolitice.doc | 356 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-109 Anemiile hemolitice.doc | 356 KB |
stud an V hemat/PCN-109 Anemiile hemolitice.doc | 356 KB |
anulV/14374-PCN-125%20Gastrita%20si%20duodenita%20la%20copil.pdf | 354 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/14374-PCN-125%20Gastrita%20si%20duodenita%20la%20copil.pdf | 354 KB |
neonatologie/Noile ghiduri de resuscitare cardio respiratorie.pdf | 353 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/38. Anemie hemolitica la adult.doc | 351 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/38. Anemie hemolitica la adult.doc | 351 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/38. Anemie hemolitica la adult.doc | 351 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/38. Anemie hemolitica la adult.doc | 351 KB |
hemat an 5/Trombocitopatii.ppt | 346 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/12. Anemiefierodeficitarala adult.doc | 342 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/12. Anemiefierodeficitarala adult.doc | 342 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/12. Anemiefierodeficitarala adult.doc | 342 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/12. Anemiefierodeficitarala adult.doc | 342 KB |
urgente pediatrice/urgențe în pediatrie.ppt | 341 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PROTOCOALE NEFROLOGIE FINAL/protocalele DIABET SI IRA 2/diabet finisat institutionla.doc | 339 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/urgențe în pediatrie.ppt | 339 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PROTOCOALE NEFROLOGIE FINAL/protocalele DIABET SI IRA 2/diabet finisat institutionla 2003.doc | 333 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/14. Tonsilita cronica la copil.doc | 332 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/14. Tonsilita cronica la copil.doc | 332 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/14. Tonsilita cronica la copil.doc | 332 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/14. Tonsilita cronica la copil.doc | 332 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/14. Tonsilita cronica la copil.doc | 332 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/14. Tonsilita cronica la copil.doc | 332 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Bloc sinoatrial.pptx | 331 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Bloc sinoatrial.pptx | 331 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Bloc sinoatrial.pptx | 331 KB |
cardio teme/Bloc sinoatrial.pptx | 331 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/46. Limfom Hodgkin.doc | 328 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/46. Limfom Hodgkin.doc | 328 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/46. Limfom Hodgkin.doc | 328 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/46. Limfom Hodgkin.doc | 328 KB |
rez.all max/Prezentari alergologie gr. 102/Alergia alimentară la fructele exotice.pptx | 327 KB |
anulV/ (1).pdf | 326 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/ (1).pdf | 326 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/2253164303-gview_local_gview_base_mod__ru.js | 323 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/69. Arsurile electrice la copil.doc | 322 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/69. Arsurile electrice la copil.doc | 322 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/69. Arsurile electrice la copil.doc | 322 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/69. Arsurile electrice la copil.doc | 322 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/69. Arsurile electrice la copil.doc | 322 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/69. Arsurile electrice la copil.doc | 322 KB |
pulm-all/urgente in pediatrie.ppt | 320 KB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/URGENŢE POWER POINT.ppt | 318 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/URGENŢE POWER POINT.ppt | 318 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/URGENŢE POWER POINT.ppt | 318 KB |
stud. an V/URGENŢE POWER POINT.ppt | 318 KB |
urgente pediatrice/URGENŢE POWER POINT.ppt | 318 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/ES A+V.pptx | 315 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/ES A+V.pptx | 315 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/ES A+V.pptx | 315 KB |
cardio teme/ES A+V.pptx | 315 KB |
prelegeri/URGENŢE POWER POINT.ppt | 314 KB |
hemat an 5/Purpura trombocitopenică idiopatică (2).ppt | 311 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/Caz clinic Nichita E..ppt | 310 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/Caz clinic Nichita E..ppt | 310 KB |
prelegeri/ASTM BRONŞIC LA COPII modificat.ppt | 309 KB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/grupa101/Rinita non-alergică la însărcinate.pptx | 309 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Boala Von Willebrand.ppt | 306 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/Articol.doc | 305 KB |
prelegeri/Reumatism.ppt | 305 KB |
anulV/an V nefrologie/Petru Martalog ITU.ppt | 302 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/an V nefrologie/Petru Martalog ITU.ppt | 302 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/104.Cancerul gastric.doc | 301 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/104.Cancerul gastric.doc | 301 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/104.Cancerul gastric.doc | 301 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/104.Cancerul gastric.doc | 301 KB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/Alim. sugar curs.doc | 298 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/PCN-106 Vasculita hemoragica.doc | 295 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-106 Vasculita hemoragica.doc | 295 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-106 Vasculita hemoragica.doc | 295 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-106 Vasculita hemoragica.doc | 295 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/Astenia neurocirculatorie prelegere.ppt | 295 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Cardiologie/ecocardiografia.ppt | 295 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/PCN-106 Vasculita hemoragica.doc | 295 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/PCN-106 Vasculita hemoragica.doc | 295 KB |
stud an V hemat/PCN-106 Vasculita hemoragica.doc | 295 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/25. Oreionul.doc | 294 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/25. Oreionul.doc | 294 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/25. Oreionul.doc | 294 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/25. Oreionul.doc | 294 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/25. Oreionul.doc | 294 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/25. Oreionul.doc | 294 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/DISTONIA VEGETOVASCULARA LA COPII.ppt | 292 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/GLOMERULONEFRITA.ppt | 292 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/cardiomiopatiile congenitale.pptx | 291 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/cardiomiopatiile congenitale.pptx | 291 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/cardiomiopatiile congenitale.pptx | 291 KB |
cardio teme/cardiomiopatiile congenitale.pptx | 291 KB |
neonatologie/Meta – analiza-1.ppt | 291 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Antidoturi.ppt | 289 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/GN Toporet 103.pptx | 287 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/Disectia aortei.pptx | 287 KB |
prelegeri/Disectia aortei.pptx | 287 KB |
prelegeri/COMELE LA COPII - Copy.ppt | 282 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Sindromul Gitelman.ppt | 282 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/insuficienta renala cronica grin olesea.pptx | 280 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/insuficienta renala cronica grin olesea.pptx | 280 KB |
urgente pediatrice/urgente alergologie.ppt | 280 KB |
prez all/laringotraheită alergică- Iovu Cristina.ppt | 278 KB |
prelegeri/Prof.Dr. Mircea Nanulescu/MN_Convulsii.ppt | 276 KB |
pulm-all/CIMC_Stasii/A_Introducere.doc | 269 KB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/grupa101/alergia.ppt | 269 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Ana-Maria Pirojoc.pptx | 268 KB |
PALS familie/3A. ALGORITMUL PALS.ppt | 268 KB |
prelegeri/imunodeficientele primare la copii.doc | 266 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemii Aplastice. Sindrom mielodisplastic.ppt | 265 KB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Fibrilatia ventriculara.pptx | 264 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/ITU.ppt | 256 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemiile Carentiale.ppt | 254 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/VASCULITE DE SISTEM.ppt | 249 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Spinu Radu 'Markerii'.pptx | 247 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/VASCULITE DE SISTEM.ppt | 247 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/VASCULITE DE SISTEM.ppt | 247 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/SNC/Pafnerv.ppt | 246 KB |
rez.all max/rey.all/Caz clinic. Soc anafilactic fulminanat,sepsis.ppt | 245 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/FIBRILATIA ATRIALA.pptx | 243 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/FIBRILATIA ATRIALA.pptx | 243 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/FIBRILATIA ATRIALA.pptx | 243 KB |
cardio teme/FIBRILATIA ATRIALA.pptx | 243 KB |
an V+nefr/Sindromul nefrotic (SN).ppt | 242 KB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/Презентация1.pptx | 240 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/urgente in pediatrie.ppt | 236 KB |
prelegeri/urgente in pediatrie.ppt | 236 KB |
urgente pediatrice/urgente in pediatrie.ppt | 236 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/Infectiile tractului urinar NISTOR L..pptx | 234 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Etilenglicol.ppt | 229 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Salicilati.ppt | 226 KB |
prelegeri/Anemii le carenţiale la copii.ppt | 224 KB |
prelegeri/Diabetul renal fosfaturic.ppt | 223 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/PAF ale aparatului urinar.ppt | 223 KB |
an V+nefr/Diabetul renal fosfaturic.ppt | 221 KB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Синдром Вольфа-Паркинсона-Уайта (синдром WPW).ppt | 220 KB |
pulm-all/ASTM BRONŞIC LA COPII.ppt | 218 KB |
rez.all max/ASTM BRONŞIC LA COPII.ppt | 218 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/113. Insuficienta renala cronica la copil.docx | 214 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/113. Insuficienta renala cronica la copil.docx | 214 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/113. Insuficienta renala cronica la copil.docx | 214 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/113. Insuficienta renala cronica la copil.docx | 214 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/113. Insuficienta renala cronica la copil.docx | 214 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/113. Insuficienta renala cronica la copil.docx | 214 KB |
rez.all max/Scenariu clinic, astm, Felix,2007.ppt | 211 KB |
prelegeri/imunologie.pptx | 207 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/TRATAMENTUL ANEMIILOR- Medvetchi Diana.ppt | 205 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Diateze hemoragice1.ppt | 204 KB |
Manuale Ghiduri/PEDIATRIE MANUAL/manual_cap2.pdf | 197 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Trombocitopatii.ppt | 190 KB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/cas clinic Csrdiopatie toxicoinfecţioasa.ppt | 189 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/cas clinic Csrdiopatie toxicoinfecţioasa.ppt | 189 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/cas clinic Csrdiopatie toxicoinfecţioasa.ppt | 189 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/SINDROMUL LIDDLE.ppt | 189 KB |
stud. an V/cas clinic Csrdiopatie toxicoinfecţioasa.ppt | 189 KB |
hemat an 5/Diateze hemoragice1.ppt | 185 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/Febra Reumatismala la Copil (FILEminimizer).ppt | 179 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/Febra Reumatismala la Copil (FILEminimizer).ppt | 179 KB |
prelegeri/Prof.Dr. Mircea Nanulescu/MN_Activitati medicale la un copil bolnav.ppt | 179 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Reumatologie/Febra Reumatismala la Copil (FILEminimizer).ppt | 179 KB |
rez.all max/prey.all gr 101/grupa101/GENETICA in Astm Bronsic.ppt | 171 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Benzodiazepine.ppt | 170 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/SNC/Sindr. febril, convulsiile febrile.ppt | 169 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Insuficienta Cardiaca Acuta.ppt | 168 KB |
an V gastrololie/prezentare Celiachia.pptx | 166 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Insuficienta Cardiaca Acuta.ppt | 166 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Insuficienta Cardiaca Acuta.ppt | 166 KB |
cardio teme/Insuficienta Cardiaca Acuta.ppt | 166 KB |
prelegeri/INTOXICATII_L_Vasilos.ppt | 166 KB |
anulV/cord/stud. an V/Miocardita Non-reumatica.ppt | 165 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/Miocardita Non-reumatica.ppt | 165 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/Miocardita Non-reumatica.ppt | 165 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/Copy of Copy of managementul hta 180209.ppt | 165 KB |
prelegeri/Miocardita Non-reumatica.ppt | 165 KB |
prez all/edemul Quincke Balaniuc Alisa.ppt | 165 KB |
stud. an V/Miocardita Non-reumatica.ppt | 165 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Decontaminarea Gastro-intestinala.ppt | 164 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/Dieta in anemiile carentiale- Pirojoc Ana-Maria.pptx | 163 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 162 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 162 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 162 KB |
cardio teme/28. Reflux vezico-ureteral la copil.doc | 162 KB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/tab.cent.Ala Holban.doc | 158 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Antidepresive Triciclice.ppt | 157 KB |
an V+nefr/Petru Martalog ITU.ppt | 155 KB |
prelegeri/ADENOMEGALIA LA COPII (2).ppt | 155 KB |
stud an V hemat/Purpura trombocitopenică idiopatică (2).ppt | 155 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Protocol Intoxicatii Acute la Copil.ppt | 147 KB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/sasha trombocitopenie.pptx | 141 KB |
an V gastrololie/Caz clinic Ulcer duodenal.pptx | 139 KB |
anulV/c.c.ulcer duodenal.pptx | 139 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/c.c.ulcer duodenal.pptx | 139 KB |
prelegeri/Malformatii bronhopulmonar.ppt | 139 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/cistita Ecaterina Guzinschi.ppt | 138 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Canal Atrioventricular Comun.ppt | 138 KB |
cardio teme/Canal Atrioventricular Comun.ppt | 138 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/TASNIC MIHAI Masajul nou-născutului.ppt | 138 KB |
prelegeri/CID.ppt | 138 KB |
rez.all max/AlergiaA/TerapiaAA.pptx | 138 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Medvetskii Diana(INSUFICIENTA HEPATICA LA COPII).ppt | 137 KB |
prelegeri/SPLENOMEGALIA LA COPII.ppt | 137 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Canal Atrioventricular Comun.ppt | 135 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Canal Atrioventricular Comun.ppt | 135 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Hemofilia.ppt | 135 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Sindromul antifosfolipidic2.ppt | 135 KB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/DIAGNOSTICUL DE LABORATOR IN VASCULITELE HEMORAGICE.ppt | 134 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Ciroza Hepatica la Copii.pptx | 134 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Petru Martalog ITU.ppt | 133 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nutriția/Tulburările cronice ale stărilor de nutriţie (.ppt | 129 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Bloc Atrioventricular Gradu I, II, III.ppt | 128 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Bloc Atrioventricular Gradu I, II, III.ppt | 128 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Bloc Atrioventricular Gradu I, II, III.ppt | 128 KB |
cardio teme/Bloc Atrioventricular Gradu I, II, III.ppt | 128 KB |
prelegeri/Actualităţi în tratamentul copiilor cu imunodeficienţe primare.ppt | 124 KB |
prelegeri/Document Scrap (2) 'Anemiile fierode...'.shs | 123 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Ciuperci.ppt | 121 KB |
prelegeri/Diareile la copii.ppt | 120 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/Alimentarea prematurilor - Rosu Viorica.ppt | 118 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/Ciroza la copii RUS.ppt | 118 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Examenul clinic al copilului cu patologie a sistemului.pptx | 115 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Paracetamol.ppt | 114 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/40. Fracturile cotului la copil.doc | 111 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat.doc | 111 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copil.doc | 111 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblastice la adult.doc | 111 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat.doc | 111 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copil.doc | 111 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblastice la adult.doc | 111 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat.doc | 111 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copil.doc | 111 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblastice la adult.doc | 111 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Gastrologie/.sindrom_malabsorbtie.pptx | 111 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/40. Fracturile cotului la copil.doc | 111 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/33. Diabet zaharat.doc | 111 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/40. Fracturile cotului la copil.doc | 111 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/39. Anemiile megaloblastice la adult.doc | 111 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/41. Plaga penetranta oculara la copil.doc | 110 KB |
anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta oculara la copil.doc | 110 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/Reumatologie/stud. an V/PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta oculara la copil.doc | 110 KB |
PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta oculara la copil.doc | 110 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Fenotiazine.ppt | 110 KB |
prelegeri/New Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.ppt | 110 KB |
pulm-all/PCN LA COPII/41. Plaga penetranta oculara la copil.doc | 110 KB |
pulm-all/PCN WORD TOATE/41. Plaga penetranta oculara la copil.doc | 110 KB |
prelegeri/cursp puericultura prelegeri/Donos dezv. fizica.doc | 109 KB |
prelegeri/Tuse curs de pediatrie.ppt | 108 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/HEMOFILIA1.ppt | 108 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/Insuficienta renala acuta.pptx | 107 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Timofti Cristina (Ciroza hepatica).ppt | 107 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/Insuficienta renala acuta.pptx | 107 KB |
neonatologie/Managementul copiilor mica_mw.pptx | 100 KB |
anulV/nefrologie anul V/Caz Clinic IRA Meaun Angela.pptx | 98 KB |
hemat an 5/anulV/nefrologie anul V/Caz Clinic IRA Meaun Angela.pptx | 98 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Anemiile megalo.ppt | 97 KB |
anulV/cord/Prezentări cardiologice!!!/Tratamentul de urgenţă a tahicardiilor supraventriculare.pptx | 94 KB |
anulV/prezentări hepatologie an V/Tabloul clinic al CH la copii.pptx | 94 KB |
Dermatite/Dermatite.doc | 91 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Explorari de laborator a aparatului reno - urinar.ppt | 91 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Explorarile paraclinice instrumentale a Sistemului Urinar.pptx | 91 KB |
neonatologie/Реанимация в родовом зале.docx | 90 KB |
prelegeri/COPIL FRECVENT BOLNAV.ppt | 90 KB |
prez all/Astm bronsic indus la efort, Marcel Adam.pptx | 90 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/Caz clinic Nichita E..ppt | 89 KB |
prelegeri/Abdomenul dureros cronic.ppt | 89 KB |
prelegeri/urgente alergologie.ppt | 88 KB |
prelegeri/urgente alergologie (2).ppt | 88 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Hematologie/Trombocitopenii.ppt | 88 KB |
pulm-all/urgente alergologie.ppt | 88 KB |
rez.all max/urgente alergologie.ppt | 88 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/Insuficienţa renală cronică Nichita Elizaveta.ppt | 87 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/PARTICULARITATILE SISTEMULUI URINAR LA COPII.doc | 87 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/semiologie urocultura.pptx | 82 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/SOCUL CARDIOGEN.pptx | 80 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/SOCUL CARDIOGEN.pptx | 80 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/SOCUL CARDIOGEN.pptx | 80 KB |
cardio teme/SOCUL CARDIOGEN.pptx | 80 KB |
pals/4. Aspecte etice in RCP pediatrica.pptx | 80 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/Betablocante.ppt | 79 KB |
prelegeri/diabet insipid!!!.ppt | 79 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Urgențe în MCC.ppt | 74 KB |
urgente pediatrice/Urgențe în MCC.ppt | 74 KB |
prelegeri/Tratamentul de reabilitare.doc | 73 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/nefrologie prog.analitica final/Indicatie metodica ITU final pentru cursanti ciclul nefrologie.docx | 71 KB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/Vasculita Hemoragica la copii.pptx | 71 KB |
neonatologie/11.RESUSCITAREA_CARDIO.doc | 71 KB |
anulV/Hematologie,prezentari,gr.1515/cristina.ppt | 68 KB |
prelegeri/Urgenéle hematologice.ppt | 64 KB |
stud an V hemat/Urgenéle hematologice.ppt | 64 KB |
urgente pediatrice/Urgenéle hematologice.ppt | 64 KB |
anulV/anemiile, gr.1515/manifestari clinice in HCV la copii MALIC.pptx | 63 KB |
an V+nefr/Diabetul insipid nefrogen.ppt | 61 KB |
prelegeri studenţi/Nefrologie/Diabetul insipid nefrogen.ppt | 59 KB |
pals/4_Lista participanti_04-08.06.2012.doc | 58 KB |
pals/Agenda_repartizarea temelor_04-08.06.12.doc | 54 KB |
prelegeri/Tusea cronică | 54 KB |
prelegeri/dezvoltarea fizica.ppt | 53 KB |
prelegeri/PAF neur.doc.ppt | 51 KB |
stud an V hemat/Anemie hemolitica-caz clinic.doc | 51 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/sem_297d078eccaf4382701841bd042dbced.js | 46 KB |
neonatologie/Ludvik.docx | 45 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/nefrologie prog.analitica final/Conţinutul deprinderilor practice la ciclul “Nefrologie Pediatrică” ( Program desfăşurat ).doc | 43 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/Extrasistolele ventriculare.doc | 40 KB |
prelegeri/Extrasistolele ventriculare.doc | 40 KB |
prelegeri/Extrasistolele ventriculare (2).doc | 40 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Clasificarea Vaughan Williams.doc | 39 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Clasificarea Vaughan Williams.doc | 39 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Clasificarea Vaughan Williams.doc | 39 KB |
cardio teme/Clasificarea Vaughan Williams.doc | 39 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/PCN LA COPII/nefrologie prog.analitica final/conferinte clinice si tematici practice.doc | 37 KB |
neonatologie/Natalia Boala hemolitica.doc | 37 KB |
anulV/cardio teme/Co Ao.doc | 35 KB |
anulV/cord/an V cardiol-cazuri/cardio teme/Co Ao.doc | 35 KB |
anulV/cord/cardio teme/Co Ao.doc | 35 KB |
cardio teme/Co Ao.doc | 35 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(10) | 33 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/indicatie metodica SHU la copii.docx | 31 KB |
an V+nefr/nefrologie rezidenti gr. 103/indicatie met.IRA LA COPII.docx | 31 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/TRATAMENTUL ANEMIILOR FERIPRIVE.doc | 31 KB |
rez.all max/AlergiaA/CazClinicAlergieAliment.doc | 26 KB |
an V+nefr/diabet insipid!!!.lnk | 25 KB |
an V+nefr/INSUFICIENTA_RENALA_CRONICA_endocrine[1].lnk | 25 KB |
an V+nefr/indicatie metodica ITU prelucrata.lnk | 25 KB |
an V+nefr/2012 ITU pentru medici.lnk | 25 KB |
prelegeri/prelegeri/PRECURS INTOXICATII/INTOXICATIILE ACUTE LA COPIL -program Chisinau.doc | 23 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(9) | 20 KB |
PALS familie/FILME ABORD INTRAOSOS/Thumbs.db | 11 KB |
prelegeri/ASTM BRONŞIC LA COPII.ppt | 11 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(1) | 5 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(8) | 4 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(6) | 4 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(3) | 4 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(2) | 4 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(7) | 4 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(4) | 4 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview(5) | 4 KB |
stud an V hemat/SEMIOLOGIA SISTEMULUI HEMATOPOIETIC_files/gview | 3 KB |
an V+nefr/Petru Martalog ITU.lnk | 2 KB |
rez.all max/Побочные эффекты аэрозольных форм адреномиметиков.url | 1 KB |
rez.all max/Адреномиметические средства — SportsWiki энциклопедия.url | 1 KB |
rez.all max/RINITA ALERGICĂ LA COPIL.htm | 1 KB |
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