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File Size:18.86 GB
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videos/Ultimate Factories - Ferrari.avi | 699.47 MB |
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catia/[Appz]_DassaultSystemes_CATIA v6R2009 (32bit64bit)_[2008.0908][ISOx2][NOD32_20090121]/DassaultSystemes_CATIA v6R2009 (32bit64bit)_[2008.0908][ISOx2]/Dassault.Systemes.CATIA.v6R2009.32bit.Multilingual.iso | 559.05 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Engineering - Structural - Ansys | 339.63 MB |
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robotics/lec10.mp4 | 264.43 MB |
robotics/lec03.mp4 | 241.40 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/videos/Lec-10 Second Law and Available Energy-I.flv | 236.11 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/videos/Lec-11 Second Law and Available Energy-II.flv | 227.97 MB |
robotics/lec02.mp4 | 227.71 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/videos/Lec-12 Second Law and Available Energy-III.flv | 225.89 MB |
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robotics/lec01.mp4 | 207.14 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/videos/L-9.FLV | 204.92 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/videos/Lec-6 Second Law and Its Corollaries-I.flv | 199.05 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/videos/Lec-7 Second Law and Its Corollaries-II.flv | 197.78 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/videos/Lec-8 Second Law and Its Corollaries-III.flv | 196.93 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/michael j.morgan and howard shapiro/Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics - Solution Manual - 6th Edition [Moran - Shapiro]/FUNDAM~1.RAR | 196.64 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Mathematics_I-lec01 (2).flv | 185.30 MB |
Theory of machine/KOM/Gears/lec39.mp4 | 159.56 MB |
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thermodynamics/basic/videos/Lec-15 Joule-Kelvin ExpansionProperties of Pure Substances.flv | 141.86 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics. Statics. Theory - Meriam, Kraige - Wiley.pdf | 119.23 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Mathematics_I-lec01 (1).mp4 | 110.87 MB |
Theory of machine/DOM/dom videos/video/lec03.mp4 | 110.68 MB |
Theory of machine/KOM/Gears/lec31.mp4 | 106.88 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-21 Solution of Homogeneous&Non Homogeneous Equations.flv | 106.61 MB |
Theory of machine/KOM/Gears/lec33.mp4 | 103.98 MB |
mechanical engg books/Engineering Mechanics Dynamics Fifth Edition SI Version (Solutions Manual).zip | 102.90 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-11 Fourier Series-Part-1.flv | 102.56 MB |
fluid mechanics/MUNSON - solution.pdf | 99.26 MB |
mechatronics software/Mathcad Mechanical Engineering Library 14.0/Mathcad Mechanical Engineering Library 14.0 Retail.rar | 99.17 MB |
Theory of machine/DOM/dom videos/video/NPTEL PHASE 2 - Courses.flv | 97.64 MB |
Theory of machine/KOM/Gears/lec37.mp4 | 96.28 MB |
Theory of machine/KOM/Gears/lec32.mp4 | 95.57 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-1 Lec-7 Bessel Functions And Their Properties-II.flv | 94.98 MB |
Theory of machine/DOM/dom videos/video/lec02.flv | 94.81 MB |
mathematics/Numerical Methods for Engineers 5th Edition - Chapra.pdf | 94.46 MB |
entrepreneurship/Marketing Management 12th edition-Kotler and Keller~GG.pdf | 94.09 MB |
Theory of machine/KOM/Gears/lec38.mp4 | 92.56 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-12 Fourier Series-Part-2.flv | 91.59 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-1 Lec-6 Bessel Functions and Their Properties-I.flv | 80.21 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-1 Lec-6 Bessel Functions and Their Properties-I - YouTube.FLV | 80.21 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/MONTGOMERY.ISO | 76.32 MB |
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mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Abramowitz & Stegun - Handbook of Mathematical Functions [1970].pdf | 70.36 MB |
thermodynamics/Tables.pdf | 69.45 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-19 Second Order Partial Differential Equations-II.flv | 66.79 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-17 First Order Partial Differential Equation.flv | 63.16 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-22 Fourier Integral&Transform Method for Heat Equation.flv | 62.83 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-13 Convergence of the Fourier Series.flv | 60.82 MB |
fluid mechanics/MUNSON - livro.pdf | 60.48 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Zienkiewicz O.C. - Finite Element Method, Vol 1+2+3, 5th Ed [Butterworth Heinmann 2000].zip | 58.97 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-18 Second Order Partial Differential Equations-I.flv | 58.59 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-16 Partial Differential Equation.flv | 58.55 MB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/40.Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Textbook ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 56.63 MB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer-Incropera.pdf | 56.63 MB |
fluid mechanics/Robert W. Fox ,Alan Mcdonald/FOX - solution.pdf | 55.89 MB |
fluid mechanics/2500 SOLVED PROBLEMS in fluid mechanics & hydraulics.pdf | 55.42 MB |
electronics/Digital Systems Principles And Applications [by Ronald Tocci]/Digital Systems Principles And Applications [by Ronald Tocci].pdf | 54.74 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-15 Fourier Transforms.flv | 54.20 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering - Mechanical Systems Design Handbook.pdf | 53.90 MB |
fluid mechanics/Frank m white/WHITE - solution.pdf | 52.48 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-20 Solution of One Dimensional Wave Equation.flv | 50.89 MB |
electronics/48.Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 50.80 MB |
mathematics/videos/Mod-2 Lec-14 Fourier Integrals.flv | 49.71 MB |
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mechanical engg books/The.Gnomon.Workshop.Mental.Ray.Production.Practices.DVD-iNKiSO/i-tgwmrpp.r24 | 47.68 MB |
mechanical engg books/Mechanical Engineering Handbook/Mechanical_Engineers_Reference_Book_12E.pdf | 45.11 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/SMITH, E. H. (1994). Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book (12th ed.)/Mechanical_Engineers_Reference_Book_12E.pdf | 45.11 MB |
videos/1of5 MM Horsepower.flv | 45.09 MB |
thermodynamics/IC Engines/Internal_Combustion_Engines_Fundamentals.pdf | 42.30 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Thermodynamics by PK Nag.pdf | 41.81 MB |
videos/2of5 MM Horsepower.flv | 41.48 MB |
machine design/Design_Of_Machinery__Mechanisms_And_Machines__-_2Nd_Ed.pdf | 40.45 MB |
fluid mechanics/Robert W. Fox ,Alan Mcdonald/FOX - Livro.pdf | 40.30 MB |
Material Science/mechanicalmetall00diet.pdf | 39.37 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Cook, Robert.D - Finite Element Modeling For Stress Analysis [Wiley 1995].pdf | 38.94 MB |
machine design/XJ-AYKGz5LgC.pdf | 38.41 MB |
videos/3of5 MM Horsepower.flv | 38.22 MB |
videos/How To Perform a Butt Weld2.flv | 37.98 MB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/39.Handbook of Thermal Engineering ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 36.31 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/LOBANOFF, V. S. (1992). Centrifugal Pumps - Design and Application (2nd ed.)/Centrifugal_Pumps_2E.pdf | 36.25 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/8c. Law of Sines.wmv | 34.95 MB |
videos/FOUNDRY PATTERN MAKING part 1 Steam Engine tubalcain.flv | 34.50 MB |
mechanical engg books/INCROPERA - solution.pdf | 33.61 MB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/5.Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer solution.pdf | 33.61 MB |
Material Science/25.Corrosion - Corrosion Control ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 33.23 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook.rar | 33.08 MB |
Material Science/24.Corrosion Metal and Environmental Reaction ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 32.78 MB |
mechanical engg books/Mechanical Engineering Handbook/6.Mechanical_Engineering_Handbook ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 32.70 MB |
videos/How to install Torque Converter and Automatic Transmission.flv | 32.48 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/weldin,souldering n brazing/Soldering, Brazing & Welding-A Manual of Techniques - D. Pritchard.pdf | 32.13 MB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/other editions/Callister-Materials Science and Engineering-An Intro 7e Wiley 2007.pdf | 30.54 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/8b. Law of Cosinesl.wmv | 30.13 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook - Third Edition | 29.87 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/measurements.pdf | 29.64 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/18.Centrifugal Pumps ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 29.57 MB |
videos/1of5 MM - Worlds Biggest Machines I.flv | 29.36 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Moaveni, Saeed - Finite Element Analysis, Theory and Application with ANSYS [Prentice Hall 1999].pdf | 29.06 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/McGraw-Hill - Piping Handbook (7e).pdf | 28.84 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/SANKS, R. L. (1998). Pumping Station Design (2nd ed.)/Pumping_Station_Design_2E.pdf | 28.76 MB |
videos/how its made s8 ep6- pistons.flv | 28.67 MB |
fluid mechanics/PIJUSH K. KUNDU,IRA M. COhen/KUNDU_Fluid_Mechanics_2E.pdf | 28.46 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/22.Computational Fluid Dynamics ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 28.02 MB |
mechanical engg books/31.Engineering Analysis with ANSYS ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 27.90 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/43.Refrigeration Air Conditioning 2nd Ed_ McGraw Hill ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 27.64 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/PARISHER, R. A. (2001). Pipe Drafting and Design (2nd ed.)/Pipe_Drafting_and_Design_2E_(scanned).pdf | 27.30 MB |
fluid mechanics/Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications, 10th Edition.pdf | 27.22 MB |
videos/3of5 MM - Worlds Biggest Machines I.flv | 26.74 MB |
som/Mechanics and Strength of Materials - (Malestrom).pdf | 26.44 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/Air Conditioning Engineering - 5th Edition (Malestrom).pdf | 26.17 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/9a. Law of Sines tangent inverse version2.wmv | 26.02 MB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL Thermal Fluid sciences.pdf | 26.01 MB |
videos/Pranav Mistry- The thrilling potential of _SixthSense_ technology-TV-Economic Times.flv | 24.93 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/9a. Law of Sines tangent inverse version1.wmv | 24.83 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/50.Practical Centrifugal Pumps - Design operation and Maintenance ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 24.28 MB |
videos/4of5 MM - Worlds Biggest Machines I.flv | 23.93 MB |
mechanical engg books/17.Book Sandvik Welding Handbook ~ Team Tolly.rar | 23.87 MB |
videos/2of5 MM - Worlds Biggest Machines I.flv | 23.47 MB |
mechanical engg books/Mechanical Vibrations by s.s RAo 2nd edition.pdf | 23.34 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/Toby's Kitchen_ How a clutch works_(360p).flv | 23.16 MB |
fluid mechanics/0495667730MechFluidsB.pdf | 22.95 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/41.Pump Handbook ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 22.80 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering - Materials Selection in Mechanical Design - | 22.53 MB |
fluid mechanics/Fluid Mechanics, 3E, Streeter.pdf | 22.46 MB |
machine design/A Textbook of Machine Design by R.S.KHURMI AND J.K.GUPTA [tortuka].pdf | 22.25 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/yunus a cengel & michael a boles/thermodynamic Solution).pdf | 21.94 MB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/other editions/Callister - Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e HQ.pdf | 21.71 MB |
videos/Fifth Gear Season 17 Episode 5 [1 3].flv | 21.71 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/POPE, J. E. (1996). Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers/Rules_of_Thumb_for_Mechanical_Engineers.pdf | 21.70 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/yunus a cengel & michael a boles/thermodynamics an engineering approach - cengel - boles.pdf | 21.37 MB |
machine design/shigley 9th edn.pdf | 21.29 MB |
videos/How it's made Automatic transmission.flv | 20.96 MB |
thermodynamics/Heat transfer/21.Compact Heat Exchangers, Elsevier (2001) ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 20.89 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/46.Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 20.67 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/9b. part2 Law of Cosines to get the final answers.wmv | 20.51 MB |
mechanical engg books/51.Process Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook_5thEdition ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 19.61 MB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/other editions/Callister - Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e HQ.0001.pdf | 19.58 MB |
videos/Fifth Gear - Ferrari 458 Italia.flv | 19.56 MB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design 8th Edition.pdf | 19.26 MB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Book/Mechanical Engineering Design 8th Ed.pdf | 19.26 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration - (Malestrom).pdf | 18.12 MB |
mathematics/videos/expected value 1.FLV | 17.50 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/MARGHITU, D. B. (2001). Mechanical Engineer's Handbook/Mechanical_Engineers_Handbook.pdf | 17.15 MB |
computers/autocad/13.Autocad 2006 Bible ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 17.01 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/ZAPPE, R. W. (1998). Valve Selection Handbook (4th ed.)/Valve_Selection_Handbook_4E.pdf | 16.60 MB |
Material Science/Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials.pdf | 16.57 MB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Theory of machine khurmi.pdf | 16.15 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Doc/Assembly design.pdf | 15.69 MB |
mathematics/(2) John Bird - Higher Engineering Mathematics.pdf | 15.57 MB |
mathematics/Higher Engineering Mathematics [by John Bird]/John Bird - Higher Engineering Mathematics.pdf | 15.57 MB |
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videos/Sand Core Making Machine Shell Mold Making Machine, Kao Kuen VCD-2.flv | 15.11 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/23.Computational Methods For Fluid Dynamics ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 14.92 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/Mazda Anti-Lock Braking System ABS._(360p).flv | 14.78 MB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Theory of machine khurmi_cropped.pdf | 14.43 MB |
videos/CMTS - Central Melting Furnace.flv | 14.42 MB |
Material Science/33.Engineering Rock mechanics 2 ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 14.13 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Doc/Knowledgeware.pdf | 13.94 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/weldin,souldering n brazing/9.Castings ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 13.56 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/How Disc Brake Works_(360p).flv | 13.40 MB |
Material Science/4.michael ashby and david jones/Engineering_Materials_2E_VOLUME1.pdf | 13.21 MB |
mechanical engg books/The Vibration Analysis Handbook - (Malestrom).pdf | 13.20 MB |
electronics/Introductory Circuit Analysis [by Robert L. Boylestad]/Introductory Circuit Analysis (10th Edition).pdf | 13.02 MB |
mechanical engg books/15.HVAC Fundamentals Heating Systems Furnaces and Boilers ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 12.88 MB |
mathematics/videos/expected value 2.FLV | 12.71 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/mechanical measurement.pdf | 12.54 MB |
fluid mechanics/Frank m white/WHITE - livro.pdf | 12.53 MB |
mechanical engg books/Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice 4th Edition.pdf | 12.42 MB |
mechanical engg books/massey_-_mechanics_of_fluids_Book.pdf | 12.30 MB |
mechanical engg books/massey_-_mechanics_of_fluids_Book (2).pdf | 12.30 MB |
fluid mechanics/massey_-_mechanics_of_fluids_Book.pdf | 12.30 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Part Design/Doc/Part Design.pdf | 12.01 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, 4th Edition - (Malestrom).pdf | 11.78 MB |
Material Science/32.Engineering Rock mechanics ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 11.66 MB |
videos/Foundry Sand Molding.flv | 11.58 MB |
thermodynamics/Heat transfer/CENGEL Heat transfer 2ed - livro.pdf | 11.57 MB |
Material Science/4.michael ashby and david jones/Engineering_Materials_2E_VOLUME2.pdf | 11.49 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/BAI, Y. (2001). Pipelines and Risers/Pipeline_and_Risers.pdf | 11.38 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/4.Engineering Drawing for Manufacture ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 11.30 MB |
mechanical engg books/Vibration_Fundamentals.pdf | 11.15 MB |
mathematics/videos/Binomial Distribution 3.FLV | 10.81 MB |
mathematics/videos/videoplayback_7.FLV | 10.81 MB |
videos/Pipe - Friction Stir Welding.flv | 10.66 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Doc/Generative Drafting.pdf | 10.50 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Engineering Statistics Handbook [Nist Sematech 2003].pdf | 10.38 MB |
control engg/49.Modern Control Engineering P._N._Paraskevopoulos ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 10.36 MB |
mathematics/complex_analysis_for_mathematics_and_engineering-ed3-mathews-how.djvu | 10.35 MB |
thermodynamics/Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 2E/Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 2E/Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 2E.pdf | 10.34 MB |
thermodynamics/Heat transfer/Thermodynamics And Heat Powered Cycles - (Malestrom).pdf | 10.26 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Chung T.J. Computational fluid dynamics (CUP, 2002)(T)(1022s).djvu | 10.08 MB |
mathematics/videos/binomial dis 1.FLV | 9.98 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Doc/Assembly Drafting.pdf | 9.94 MB |
fluid mechanics/Basic Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines By Husain & Abdullah/Basic Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines By Husain & Abdullah/Basic-Fluid-Mechanics-and-Hydraulic-Machines.pdf | 9.80 MB |
videos/How its Made - New tech brakes.flv | 9.62 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/ANSYS - Method of Analysis.rtf | 9.58 MB |
videos/The Herron Casting Machine (2 of 2).flv | 9.48 MB |
mathematics/videos/binomial dis 2.FLV | 9.37 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/B. Unit vectors.wmv | 9.30 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/d. Find component parts of given resultant check.wmv | 9.22 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_02.pdf | 9.16 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/37.Practical Introduction to Pumping Technology, Elsevier (1997) ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 9.15 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_03.pdf | 9.03 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_26.pdf | 8.94 MB |
thermodynamics/Heat transfer/CENGEL Heat transfer 2ed - solution.pdf | 8.71 MB |
videos/Steel drum welder.flv | 8.70 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/8a.Tangent inverse.wmv | 8.69 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/19.Centrifugal Pumps Handbook ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 8.50 MB |
thermodynamics/Heat transfer/3.Heat Transfer Textbook 3rd-edition ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 8.40 MB |
mathematics/videos/1.random variables.FLV | 8.39 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematical Methods For Physics And Engineering - Riley, Hobson/Mathematical Methods For Physics And Engineering - Riley, Hobson/Mathematical Methods For Physics And Engineering - Riley, Hobson.pdf | 8.35 MB |
mechanical engg books/ÇENGEL fluidos - solution.pdf | 8.34 MB |
fluid mechanics/Basic Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines By Husain & Abdullah.rar | 8.22 MB |
electronics/Foundations Of Analog And Digital Electronic Circuit[by Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey H. Lang]/Foundations Of Analog And Digital Electronic Circuit[by Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey H. Lang].pdf | 8.10 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/Clutch tutorial.mp4_(360p).flv | 8.09 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/CalcUnlimited.pdf | 8.04 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_04.pdf | 8.03 MB |
mathematics/videos/1 raandom var.FLV | 7.86 MB |
videos/TIG Welding Technique - Kevin Caron.flv | 7.83 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Getting started.pdf | 7.80 MB |
videos/New folder/Kinematics with MicroStation - Ch02G Steering Gears_(360p).flv | 7.77 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/38.Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 7.75 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/BACHUS, L. (2003). Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps/Know_and_Understand_Centrifugal_Pumps.pdf | 7.75 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/air compressor.pdf | 7.64 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/1.A Histroy Of ThermoDynamics ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 7.63 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/4. vector subtraction.wmv | 7.61 MB |
Machine Drawing/MachineDrawing.pdf | 7.48 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/Braking system - operation principle_(360p).flv | 7.21 MB |
mechatronics software/Mechatronics setup.rar | 7.19 MB |
mathematics/videos/binomial distribution 4.FLV | 7.18 MB |
electronics/Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Second Edition [by Jimmie J. Cathey]/Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Second Edition [by Jimmie J. Cathey].pdf | 7.16 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/6. Multi Vector additionl.wmv | 7.12 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/PTC Pro Engineer & Pro Mechanica Online | 7.09 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch23.pdf | 7.03 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch20.pdf | 7.03 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/doc/NC Manufacturing.pdf | 6.99 MB |
Machine Drawing/TAIL STOCK ASSEMBLY.ppt | 6.99 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/2.vector addition.wmv | 6.94 MB |
Material Science/27.Fatigue Testing and Analysis ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 6.88 MB |
electronics/Advanced Electrical Installation Work [by Trevor Linsley]/Advanced Electrical Installation Work [by Trevor Linsley].pdf | 6.88 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_09.pdf | 6.88 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch38.pdf | 6.82 MB |
thermodynamics/IC Engines/Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine - (Malestrom).pdf | 6.71 MB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/other editions/Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering-Solution Manual 6th Ed.pdf | 6.69 MB |
thermodynamics/IC Engines/Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine - Willard W. Pulkrabek.pdf | 6.65 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Bredensteiner - Schaums Differential Equations Crash Course [McGraw Hill 2003].pdf | 6.51 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Doc/Generative Part Structural Analysis.pdf | 6.47 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/INDEX.pdf | 6.40 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_09.pdf | 6.35 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch22.pdf | 6.33 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/Fish J., Belytschko T. - A First Course In Finite Elements (Wiley, 2007).pdf | 6.29 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/rajput.pdf | 6.22 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch08.pdf | 6.12 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/A. Sine and Cosine used in solving Resultant decomposition.wmv | 6.11 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch04.pdf | 6.08 MB |
electronics/Automating Manufacturing Systems With PLCs [by Hugh Jack]/Automating Manufacturing Systems With PLCs [by Hugh Jack].pdf | 5.94 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_18.pdf | 5.88 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch25.pdf | 5.85 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch26.pdf | 5.83 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_20.pdf | 5.70 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/How Clutches Work_(360p).flv | 5.63 MB |
mechanical engg books/8.Oil And Gas Prodcution Handbook ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 5.58 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/5 vector addition is commutative final.wmv | 5.55 MB |
mechanical engg books/Mechanical Engineering Handbook/Dictionary of Engineering, 2nd Edition - (Malestrom).pdf | 5.54 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Whitworth Quick Return Mechanism_2.3gp | 5.52 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch16.pdf | 5.48 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_22.pdf | 5.47 MB |
mathematics/Basic Engineering Mathematics [by John Bird]/Basic Engineering Mathematics [by John Bird].pdf | 5.47 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_16.pdf | 5.44 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch18.pdf | 5.32 MB |
electronics/Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation [L.A. Bryan & E.A. Bryan]/Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation [L.A. Bryan & E.A. Bryan].PDF | 5.30 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/36.HydroDynamics Of Pumps ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 5.26 MB |
videos/Basics of Gas Welding.flv | 5.24 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/Drum Brakes_(360p).flv | 5.15 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/CATIA V5 presentation.pdf | 5.13 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - HD Video of Radial Engine Done in CATIA V5..3gp | 5.13 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Saouma,Victor E. - Matrix Structural Ananysis (with an Introduction to Finite Elements) [Course Notes 1999].pdf | 5.12 MB |
mechanical engg books/Mechanical Engineering Handbook/Mechanical Engineering Systems - Biswa.pdf | 5.10 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/Advanced_Gas_Turbine_Cycles.pdf | 5.04 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch27.pdf | 5.00 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/3. Vector triangle method.wmv | 4.98 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_05.pdf | 4.91 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_01.pdf | 4.84 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch11.pdf | 4.82 MB |
Machine Drawing/SCREW JACK ASSEMBLY.ppt | 4.69 MB |
Machine Drawing/MACHINE VICE ASSEMBLY.ppt | 4.61 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_21.pdf | 4.59 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch19.pdf | 4.54 MB |
thermodynamics/20.Combustion ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 4.51 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_07.pdf | 4.40 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/Refrigeration _and_Air-Conditioning_3E.pdf | 4.40 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch28.pdf | 4.37 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/Finite Element Metho Solid Mechanics.pdf | 4.34 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch24.pdf | 4.34 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_15.pdf | 4.32 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Zienkiewicz O.C.& Taylor R.L. - The Finite Element Method, Vol 2, Solid mechanics [Butterworth Heinmann 2000].pdf | 4.31 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch39.pdf | 4.29 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch11.pdf | 4.14 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch05.pdf | 4.14 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_18.pdf | 4.12 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_15.pdf | 4.12 MB |
Material Science/CRC Press - Dictionary of Material Science and High Energy Physics - D. Basu (2001) WW [16-06-2008]/CRC Press - Dictionary of Material Science and High Energy Physics - D. Basu (2001) WW.pdf | 4.09 MB |
electronics/Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control [by William Dunn]/Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control [by William Dunn].pdf | 4.06 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_01.pdf | 4.02 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Introduction+to+Basic+Manufacturing+Processes+and+Workshop+Technology.pdf | 4.02 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering and Design - Hydroelectirc Power Plants Mechanical Design.pdf | 3.95 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Engineering Mathematics- II (2009) [CuPpY]/eBook/Engineering Mathematics- II (2009) [CuPpY].pdf | 3.93 MB |
fluid mechanics/Fluid Mechanics and Machinery By C.P.Kothandaraman & Rudramoorthy/Fluid Mechanics and Machinery By C.P.Kothandaraman & Rudramoorthy/Fluid-Mechanics-and-Machinery-2nd-Edition-Malestrom.pdf | 3.85 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch10.pdf | 3.74 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_01.pdf | 3.70 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_11.pdf | 3.70 MB |
mechanical engg books/The.Gnomon.Workshop.Mental.Ray.Production.Practices.DVD-iNKiSO/i-tgwmrpp.r34 | 3.66 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Lomax-Pulliam-Zingg - Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics [1999].pdf | 3.64 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Morgany, K & Perairez J - Unstructured Grid Finite-Element Methods For Fluid Mechanics [1997].pdf | 3.60 MB |
videos/Automated SAW welding with AMET Controls.flv | 3.58 MB |
videos/Induction Melting Furnace AFI03.flv | 3.52 MB |
fluid mechanics/Fluid Mechanics and Machinery By C.P.Kothandaraman & Rudramoorthy.rar | 3.52 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Flash stamp machine working video from Redsail.mpg.3gp | 3.52 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Basket.CATPart | 3.51 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/30.Industrial Boilers ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 3.49 MB |
Material Science/2.John martin/Materials for engineering, 3rd Edition - (Malestrom).pdf | 3.45 MB |
Hydarulic Machines/Power Plant Engineering.pdf | 3.45 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - rotary internal combustion engine.3gp | 3.44 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/screw.CATPart | 3.43 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch30.pdf | 3.38 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/Basket.CATPart | 3.37 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_13.pdf | 3.36 MB |
mechanical engg books/dw.rdf | 3.33 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch35.pdf | 3.32 MB |
machine design/47.Calculations For Machine Design ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 3.31 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/MSC - MSC Patran MSC Nastran Preference Guide - Volume 1 - Structural Analysis [MSC].pdf | 3.30 MB |
mechanical engg books/Mechanical Engineering Handbook/Problems and Solutions in Mechanical Engineering - (Malestrom).pdf | 3.19 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Shi, Yucheng - Modeling of Structural Acoustic Interaction Using Coupled Finite Element - Boundary Element [PHD Thesis 1996].pdf | 3.18 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_10.pdf | 3.13 MB |
mechanical engg books/28.Engine Testing Theory and Practice ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 3.12 MB |
Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics Statics videos/7. Resultants and components.wmv | 3.11 MB |
entrepreneurship/Kotler/Kotler_-_Marketing_Management.pdf | 3.09 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/data3a.pdf | 3.07 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch4.pdf | 3.07 MB |
electronics/Instruction Set Reference [by Allen-Bradley]/Instruction Set Reference [by Allen-Bradley].pdf | 3.05 MB |
videos/Induction heater in action (12V PSU).flv | 3.03 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Clark D.N. - Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus and Differential Equations [CRC Press 2000].zip | 3.01 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/weldin,souldering n brazing/Welding_Science_and_Technology_8122420737.pdf | 3.00 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_29.pdf | 2.99 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch03.pdf | 2.94 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch17.pdf | 2.92 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_23.pdf | 2.91 MB |
Machine Drawing/TOOL HEAD OF SHAPER ASSEMBLY.ppt | 2.91 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/app.pdf | 2.89 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_11.pdf | 2.84 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Slider Crank Mechanism.3gp | 2.83 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_16.pdf | 2.79 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Belytschko - Finite Elements for Nonlinear Continua & Structures [1997].zip | 2.78 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Data/Basket.CATPart | 2.75 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yh.pdf | 2.73 MB |
catia/[Appz]_DassaultSystemes_CATIA v6R2009 (32bit64bit)_[2008.0908][ISOx2][NOD32_20090121]/DassaultSystemes_CATIA v6R2009 (32bit64bit)_[2008.0908][ISOx2]/Dassault.Systemes.CATIA.v6R2009.64bit.Crack.rar | 2.73 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch9.pdf | 2.71 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/data4.pdf | 2.70 MB |
mechanical engg books/Mechanical Engineering Handbook/Mechanical Engineering Principles - John Bird.pdf | 2.59 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_08.pdf | 2.55 MB |
videos/New folder/Geneva Mechanism_(360p).flv | 2.55 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_24.pdf | 2.55 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_02.pdf | 2.52 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - How a Rotary Engine Works.3gp | 2.50 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yk.pdf | 2.48 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Data/Catalog.CATMaterial | 2.44 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_ind.pdf | 2.44 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_12.pdf | 2.44 MB |
mechanical engg books/Power System Engineering Planning, Design, and Operation of Power Systems and Equipment/Your Design Here/3527407596.pdf | 2.43 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_08.pdf | 2.43 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch34.pdf | 2.40 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_14.pdf | 2.39 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-11.pdf | 2.37 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch32.pdf | 2.36 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch32.pdf | 2.36 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch7.pdf | 2.34 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch04.pdf | 2.34 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch6.pdf | 2.34 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch14.pdf | 2.34 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_17.pdf | 2.30 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-15.pdf | 2.28 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch02.pdf | 2.28 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch06.pdf | 2.28 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch06.pdf | 2.28 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Spindle.CATPart | 2.27 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Garcia, Steven - Fixed Grid Finite Element Analysis in Structural design and Optimisation.pdf | 2.25 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B06.pdf | 2.24 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_11.pdf | 2.23 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_21c.pdf | 2.21 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_20.pdf | 2.20 MB |
mechanical engg books/Transactions_Vol_IV.pdf | 2.17 MB |
electronics/Electrical Engineering 101, Second Edition Everything You Should Have Learned in School...but Probably Didn't [by Darren Ashby]/Electrical Engineering 101 [by Darren Ashby].pdf | 2.16 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Catia - Generative Part Stress Analysis.pdf | 2.16 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch36.pdf | 2.13 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_19.pdf | 2.12 MB |
Machine Drawing/swivel bearing.ppt | 2.12 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_28.pdf | 2.11 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_35.pdf | 2.10 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch29.pdf | 2.09 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_09.pdf | 2.08 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch21.pdf | 2.08 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch8.pdf | 2.07 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch01.pdf | 2.05 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_04.pdf | 2.05 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch31.pdf | 2.03 MB |
videos/Submerged Arc Welding.flv | 2.03 MB |
thermodynamics/air conditioning and refrigration/44.Fine tuning air conditioning and refrigeration system ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 2.02 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yc.pdf | 2.02 MB |
Machine Drawing/PLUMMER BLOCK ASSEMBLY.ppt | 2.02 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_08.pdf | 2.01 MB |
Machine Drawing/GSEJOINT.ppt | 2.01 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch15.pdf | 1.99 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch01.pdf | 1.98 MB |
catia/[Appz]_DassaultSystemes_CATIA v6R2009 (32bit64bit)_[2008.0908][ISOx2][NOD32_20090121]/DassaultSystemes_CATIA v6R2009 (32bit64bit)_[2008.0908][ISOx2]/Dassault.Systemes.CATIA.v6R2009.32bit.Crack.rar | 1.96 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_18b.pdf | 1.95 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-6.pdf | 1.95 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_09a.pdf | 1.95 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_09b.pdf | 1.93 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Cavagnaro & Haight - Dictionary of Classical & Theoretical Mathematics [CRC Press 2001].pdf | 1.93 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Part Design/Data/Spindle_final.CATPart | 1.91 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-16.pdf | 1.90 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Mini Air Motor (Oscillating Cylinder).3gp | 1.90 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_27.pdf | 1.89 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch11.pdf | 1.88 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_18d.pdf | 1.88 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_43.pdf | 1.87 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/The Finite Element Method Using Matlab 2nd | 1.86 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_02.pdf | 1.85 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_26a.pdf | 1.85 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-9.pdf | 1.85 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B08.pdf | 1.83 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch13.pdf | 1.82 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-13.pdf | 1.82 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_11.pdf | 1.81 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_13a.pdf | 1.81 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_03.pdf | 1.80 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_06.pdf | 1.80 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yf.pdf | 1.80 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_76.pdf | 1.79 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_30.pdf | 1.79 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.1.pdf | 1.79 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_11.pdf | 1.79 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-8.pdf | 1.78 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_13b.pdf | 1.78 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_52.pdf | 1.78 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch08.pdf | 1.77 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_09.pdf | 1.77 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_06.pdf | 1.75 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_04.pdf | 1.75 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_40.pdf | 1.75 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_17.pdf | 1.75 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_07.pdf | 1.75 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_23b.pdf | 1.73 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-14.pdf | 1.73 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_31.pdf | 1.73 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_05.pdf | 1.73 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_59.pdf | 1.72 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_inda.pdf | 1.72 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_03.pdf | 1.70 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_10a.pdf | 1.70 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_58.pdf | 1.70 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_31.pdf | 1.70 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/screw_for_GAS.CATPart | 1.69 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_indx.pdf | 1.68 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_13.pdf | 1.68 MB |
mathematics/From Higher Engineer Mathematics 5ed ,by Kaede ABK.rar | 1.67 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_23.pdf | 1.67 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch12.pdf | 1.67 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_70.pdf | 1.67 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_45.pdf | 1.66 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_indx.pdf | 1.66 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch09.pdf | 1.66 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch11.pdf | 1.65 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-19.pdf | 1.65 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_08.pdf | 1.64 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_22.pdf | 1.64 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_63b.pdf | 1.64 MB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-32.pdf | 1.63 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_06.pdf | 1.62 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_04.pdf | 1.62 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_25.pdf | 1.62 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_indx.pdf | 1.61 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_29.pdf | 1.60 MB |
fluid mechanics/New folder/16.Basic Hydraulic Systems and Components ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 1.60 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineer Manual - Engineer and Design Liquid Process Piping - review.pdf | 1.59 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering & Design - Liquid Process Piping.pdf | 1.59 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch09.pdf | 1.58 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_49.pdf | 1.58 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_07.pdf | 1.58 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_10.pdf | 1.58 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_04.pdf | 1.57 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_65.pdf | 1.57 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_56.pdf | 1.57 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch05.pdf | 1.56 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch10.pdf | 1.56 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch14.pdf | 1.55 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_13.pdf | 1.54 MB |
Material Science/EXAMS/EX#2-Spriing2007-old.pdf | 1.54 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_45a.pdf | 1.54 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_44.pdf | 1.54 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_57b.pdf | 1.53 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch28.pdf | 1.52 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch28.pdf | 1.52 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_23.pdf | 1.51 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Part Design/Data/Spindle_start.CATPart | 1.50 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Finite Element Method Programming With Mathematica [Airplane Design] [Course Notes].pdf | 1.50 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yl.pdf | 1.50 MB |
thermodynamics/01_handout.pdf | 1.49 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_05.pdf | 1.49 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_08.1.pdf | 1.49 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_08.1.pdf | 1.49 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_13.pdf | 1.49 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_10.pdf | 1.49 MB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-18.pdf | 1.48 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_27b.pdf | 1.48 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_27a.pdf | 1.48 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch32.pdf | 1.47 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_04.pdf | 1.47 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_25.pdf | 1.47 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_60.pdf | 1.46 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_28a.pdf | 1.46 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/BTD NOTES-cku.doc | 1.45 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - MAHLE pendulum-slider oil pump.3gp | 1.45 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_10.pdf | 1.44 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch14.pdf | 1.44 MB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - -Pendulum- Steampunk Stirling Hot Air Engine.3gp | 1.44 MB |
Material Science/EXAMS/EX#1-Sep2007.pdf | 1.43 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch20.pdf | 1.43 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_12.pdf | 1.43 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_57a.pdf | 1.42 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-12.pdf | 1.42 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_indx.pdf | 1.42 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_02.pdf | 1.42 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch33.pdf | 1.42 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_75.pdf | 1.41 MB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-11.pdf | 1.41 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_43b.pdf | 1.41 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_32.pdf | 1.39 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch19.pdf | 1.39 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_67b.pdf | 1.38 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch07.pdf | 1.37 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_17.pdf | 1.36 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_25.pdf | 1.36 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/EM 1110-1-4008 Engineer Manual, Design Liquid Process Piping [US Army 1999].pdf | 1.36 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_03.pdf | 1.36 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_54.pdf | 1.35 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_43a.pdf | 1.35 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_19.pdf | 1.34 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch15.pdf | 1.34 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.1.pdf | 1.34 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch5.pdf | 1.34 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_14.pdf | 1.34 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.1.pdf | 1.34 MB |
videos/New Folder (2)/How a motorcycle gearbox works_(360p).flv | 1.34 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering handbook Propultion Systems.PDF | 1.34 MB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_02.pdf | 1.34 MB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap19 P094.doc | 1.33 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yi.pdf | 1.33 MB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-05.pdf | 1.33 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_21b.pdf | 1.33 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_24a.pdf | 1.33 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch13.pdf | 1.32 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch07.pdf | 1.31 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch13.pdf | 1.30 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch06.pdf | 1.30 MB |
entrepreneurship/Kotler/Kotler_-_Marketing_Management.txt | 1.29 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_05.pdf | 1.29 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_09.pdf | 1.28 MB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_09.pdf | 1.28 MB |
Machine Drawing/STOP VALVE ASSEMBLY1.ppt | 1.28 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_09.pdf | 1.28 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-10.pdf | 1.28 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-4.pdf | 1.27 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch03.pdf | 1.26 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-3.pdf | 1.26 MB |
Material Science/EXAMS/exam02-sol-old.pdf | 1.26 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_06.pdf | 1.26 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_12.pdf | 1.25 MB |
entrepreneurship/the-monk-who-sold-his-ferrari-by-robin-s-sharma.pdf | 1.25 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_74a.pdf | 1.24 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_23a.pdf | 1.24 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_23.pdf | 1.24 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_69.pdf | 1.23 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch02.pdf | 1.23 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_01.pdf | 1.23 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_34.pdf | 1.22 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B04.pdf | 1.22 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_47a.pdf | 1.21 MB |
fluid mechanics/massey_-_mechanics_of_fluids_-_solutions_manual.pdf | 1.21 MB |
mechanical engg books/massey_-_mechanics_of_fluids_-_solutions_manual (2).pdf | 1.21 MB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap20 P080.doc | 1.21 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_08.pdf | 1.21 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_28b.pdf | 1.21 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_62a.pdf | 1.20 MB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap19 P058.doc | 1.20 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/data5.pdf | 1.19 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch16.pdf | 1.19 MB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch03.pdf | 1.19 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.1.pdf | 1.18 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch27.pdf | 1.18 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch27.pdf | 1.18 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.1.pdf | 1.18 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_35b.pdf | 1.17 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Catia - Generative Assembly Structural Analysis.pdf | 1.17 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_64b.pdf | 1.17 MB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-09.pdf | 1.17 MB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Dahlberg & Kenig - Harmonic Analysis And Partial Differential Equations.pdf | 1.16 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C05.pdf | 1.16 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_03a.pdf | 1.16 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_12.pdf | 1.16 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_77.pdf | 1.16 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch40.pdf | 1.15 MB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch05.pdf | 1.15 MB |
Theory of machine/KOM/GEARS_for_Mechanical_Engineering.pdf | 1.15 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.3.pdf | 1.13 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B13.pdf | 1.13 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.3.pdf | 1.13 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch13.pdf | 1.13 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch10.pdf | 1.13 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch10.pdf | 1.13 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_32a.pdf | 1.12 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_39b.pdf | 1.12 MB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/ch-20.pdf | 1.12 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_08.pdf | 1.12 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_16.pdf | 1.12 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_10b.pdf | 1.11 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_14a.pdf | 1.11 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_31.pdf | 1.11 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_67a.pdf | 1.10 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_66.pdf | 1.10 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_17.pdf | 1.10 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_72.pdf | 1.10 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-5.pdf | 1.10 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_05.pdf | 1.09 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_18.pdf | 1.09 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_07a.pdf | 1.09 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_40.pdf | 1.09 MB |
Machine Drawing/STOP VALVE.ppt | 1.09 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_indx.pdf | 1.09 MB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER7_SECTION4.DOC | 1.08 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_05.pdf | 1.08 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_18a.pdf | 1.08 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/didata2.pdf | 1.07 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_01.pdf | 1.07 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch12.pdf | 1.07 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_63a.pdf | 1.07 MB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Lui, Y - Finite Element Methods Lectures [Uni of Cincinnati 1998].zip | 1.06 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_07.pdf | 1.06 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_64a.pdf | 1.06 MB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-14.pdf | 1.06 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch04.pdf | 1.06 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_02.pdf | 1.06 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_20.pdf | 1.05 MB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch70.pdf | 1.05 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch70.pdf | 1.05 MB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch15.pdf | 1.05 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_62b.pdf | 1.05 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_16.pdf | 1.03 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_06.pdf | 1.02 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_01a.pdf | 1.02 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Data/StepX/Step5.CATPart | 1.01 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Data/StepX/Step4.CATPart | 1.01 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_24.pdf | 1.01 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_22.pdf | 1.01 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_38a.pdf | 1.01 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.07.pdf | 1.01 MB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap17 P134.doc | 1.00 MB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch2.pdf | 1.00 MB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_34a.pdf | 1.00 MB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.07.pdf | 1.00 MB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-06.pdf | 1.00 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Data/StepX/Step3.CATPart | 1.00 MB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Data/StepX/Step2.CATPart | 1023.43 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_21.pdf | 1022.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_indx.pdf | 1020.51 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_12.pdf | 1019.65 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Data/StepX/Step1.CATPart | 1019.39 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_40.pdf | 1018.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_74b.pdf | 1016.26 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap22 P041.doc | 1016.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/data7.pdf | 1015.97 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_13.pdf | 1011.02 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION2.DOC | 1009.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_21a.pdf | 1006.90 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_26.pdf | 1006.38 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch07.pdf | 1003.66 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch10.pdf | 997.85 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_06.pdf | 994.78 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_38.pdf | 993.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch37.pdf | 991.84 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch37.pdf | 991.84 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-25.pdf | 989.25 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap21 P001.doc | 984.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_30.pdf | 984.43 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-17.pdf | 981.06 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_45b.pdf | 977.34 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Evans L.C. - Introduction to stochastic differential equations v1.2 [Berkeley lecture notes].pdf | 977.26 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_24.pdf | 974.55 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_30.pdf | 974.35 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yj.pdf | 973.40 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A07.pdf | 972.23 KB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Hunter, P - Finite Element Method & Boundary Element Method [Course Notes 2001].pdf | 971.65 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap09 P119.DOC | 967.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_51.pdf | 966.43 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap20 P032.doc | 966.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/data3b.pdf | 961.67 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_02.pdf | 959.96 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_68.pdf | 957.03 KB |
Machine Drawing/RAMSBOTTOM SAFETY VALVE ASSEMBLY.ppt | 957.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_44.pdf | 953.52 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_14.pdf | 953.20 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap23 P054.doc | 952.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_19.pdf | 951.99 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_55.pdf | 950.04 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch17.pdf | 948.79 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_indx.pdf | 947.25 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_35a.pdf | 942.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.16.2.pdf | 938.01 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch03.pdf | 936.79 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch03.pdf | 936.79 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.16.2.pdf | 936.16 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C07.pdf | 934.92 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-08.pdf | 934.79 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-15.pdf | 933.80 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_73.pdf | 932.85 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_71.pdf | 929.10 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.05.pdf | 928.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_39a.pdf | 928.19 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.05.pdf | 927.06 KB |
videos/New folder/Scotch Yoke Mechanism_(360p).flv | 916.76 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_37.pdf | 916.73 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER7_SECTION6.DOC | 916.00 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_28a.pdf | 915.37 KB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Unknown Author - Tutorials In Finite Element Analysis Using MSC-Patran-Nastran [Unknown].pdf | 914.94 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_38b.pdf | 912.03 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch96.pdf | 911.64 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch96.pdf | 911.64 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_20.pdf | 908.82 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_29.pdf | 901.99 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A02.pdf | 901.65 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap23 P095.doc | 901.50 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-10.pdf | 900.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_19.pdf | 899.65 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_02.pdf | 897.15 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_02.pdf | 897.15 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch06.pdf | 895.03 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_ya.pdf | 893.74 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_48.pdf | 893.36 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap20 P001.doc | 887.50 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch02.pdf | 886.24 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/ch-22.pdf | 884.93 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A08.pdf | 883.11 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap19 P032.doc | 882.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_14.pdf | 881.67 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/base.CATPart | 880.87 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_48.pdf | 879.63 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A10.pdf | 874.55 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_01.pdf | 874.05 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap14 P090.doc | 874.00 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap14 P062.doc | 874.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_11.pdf | 867.88 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_08.pdf | 866.63 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-7.pdf | 866.32 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_11.pdf | 866.02 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-17.pdf | 858.45 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch26.pdf | 854.94 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch26.pdf | 854.94 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_02.pdf | 853.65 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_03.pdf | 851.32 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C14.pdf | 850.28 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION7.DOC | 849.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_09.pdf | 848.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch93.pdf | 847.08 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch93.pdf | 847.08 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-23.pdf | 842.93 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-07.pdf | 841.47 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_10.1.pdf | 841.05 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Scotch yoke mechanism.3gp | 839.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_10.1.pdf | 839.18 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch29.pdf | 838.33 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch29.pdf | 838.33 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_26b.pdf | 837.44 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C06.pdf | 835.15 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_37.pdf | 834.56 KB |
Material Science/EXAMS/EX1-old-sol.pdf | 833.04 KB |
Material Science/EXAMS/sample-exam01-sol.pdf | 833.04 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_D02.pdf | 832.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_11.pdf | 830.72 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/data8.pdf | 829.28 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_05.1.pdf | 827.52 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_05.1.pdf | 825.66 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-10.pdf | 825.61 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C08.pdf | 821.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_61.pdf | 818.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_41.pdf | 817.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/didata12.pdf | 809.32 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch56.pdf | 808.18 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch56.pdf | 808.18 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-2.pdf | 806.10 KB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Hunter, P - Finite Element Method & Boundary Element Method [Course Notes 2003].pdf | 805.40 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_11.pdf | 805.01 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_14.pdf | 804.64 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_03.pdf | 802.00 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_03.pdf | 802.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_11.pdf | 794.38 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-22.pdf | 791.74 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A03.pdf | 791.11 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_10.pdf | 781.30 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap08 P001.doc | 776.50 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap17 P083.doc | 774.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_19.pdf | 774.46 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.11.pdf | 774.43 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C05.pdf | 774.11 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.11.pdf | 772.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_47.pdf | 771.68 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap19 P001.doc | 771.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.2.pdf | 768.48 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap18 P001.doc | 767.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.2.pdf | 766.62 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_15.pdf | 765.55 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_36.pdf | 765.54 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_06.pdf | 764.09 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_41.pdf | 763.62 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_42.pdf | 762.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_11.pdf | 761.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_03.3.pdf | 759.58 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_12.pdf | 757.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_03.3.pdf | 757.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_30.pdf | 754.84 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch73.pdf | 752.92 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch73.pdf | 752.92 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_22.pdf | 751.69 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B07.pdf | 749.48 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap23 P001.doc | 747.50 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/data/Gear Drive END.CATPart | 744.59 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap18 P088.doc | 743.50 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION1.DOC | 743.50 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap20 P050.doc | 740.00 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap17 P039.doc | 740.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.1.pdf | 739.48 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.1.pdf | 737.62 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-17.pdf | 737.13 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap14 P001.doc | 734.50 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_27.pdf | 733.68 KB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch06.pdf | 733.30 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_05.pdf | 730.47 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap22 P001.doc | 729.00 KB |
videos/New folder/double_slider-crank.wmv | 726.17 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/ch-19.pdf | 722.57 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch04.pdf | 721.99 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch04.pdf | 721.99 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-12.pdf | 721.75 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap17 P064.doc | 721.50 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/ch-23.pdf | 720.69 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch11_eng.pdf | 719.29 KB |
videos/New Folder (2)/How Disc Brakes Work_(360p).flv | 718.66 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap08 P148.doc | 715.50 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_16.pdf | 713.36 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A06.pdf | 710.37 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C11.pdf | 710.05 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_36.pdf | 709.17 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap18 P069.doc | 709.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_14.pdf | 704.47 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION5.DOC | 702.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_13.pdf | 700.32 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap12 P001.doc | 700.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_13.pdf | 698.34 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER2_SECTION1.doc | 698.00 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap15 P071.doc | 693.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_14.pdf | 689.79 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.13.pdf | 689.08 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Gnome Gamma Rotary virtual model.avi.3gp | 688.30 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.13.pdf | 687.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_09.pdf | 680.65 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_02.pdf | 677.17 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap13 P001.doc | 677.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_ym.pdf | 676.57 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-28.pdf | 676.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yb.pdf | 675.47 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Voicecoil.CATPart | 674.88 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch10.pdf | 674.70 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/Voicecoil.CATPart | 673.09 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-16.pdf | 668.71 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_07.1.pdf | 668.25 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch66.pdf | 666.60 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch66.pdf | 666.60 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_07.1.pdf | 666.38 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_03.7.pdf | 666.08 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch25.pdf | 664.37 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch25.pdf | 664.37 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_03.7.pdf | 664.22 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-13.pdf | 661.29 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap18 P047.doc | 658.50 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap17 P001.doc | 658.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_indx.pdf | 657.98 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_01.pdf | 657.40 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_25.pdf | 654.97 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch16.pdf | 654.89 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-11.pdf | 650.53 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.3.pdf | 646.92 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_21d.pdf | 645.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.3.pdf | 645.06 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_43.pdf | 644.87 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-18.pdf | 644.72 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch5.pdf | 640.93 KB |
Material Science/EXAMS/EX#2-datasheet-old.pdf | 640.91 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A09.pdf | 640.43 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap11 P038.doc | 636.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_fm.pdf | 635.82 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/ch-25.pdf | 635.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_05.pdf | 634.99 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch10.pdf | 633.03 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap09 P160.DOC | 632.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C13.pdf | 631.66 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-03.pdf | 629.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_app.pdf | 629.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_app.pdf | 627.63 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_17.pdf | 625.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_D01.pdf | 625.10 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_05.pdf | 624.97 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Step8.CATDrawing | 624.69 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Step9.CATDrawing | 624.67 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Step7.CATDrawing | 622.82 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Two_Way_Box.CATPart | 621.80 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/Two_Way_Box.CATPart | 621.44 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap13 P045.doc | 619.00 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER7_SECTION3.DOC | 617.50 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-24.pdf | 616.69 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C04.pdf | 613.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C12.pdf | 613.08 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_19.pdf | 609.60 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-13.pdf | 609.36 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/ch-24.pdf | 605.74 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_toc.pdf | 599.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ch18.pdf | 599.49 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_03.8.pdf | 599.09 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_03.8.pdf | 597.23 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch07.pdf | 595.01 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch07.pdf | 595.01 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/M2344.pdf | 594.20 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-04.pdf | 593.75 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_49.pdf | 592.19 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER6_SECTION2.DOC | 591.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_04.pdf | 584.45 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-15.pdf | 582.79 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_indx.pdf | 581.50 KB |
Material Science/EXAMS/exam022-datasheet-old.pdf | 580.59 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B12.pdf | 577.68 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-14.pdf | 576.84 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch05_eng.pdf | 574.43 KB |
mathematics/Higher Engineering Mathematics [by John Bird]/John Bird - Higher Engineering Mathematics.0001.pdf | 570.48 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap11 P001.doc | 569.50 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/slide_jaw.CATPart | 569.21 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap16 P045.doc | 568.50 KB |
entrepreneurship/42.Reengineering Management Mandate for New Leadership ~ Team Tolly.pdf | 567.47 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Step6.CATDrawing | 567.31 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch20.pdf | 566.76 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch20.pdf | 566.76 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch30.pdf | 566.03 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch30.pdf | 566.03 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_20.pdf | 562.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_03.pdf | 561.31 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_24.pdf | 559.68 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER7_SECTION5.DOC | 556.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C03.pdf | 555.97 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_07.pdf | 555.52 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Spider.CATPart | 554.95 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap13 P059.doc | 554.50 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-12.pdf | 553.70 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch08_eng.pdf | 553.17 KB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_06.pdf | 553.16 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch07.pdf | 551.73 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-20.pdf | 551.59 KB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/dk1163fm.pdf | 550.05 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap09 P146.DOC | 548.50 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_08.pdf | 548.21 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_08.pdf | 548.21 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_04.pdf | 544.34 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/didata10.pdf | 544.23 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_50.pdf | 542.65 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER4_SECTION1.DOC | 542.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch19.pdf | 540.07 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch19.pdf | 540.07 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION8.DOC | 540.00 KB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_0708_Polymer.pdf | 539.78 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/Problems_with_solutions.pdf | 539.59 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_09.pdf | 538.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_15.pdf | 538.11 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_04.pdf | 537.19 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_40.pdf | 536.46 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-26.pdf | 534.69 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.16.1.pdf | 534.67 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Step5.CATDrawing | 533.82 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_06.pdf | 533.75 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_31.pdf | 532.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.16.1.pdf | 532.81 KB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163appa.pdf | 532.07 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-05.pdf | 530.73 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_07.pdf | 529.33 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/Spider.CATPart | 527.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_36.pdf | 526.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C01.pdf | 525.93 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION3.DOC | 524.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_15.pdf | 524.21 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch13.pdf | 519.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch13.pdf | 519.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_appd.pdf | 518.97 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.7.2.pdf | 518.22 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_03.pdf | 517.67 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER3_SECTION2.DOC | 517.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.7.2.pdf | 516.34 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C09.pdf | 515.09 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.01.pdf | 513.81 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_21.pdf | 513.44 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_fm.pdf | 513.26 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.01.pdf | 511.96 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Gnome rotary engine.3gp | 511.43 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_bib.pdf | 511.33 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-03.pdf | 510.32 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch08.pdf | 509.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_18.pdf | 508.77 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_39.pdf | 508.02 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap08 P057.doc | 508.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.10.pdf | 507.45 KB |
syllabus-cdeKey_Y4FJTT2MLTPKTR665YRA7GPUBMPTWBPC.pdf | 506.93 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_13.pdf | 506.13 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_13.pdf | 506.13 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.10.pdf | 505.57 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-18.pdf | 504.92 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Step4.CATDrawing | 504.69 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_03.2.pdf | 502.04 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_03.2.pdf | 500.15 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Whitworth Quick Return Mechanism_3.3gp | 500.03 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_01.pdf | 499.22 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap09 P053.doc | 499.00 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER7_SECTION2.DOC | 499.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_E10.pdf | 498.96 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER6_SECTION1.DOC | 498.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.5.pdf | 498.05 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch39.pdf | 497.98 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch39.pdf | 497.98 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B03.pdf | 497.29 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch06_eng.pdf | 497.25 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.5.pdf | 496.18 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.6.pdf | 495.18 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER3_SECTION1.DOC | 493.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.6.pdf | 493.31 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.14.1.pdf | 493.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B10.pdf | 491.68 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap12 P046.doc | 491.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.14.1.pdf | 491.28 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch92.pdf | 486.89 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch92.pdf | 486.89 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch10.pdf | 486.80 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_04.pdf | 486.79 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_04.pdf | 486.79 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch16.pdf | 485.51 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch16.pdf | 485.51 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/M2235.pdf | 484.81 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch08.pdf | 483.90 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch08.pdf | 483.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_04.1.pdf | 483.78 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_20.pdf | 483.46 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_20.pdf | 483.46 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Cinlar-Vanderbei - Mathematical Methods of Engineering Analysis [2000].pdf | 483.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_03.6.pdf | 482.32 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch10_eng.pdf | 482.25 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_04.1.pdf | 481.93 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Scotch Yoke Mechanism_2.3gp | 481.78 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap10 P001.doc | 481.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_03.6.pdf | 480.46 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch45.pdf | 480.32 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch45.pdf | 480.32 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-07.pdf | 480.22 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_12.pdf | 479.45 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_03.1.pdf | 479.06 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-21.pdf | 477.67 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_03.1.pdf | 477.20 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Elliptical Trammel.3gp | 477.17 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-06.pdf | 476.43 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_04.pdf | 475.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_46.pdf | 475.13 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_05.pdf | 475.10 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_05.pdf | 475.10 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch09_eng.pdf | 474.47 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_toc.pdf | 473.91 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_04.2.pdf | 473.09 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch17.pdf | 472.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch17.pdf | 472.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch84.pdf | 472.34 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch84.pdf | 472.34 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap08 P090.doc | 471.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_22.pdf | 471.37 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_04.2.pdf | 471.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_09.pdf | 469.55 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/polepiece.CATPart | 469.51 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - toggle w bolts.3gp | 469.28 KB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch12.pdf | 469.16 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch80.pdf | 468.87 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch80.pdf | 468.87 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_04.pdf | 468.87 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.08.pdf | 468.58 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch11.pdf | 466.98 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.08.pdf | 466.73 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_50.pdf | 466.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_10.pdf | 465.53 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C04.pdf | 463.12 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_20.pdf | 462.18 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch48.pdf | 459.77 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch48.pdf | 459.77 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_12.pdf | 459.05 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/tweeter/T_front.CATPart | 458.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.04.pdf | 457.33 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch35.pdf | 455.59 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch35.pdf | 455.59 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.04.pdf | 455.47 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Diaphragm.CATPart | 453.75 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch85.pdf | 452.04 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch85.pdf | 452.04 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap08 P176.DOC | 452.00 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/polepiece.CATPart | 451.61 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER7_SECTION1.DOC | 449.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A04.pdf | 448.34 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/data/geometry.CATPart | 447.41 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_22.pdf | 447.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_14.pdf | 446.14 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/Module 7.pdf | 445.67 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_46.pdf | 443.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B02.pdf | 443.82 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_08.pdf | 442.98 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch67.pdf | 442.06 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch67.pdf | 442.06 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/Step3.CATDrawing | 440.98 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_15.pdf | 440.19 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap15 P043.doc | 438.50 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch6.pdf | 438.37 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-08.pdf | 438.30 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/data/Final.CATProcess | 438.07 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch03_eng.pdf | 436.15 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch60.pdf | 435.32 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch60.pdf | 435.32 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_18c.pdf | 435.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_12.pdf | 434.98 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_08.4.pdf | 434.56 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/Diaphragm.CATPart | 433.66 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_08.4.pdf | 432.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.3.pdf | 432.54 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/T_front.CATPart | 431.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.3.pdf | 430.67 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_07.pdf | 430.62 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_07.pdf | 430.62 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yg.pdf | 429.94 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_04.pdf | 429.62 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_10.pdf | 428.44 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_toc.pdf | 427.26 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch13.pdf | 425.12 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch13.pdf | 425.12 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/tweeter/T_Dome.CATPart | 423.57 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap15 P001.doc | 423.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.19.2.pdf | 420.73 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_42.pdf | 419.72 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.19.2.pdf | 418.88 KB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Butterworth - Finite element analysis of Structural Steelwork Beam to Column Bolted Connections.pdf | 418.54 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_78.pdf | 417.67 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.02.pdf | 416.17 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION4.DOC | 416.00 KB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Tutorial - Finite Element Method using Pro ENGINEER and ANSYS.pdf | 415.83 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch04.pdf | 415.54 KB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_07.pdf | 414.84 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.02.pdf | 414.31 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_26.pdf | 413.67 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/retainer_screw.CATPart | 412.38 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_toc.pdf | 410.87 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_12.pdf | 409.86 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_12.pdf | 409.86 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_38.pdf | 406.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.3.1.pdf | 405.03 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.3.1.pdf | 403.17 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch05.pdf | 402.66 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch05.pdf | 402.66 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_37.pdf | 402.16 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-16.pdf | 401.92 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_11.pdf | 401.68 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_11.pdf | 401.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C17.pdf | 401.50 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch09.pdf | 400.10 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-31.pdf | 399.31 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/Drill_press.CATProduct | 399.25 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch12.pdf | 399.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_06.pdf | 398.61 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.17.pdf | 398.09 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_16.pdf | 397.16 KB |
videos/New folder/Crank Slider Mechanism_(360p).flv | 397.07 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_10.2.pdf | 397.01 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_33.pdf | 396.43 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.17.pdf | 396.24 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch11.pdf | 396.00 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch11.pdf | 396.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.2.pdf | 395.99 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch36.pdf | 395.83 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch36.pdf | 395.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C03.pdf | 395.75 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_10.2.pdf | 395.14 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch03.pdf | 394.74 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch03.pdf | 394.74 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch65.pdf | 394.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch65.pdf | 394.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.2.pdf | 394.13 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B14.pdf | 393.40 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A01.pdf | 393.25 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-27.pdf | 392.15 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch14_eng.pdf | 390.53 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap08 P122.doc | 389.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_118.pdf | 389.07 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-21.pdf | 388.74 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.4.pdf | 388.35 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch10.pdf | 388.27 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch10.pdf | 388.27 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/T_Dome.CATPart | 388.25 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch64.pdf | 388.09 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch64.pdf | 388.09 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_25.pdf | 386.80 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_09.pdf | 386.55 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.4.pdf | 386.49 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/jaw_plate.CATPart | 385.11 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch08.pdf | 384.86 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch08.pdf | 384.86 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch06.pdf | 384.65 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch06.pdf | 384.65 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-09.pdf | 384.03 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Scotch Yoke engine.3gp | 382.92 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_05.2.pdf | 382.64 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Whitworth_s.3gp | 382.63 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Double Slider Crank.3gp | 381.02 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_05.2.pdf | 380.79 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch17.pdf | 380.36 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch17.pdf | 380.36 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.19.1.pdf | 380.21 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap09 P001.doc | 378.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.19.1.pdf | 378.35 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/toc.pdf | 376.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_toc.pdf | 375.85 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch15_eng.pdf | 373.26 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_44.pdf | 372.71 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C12.pdf | 372.65 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_10.pdf | 372.46 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_10.pdf | 372.46 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch22.pdf | 371.10 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch22.pdf | 371.10 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Oldham coupling animation.3gp | 371.04 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_toc.pdf | 370.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch82.pdf | 370.44 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch82.pdf | 370.44 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_26.pdf | 370.28 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/screw#6.CATPart | 369.70 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER5_SECTION6.DOC | 369.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_53.pdf | 369.16 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Mathematics/Brin, M.G. - Introduction to Differential Topology [Course Notes UNY].pdf | 369.04 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap16 P001.doc | 369.00 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch07_eng.pdf | 368.51 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch23.pdf | 367.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch23.pdf | 367.90 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch12_eng.pdf | 367.16 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch04_eng.pdf | 366.48 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch57.pdf | 366.16 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch57.pdf | 366.16 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_89.pdf | 366.07 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C15.pdf | 365.09 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_05.pdf | 364.82 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/ball.CATPart | 363.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_appb.pdf | 361.33 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/data9.pdf | 361.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/didata1.pdf | 361.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_09.pdf | 360.86 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch78.pdf | 360.15 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch78.pdf | 360.15 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_08.3.pdf | 359.10 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_08.3.pdf | 357.23 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch38.pdf | 356.85 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch38.pdf | 356.85 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_27.pdf | 356.24 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_19.pdf | 356.00 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch63.pdf | 355.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch63.pdf | 355.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_15.pdf | 352.45 KB |
som/Timoshenko. Strength Of Materials. parts I_II (2nd ed,1947)_print__scanned.pdf | 352.37 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch59.pdf | 351.04 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch59.pdf | 351.04 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Dustcap.CATPart | 350.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_07.pdf | 350.41 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_03.pdf | 350.27 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_07.pdf | 349.80 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch81.pdf | 349.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch81.pdf | 349.68 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/Dustcap.CATPart | 348.76 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_13.pdf | 348.71 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/-Mechanical Engineering - Vehicle Design.doc | 348.50 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch03.pdf | 348.08 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/handle_rod.CATPart | 348.07 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch79.pdf | 346.89 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch79.pdf | 346.89 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_05.pdf | 346.00 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/retainer_plate.CATPart | 345.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_appf.pdf | 344.43 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_08.pdf | 343.02 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-20-23h51m05s55.png | 342.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_intro.pdf | 341.84 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_A05.pdf | 339.96 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/sliding_jaw.CATPart | 339.85 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C16.pdf | 339.41 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch9.pdf | 339.25 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_32.pdf | 338.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.4.pdf | 337.91 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_114.pdf | 337.30 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.4.pdf | 336.15 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.4.pdf | 336.05 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_gl.pdf | 335.64 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/didata11.pdf | 335.64 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.4.pdf | 334.28 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.21.pdf | 334.26 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch83.pdf | 333.78 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch83.pdf | 333.78 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_17.pdf | 332.80 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_17.pdf | 332.80 KB |
Material Science/Materials for engineering, 3rd Edition - (Malestrom).0001.pdf-cdeKey_3ONP6SWSIJSVDZ4UZT7IHOGGBATG5N2M.pdf | 332.49 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.21.pdf | 332.38 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_25.pdf | 330.34 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch11.pdf | 330.21 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_15.pdf | 330.05 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_15.pdf | 330.05 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_10.pdf | 329.65 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-30.pdf | 328.54 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_appe.pdf | 327.02 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanical Engineers' Handbook (2nd Edition)/30079_07.pdf | 325.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_18.pdf | 325.11 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_03.pdf | 323.86 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_08.pdf | 323.16 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-20-23h55m54s130.png | 322.94 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch16.pdf | 322.65 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch16.pdf | 322.65 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch14.pdf | 322.53 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch14.pdf | 322.53 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch24.pdf | 321.30 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch24.pdf | 321.30 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_42.pdf | 321.02 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.3.pdf | 320.82 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.3.2.pdf | 320.35 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_06.pdf | 319.78 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_17.pdf | 319.26 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.3.pdf | 318.96 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.3.2.pdf | 318.48 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch13_eng.pdf | 318.01 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C02.pdf | 317.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_148.pdf | 316.64 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER2_SECTION2.doc | 316.00 KB |
Material Science/class notes/Chapter_12.pdf | 315.43 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch58.pdf | 315.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch58.pdf | 315.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_12.pdf | 314.77 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_33.pdf | 314.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_13.pdf | 313.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.09.pdf | 313.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_12.pdf | 312.92 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.09.pdf | 311.63 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_toc.pdf | 310.03 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch55.pdf | 310.01 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch55.pdf | 310.01 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch09.pdf | 309.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch09.pdf | 309.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.7.1.pdf | 307.85 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.7.1.pdf | 305.99 KB |
Material Science/EXAMS/EX03-solution-old.pdf | 305.26 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.4.pdf | 304.15 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.4.pdf | 302.29 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch21.pdf | 301.80 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch21.pdf | 301.80 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C06.pdf | 301.15 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_03.4.pdf | 300.23 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - four bar linkages01.3gp | 299.69 KB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch3.pdf | 299.65 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch09.pdf | 298.45 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch09.pdf | 298.45 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_03.4.pdf | 298.37 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_43.pdf | 297.77 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Quick Return Mechanism.3gp | 297.41 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.18.pdf | 297.38 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_14.pdf | 296.51 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_14.pdf | 296.51 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_12.pdf | 295.91 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-02.pdf | 295.76 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch89.pdf | 295.57 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch89.pdf | 295.57 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.18.pdf | 295.52 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_93.pdf | 295.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_26.pdf | 294.85 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Ductile Iron/New folder/didata13.pdf | 294.70 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_110.pdf | 293.67 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_19.pdf | 293.51 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_19.pdf | 293.51 KB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch37.pdf | 292.50 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/tcb_role_measurement_calibaration.pdf | 292.25 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch40.pdf | 291.54 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch40.pdf | 291.54 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_23.pdf | 291.20 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_104.pdf | 290.80 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_53.pdf | 290.75 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_14.pdf | 290.11 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Crank Slider Mechanism.3gp | 288.99 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yn.pdf | 288.70 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/screws/ISO_4762_M5x25_STEEL_HEXAGON_SOCKET_HEAD_CAP_SCREW.CATPart | 288.40 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/screws/ISO_4762_M5x25_SOCKET_HEAD_CAP_SCREW.CATPart | 288.28 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_75.pdf | 287.63 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_50.pdf | 286.90 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-04.pdf | 284.39 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch75.pdf | 283.71 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch75.pdf | 283.71 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components/86174_fm.pdf | 283.35 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_119.pdf | 283.14 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.06.pdf | 282.80 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_125.pdf | 282.57 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch15.pdf | 282.26 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch15.pdf | 282.26 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch01.pdf | 282.06 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch01.pdf | 282.06 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.06.pdf | 280.94 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_11.pdf | 280.70 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch8.pdf | 280.64 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_16.pdf | 279.89 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_04.pdf | 279.81 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch74.pdf | 279.29 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch74.pdf | 279.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_09.pdf | 279.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_154.pdf | 279.22 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_45.pdf | 279.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_6.pdf | 278.97 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_30.pdf | 278.93 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_32.pdf | 278.45 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch12.pdf | 277.92 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch12.pdf | 277.92 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_60.pdf | 277.84 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/CHAPTER4_SECTION2.DOC | 277.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_35.pdf | 276.75 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_68.pdf | 276.73 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch05.pdf | 276.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.15.pdf | 275.68 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_43.pdf | 274.88 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.15.pdf | 273.83 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_122.pdf | 273.64 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch31.pdf | 273.54 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch31.pdf | 273.54 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_25.pdf | 273.49 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.1.pdf | 273.45 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_10.pdf | 273.42 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.22.pdf | 272.03 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch87.pdf | 271.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch87.pdf | 271.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.1.pdf | 271.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.16.3.pdf | 271.00 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.22.pdf | 270.19 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_51.pdf | 269.75 KB |
Material Science/EXAMS/EX03-datasheet-old.pdf | 269.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_26.pdf | 269.15 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.16.3.pdf | 269.14 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_58.pdf | 268.81 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_08.pdf | 268.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_72.pdf | 268.54 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_18.pdf | 268.02 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch04.pdf | 267.77 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch04.pdf | 267.77 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_137.pdf | 267.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_fm.pdf | 267.59 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.5.pdf | 267.16 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_43.pdf | 267.00 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_47.pdf | 266.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch20.pdf | 266.67 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch20.pdf | 266.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_120.pdf | 266.32 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_131.pdf | 265.49 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.1.5.pdf | 265.30 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-02.pdf | 264.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_08.2.pdf | 264.04 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch71.pdf | 262.93 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch71.pdf | 262.93 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.2.pdf | 262.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_90.pdf | 262.38 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/INDEX.pdf | 262.37 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_08.2.pdf | 262.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/PUMP6019.pdf | 262.13 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_124.pdf | 262.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch41.pdf | 261.89 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch41.pdf | 261.89 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/FTFS Chap12 P075.doc | 261.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C09.pdf | 261.36 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch54.pdf | 261.30 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch54.pdf | 261.30 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.2.pdf | 260.88 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_100.pdf | 260.72 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch100.pdf | 260.49 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch100.pdf | 260.49 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_78.pdf | 259.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_50.pdf | 259.61 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_121.pdf | 259.57 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.14.2.pdf | 259.02 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch15.pdf | 258.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_31.pdf | 257.84 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch05.pdf | 257.54 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch05.pdf | 257.54 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/chp-26.pdf | 257.43 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_96.pdf | 257.41 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_129.pdf | 257.39 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.14.2.pdf | 257.16 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_C10.pdf | 257.13 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_11.pdf | 257.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch18.pdf | 257.01 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch18.pdf | 257.01 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_28.pdf | 256.62 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_146.pdf | 256.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_111.pdf | 256.25 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_103.pdf | 256.22 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_89.pdf | 256.09 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_126.pdf | 255.70 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_98.pdf | 254.63 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch02.pdf | 253.80 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_35.pdf | 253.19 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_29.pdf | 252.82 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/250mmSpeaker.tif | 252.46 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_105.pdf | 251.98 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_80.pdf | 251.80 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_71.pdf | 251.51 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_22.pdf | 251.47 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_51.pdf | 251.19 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch51.pdf | 251.18 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch51.pdf | 251.18 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_152.pdf | 250.82 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_toc.pdf | 250.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_91.pdf | 250.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_128.pdf | 250.40 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_38.pdf | 250.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_39.pdf | 249.65 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_01.pdf | 249.44 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_64.pdf | 249.17 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_110.pdf | 248.80 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_03.pdf | 248.43 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_74.pdf | 248.33 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_63.pdf | 248.26 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_53.pdf | 248.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_09.pdf | 248.14 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_102.pdf | 248.10 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch86.pdf | 248.10 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch86.pdf | 248.10 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_77.pdf | 248.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_12.pdf | 248.03 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_12.pdf | 247.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_74.pdf | 247.56 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_index.pdf | 247.56 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_17.pdf | 247.54 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_73.pdf | 247.04 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_120.pdf | 245.99 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_132.pdf | 245.96 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_29.pdf | 245.92 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_69.pdf | 245.76 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_20.pdf | 245.63 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_130.pdf | 245.57 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_117.pdf | 244.91 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_8.pdf | 244.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_45.pdf | 244.04 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_107.pdf | 243.53 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_10.pdf | 243.47 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_94.pdf | 243.17 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_104.pdf | 242.77 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_12.pdf | 242.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_60.pdf | 242.35 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-20-23h46m16s238.png | 242.34 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_55.pdf | 242.01 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_45.pdf | 241.96 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_4.pdf | 241.94 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch06.pdf | 241.94 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_122.pdf | 241.77 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_36.pdf | 241.49 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_102.pdf | 241.43 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_40.pdf | 241.16 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_14.pdf | 240.92 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_s8.pdf | 240.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_59.pdf | 240.26 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C10.pdf | 240.19 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_68.pdf | 240.17 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch43.pdf | 240.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch43.pdf | 240.08 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_77.pdf | 239.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_64.pdf | 239.61 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_47.pdf | 239.58 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_80.pdf | 239.03 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_70.pdf | 238.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_fm.pdf | 238.75 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_37.pdf | 238.62 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_60.pdf | 238.40 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_113.pdf | 238.27 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_116.pdf | 238.15 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_s7.pdf | 238.03 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 6th Edition (Sonntag Borgnakke Van Wylen)/ch02_eng.pdf | 238.00 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_87.pdf | 237.77 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_88.pdf | 237.66 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_42.pdf | 237.39 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_59.pdf | 237.28 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_95.pdf | 237.25 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_134.pdf | 237.15 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_131.pdf | 237.05 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_51.pdf | 236.48 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_70.pdf | 236.33 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_83.pdf | 236.04 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_42.pdf | 235.93 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.2.pdf | 235.70 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_55.pdf | 235.65 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_46.pdf | 235.65 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_92.pdf | 235.59 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_46.pdf | 235.54 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_111.pdf | 235.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_137.pdf | 235.47 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_90.pdf | 235.29 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_114.pdf | 235.27 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_35.pdf | 235.19 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_24.pdf | 234.80 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch69.pdf | 234.80 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch69.pdf | 234.80 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_114.pdf | 234.75 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch68.pdf | 234.72 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch68.pdf | 234.72 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_147.pdf | 234.39 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_30.pdf | 234.32 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_105.pdf | 234.01 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/preface.pdf | 234.00 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/preface.pdf | 234.00 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_101.pdf | 233.94 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.3.2.pdf | 233.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/Aval-1.pdf | 233.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_142.pdf | 233.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_125.pdf | 233.23 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_01.pdf | 233.23 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_01.pdf | 233.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_50.pdf | 232.68 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_20.pdf | 232.65 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_9.pdf | 232.51 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_65.pdf | 232.38 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_39.pdf | 232.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_28.pdf | 232.21 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_127.pdf | 231.97 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_121.pdf | 231.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_90.pdf | 231.71 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch12.pdf | 231.27 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch12.pdf | 231.27 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_85.pdf | 231.08 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_14.pdf | 230.90 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Profil.CATPart | 230.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_84.pdf | 230.60 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_58.pdf | 230.59 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_79.pdf | 230.52 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_91.pdf | 230.49 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_45.pdf | 230.35 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_117.pdf | 230.25 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_69.pdf | 230.21 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_48.pdf | 230.17 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_39.pdf | 230.16 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_49.pdf | 230.02 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_09.pdf | 229.94 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_26.pdf | 229.92 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_32.pdf | 229.61 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_82.pdf | 229.45 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-20-23h53m15s76.png | 229.35 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_41.pdf | 229.33 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_91.pdf | 229.31 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_20.pdf | 229.26 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_22.pdf | 228.99 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_48.pdf | 228.94 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_151.pdf | 228.90 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_139.pdf | 228.87 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_97.pdf | 228.78 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_51.pdf | 228.73 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Premiere Rotator.CATPart | 228.71 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_105.pdf | 228.71 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_123.pdf | 228.60 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_11.pdf | 228.54 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_61.pdf | 228.08 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_67.pdf | 228.02 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_119.pdf | 227.86 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_112.pdf | 227.83 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_29.pdf | 227.79 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_52.pdf | 227.64 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_64.pdf | 227.61 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Data/Spider.CATPart | 227.61 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_60.pdf | 227.44 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch77.pdf | 227.38 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch77.pdf | 227.38 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_108.pdf | 227.31 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_106.pdf | 227.18 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_41.pdf | 227.18 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch02.pdf | 226.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch02.pdf | 226.90 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_32.pdf | 226.79 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_70.pdf | 226.54 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_77.pdf | 226.47 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_30.pdf | 226.44 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_104.pdf | 226.44 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_103.pdf | 226.40 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_21.pdf | 226.37 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_23.pdf | 226.27 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/data/initial.CATProcess | 226.24 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch04.pdf | 226.20 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_53.pdf | 225.77 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_40.pdf | 225.63 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_101.pdf | 225.59 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_84.pdf | 225.47 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_95.pdf | 225.44 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_13.pdf | 225.42 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_90.pdf | 225.32 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_73.pdf | 225.30 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_97.pdf | 225.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C07.pdf | 225.26 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-01.pdf | 225.24 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_33.pdf | 225.24 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_E02.pdf | 225.17 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_62.pdf | 225.13 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_28.pdf | 225.00 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_67.pdf | 224.97 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_153.pdf | 224.81 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_27.pdf | 224.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_61.pdf | 224.60 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_24.pdf | 224.57 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch95.pdf | 224.45 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch95.pdf | 224.45 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_50.pdf | 224.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_33.pdf | 224.22 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_96.pdf | 224.12 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_109.pdf | 223.93 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_77.pdf | 223.93 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch14.pdf | 223.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_24.pdf | 223.60 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_115.pdf | 223.54 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_39.pdf | 221.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_63.pdf | 221.28 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_fm.pdf | 221.28 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_38.pdf | 221.25 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_21.pdf | 221.20 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_99.pdf | 220.67 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_128.pdf | 220.57 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_28.pdf | 220.56 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_25.pdf | 219.50 KB |
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control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NALCO Guide to Boiler Failure Analysys/58731_toc.pdf | 219.43 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_118.pdf | 219.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_41.pdf | 219.36 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_141.pdf | 218.76 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_29.pdf | 218.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_15.pdf | 218.42 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_88.pdf | 218.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_38.pdf | 218.22 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_44.pdf | 217.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_47.pdf | 217.72 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_35.pdf | 217.18 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch07.pdf | 217.18 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch07.pdf | 217.18 KB |
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machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch15.pdf | 214.90 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch15.pdf | 214.90 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_19.pdf | 213.62 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_45.pdf | 212.67 KB |
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thermodynamics/basic/notes/Module 4.pdf | 210.91 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_77.pdf | 210.84 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_3.pdf | 210.81 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_s13.pdf | 210.54 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.5.pdf | 210.53 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_129.pdf | 210.46 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_54.pdf | 210.46 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_33.pdf | 210.22 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_103.pdf | 210.15 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_12.pdf | 208.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_06.2.5.pdf | 208.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_4.pdf | 208.66 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_18.pdf | 208.64 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_2.pdf | 208.63 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_27.pdf | 208.43 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_62.pdf | 208.38 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_14.pdf | 208.38 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch99.pdf | 208.30 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch99.pdf | 208.30 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_86.pdf | 208.25 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_107.pdf | 206.61 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch16.pdf | 206.59 KB |
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machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch11.pdf | 205.73 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_s4.pdf | 205.70 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_118.pdf | 205.62 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_17.pdf | 205.61 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_65.pdf | 204.05 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.12.pdf | 203.97 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_114.pdf | 203.94 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch76.pdf | 203.89 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch76.pdf | 203.89 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_76.pdf | 203.89 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_123.pdf | 203.56 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_26.pdf | 203.47 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_59.pdf | 203.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_25.pdf | 203.32 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_40.pdf | 203.27 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-00.pdf | 203.24 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_8.pdf | 202.98 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_71.pdf | 202.98 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_41.pdf | 202.90 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Rotator.CATPart | 202.89 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_39.pdf | 202.87 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_102.pdf | 202.82 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_4.pdf | 202.75 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_5.pdf | 202.71 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_37.pdf | 202.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_118.pdf | 202.65 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_2.pdf | 202.21 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.12.pdf | 202.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_85.pdf | 202.10 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_53.pdf | 202.09 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-19.pdf | 202.09 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_53.pdf | 202.06 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_79.pdf | 202.04 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_34.pdf | 201.97 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_s10.pdf | 201.97 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_10.pdf | 201.96 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_19.pdf | 201.89 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_81.pdf | 201.87 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_99.pdf | 201.86 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_79.pdf | 201.83 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_02.pdf | 201.79 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Watts Mechanism.3gp | 201.77 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_69.pdf | 201.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_76.pdf | 201.65 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_95.pdf | 201.61 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_7.pdf | 201.43 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_41.pdf | 201.42 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_19.pdf | 201.42 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_41.pdf | 201.42 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_88.pdf | 201.34 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_96.pdf | 201.32 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_21.pdf | 201.29 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_8.pdf | 201.26 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_3.pdf | 201.25 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_42.pdf | 201.23 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C02.pdf | 201.16 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_26.pdf | 201.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_s9.pdf | 201.05 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_15.pdf | 200.99 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch62.pdf | 200.93 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch62.pdf | 200.93 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_s2.pdf | 200.90 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_72.pdf | 200.80 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_57.pdf | 199.90 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_65.pdf | 199.79 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_34.pdf | 199.67 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_92.pdf | 199.62 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_6.pdf | 199.24 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B11.pdf | 199.23 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_1.pdf | 198.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_01.pdf | 198.76 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_13.pdf | 198.62 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_38.pdf | 198.62 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_3.pdf | 198.37 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_42.pdf | 198.25 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_07.pdf | 198.24 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_52.pdf | 198.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_9.pdf | 198.16 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_48.pdf | 197.77 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - function generator.3gp | 197.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_06.pdf | 197.69 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_20.pdf | 197.47 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_32.pdf | 197.45 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_29.pdf | 197.32 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_56.pdf | 197.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_16.pdf | 197.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_95.pdf | 197.11 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_31.pdf | 197.04 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_61.pdf | 196.95 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_01.pdf | 196.91 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_15.pdf | 196.87 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_52.pdf | 196.85 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_21.pdf | 196.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.03.pdf | 196.58 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_7.pdf | 196.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_23.pdf | 196.48 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_60.pdf | 196.41 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_78.pdf | 196.38 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch17.pdf | 196.33 KB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch12.pdf | 196.32 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_7.pdf | 196.30 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_50.pdf | 196.24 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_104.pdf | 195.61 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_13.pdf | 195.53 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B05.pdf | 195.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_58.pdf | 195.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_11.pdf | 195.47 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_85.pdf | 194.75 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_61.pdf | 194.73 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_09.03.pdf | 194.72 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_s12.pdf | 194.70 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_141.pdf | 194.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_59.pdf | 194.63 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_s4.pdf | 194.28 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_44.pdf | 194.24 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_s6.pdf | 194.22 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_88.pdf | 194.18 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_43.pdf | 193.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch50.pdf | 193.58 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch50.pdf | 193.58 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_24.pdf | 193.48 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_11.pdf | 193.47 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_91.pdf | 193.24 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_46.pdf | 193.12 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch14.pdf | 193.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch14.pdf | 193.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_52.pdf | 193.08 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_83.pdf | 191.50 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch02/sm2_6.pdf | 188.04 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Design_Tables/ISO_4762_HEXAGON_SOCKET_HEAD_CAP_SCREW.xls | 188.00 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch13/sm13_19.pdf | 187.89 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_19.pdf | 187.59 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_06.pdf | 187.54 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch05/sm5_68.pdf | 186.65 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch61.pdf | 186.61 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch61.pdf | 186.61 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_138.pdf | 186.58 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_79.pdf | 186.47 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_114.pdf | 185.90 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_93.pdf | 185.88 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/A Index.pdf | 185.83 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_126.pdf | 185.72 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_110.pdf | 185.59 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch33.pdf | 185.21 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch33.pdf | 185.21 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_81.pdf | 185.06 KB |
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control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/NPE3-2-02_book%20v2.0.pdf | 181.89 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch09/sm9_3.pdf | 181.25 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch88.pdf | 181.21 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch88.pdf | 181.21 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch98.pdf | 181.03 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch98.pdf | 181.03 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_69.pdf | 180.88 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch34.pdf | 180.74 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch34.pdf | 180.74 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/Module 6.pdf | 180.41 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_03.pdf | 180.32 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_9.pdf | 180.17 KB |
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Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch53.pdf | 179.61 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_35.pdf | 178.90 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch06/sm6_30.pdf | 177.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_09.20.pdf | 177.28 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_61.pdf | 177.23 KB |
machine design/machine design by khhurmi/CHP-29.pdf | 177.05 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_17.pdf | 177.00 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Surround.CATPart | 176.85 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_73a.pdf | 176.83 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_106.pdf | 176.72 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_8.pdf | 176.46 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_18.pdf | 176.41 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_22.pdf | 175.81 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_31.pdf | 175.54 KB |
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Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch94.pdf | 175.41 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch94.pdf | 175.41 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/ISO_4762_M6x20_STEEL_HEXAGON_SOCKET_HEAD_CAP_SCREW.CATPart | 175.21 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch12/sm12_58.pdf | 174.34 KB |
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videos/New folder/YouTube - Slider Crank animation.3gp | 173.98 KB |
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Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch44.pdf | 173.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch44.pdf | 173.17 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h11m37s44.png | 172.83 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Part Structural Analysis/Data/ANSI_B18_2_3_5M_HEXAGON_BOLT.CATPart | 171.86 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.4.pdf | 171.71 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/Book Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers/Solutions by Chapter/ch7.pdf | 171.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_15.pdf | 171.49 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_108.pdf | 170.35 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineering Pump Handbook/40323_02.2.4.pdf | 169.84 KB |
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thermodynamics/basic/notes/Module 1.pdf | 168.04 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_111.pdf | 167.14 KB |
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control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Extruding Plastics - A Practical Processing Handbook/28103_app.pdf | 165.61 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_06.pdf | 165.23 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_59.pdf | 165.20 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_E08.pdf | 164.82 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_72.pdf | 164.45 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_99.pdf | 164.15 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Data/polepiece.CATPart | 163.19 KB |
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control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_06.pdf | 162.67 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Machinery's Handbook/26663_yd.pdf | 162.30 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_51.pdf | 162.25 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_102.pdf | 162.12 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_88.pdf | 159.42 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_E07.pdf | 159.41 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/ISO_4762.catalog | 158.66 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch91.pdf | 158.45 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch91.pdf | 158.45 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_34.pdf | 157.27 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_11.pdf | 156.85 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch01/sm1_72b.pdf | 156.74 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_08.pdf | 156.62 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_80.pdf | 156.42 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_118.pdf | 155.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_46.pdf | 155.50 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch72.pdf | 155.21 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch72.pdf | 155.21 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_fm.pdf | 155.15 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (10th Edition)/49971_fm.pdf | 153.76 KB |
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Ch03.pdf | 153.23 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/Surround.CATPart | 153.08 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_fm.pdf | 152.12 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_AppA.pdf | 152.11 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_84.pdf | 151.77 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_85.pdf | 151.61 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Fruit and Vegetable Processing - Improving Quality/36640_fm.pdf | 151.55 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_86.pdf | 151.46 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_73.pdf | 151.16 KB |
thermodynamics/Thermal fluid science/CENGEL TFS - solution/SECTION1.doc | 150.00 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h12m08s112.png | 149.16 KB |
machine design/Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design/solutions_manual/budynas_SM_ch02.pdf | 149.04 KB |
machine design/Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley/Solutions/budynas_SM_ch02.pdf | 149.04 KB |
Theory of machine/Theory Of Machines R.S Khurmi/Ch-01.pdf | 148.99 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_42.pdf | 148.90 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_36.pdf | 148.60 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_15.pdf | 147.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_10.pdf | 147.26 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-73.pdf | 147.15 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_103.pdf | 146.15 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_52.pdf | 146.03 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Materials Selection/59246_22.pdf | 145.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Useful Information for the Valve Industry.mht | 145.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_31.pdf | 144.79 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/Module 8.pdf | 144.54 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h13m34s232.png | 144.53 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch46.pdf | 144.19 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch46.pdf | 144.19 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_37.pdf | 143.96 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_58.pdf | 143.85 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_64.pdf | 143.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_45.pdf | 143.22 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch47.pdf | 143.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch47.pdf | 143.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_38.pdf | 142.68 KB |
mathematics/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_16.pdf | 141.87 KB |
mathematics/mathematics/maths/Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3E/AEM_3e_Chapter_16.pdf | 141.87 KB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163appb.pdf | 141.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_2.pdf | 140.92 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_119.pdf | 140.22 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_toc.pdf | 138.99 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h12m29s95.png | 137.55 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_appa.pdf | 136.91 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_117.pdf | 136.79 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_42.pdf | 136.72 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_5.pdf | 136.19 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_93.pdf | 136.08 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_92.pdf | 135.46 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_17.pdf | 135.30 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_39.pdf | 135.01 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-18-17h53m04s89.png | 134.59 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_4.pdf | 134.38 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-56.pdf | 134.37 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h13m00s143.png | 134.00 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-19.pdf | 133.82 KB |
mechanical engg books/Foolish.pdf | 133.78 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_34.pdf | 133.25 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_68.pdf | 133.22 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch49.pdf | 132.82 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch49.pdf | 132.82 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_127.pdf | 132.35 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_111.pdf | 131.67 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_16.pdf | 131.59 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_121.pdf | 131.33 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_30.pdf | 130.55 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Pump Handbook/40323_toc.pdf | 130.07 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_24.pdf | 129.81 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_129.pdf | 129.44 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_3.pdf | 129.15 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-59.pdf | 129.04 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch42.pdf | 128.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch42.pdf | 128.70 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_toc.pdf | 128.65 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Data/A0 Title Block.CATDrawing | 128.51 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_99.pdf | 128.46 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_49.pdf | 128.40 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_136.pdf | 128.25 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/app.pdf | 127.88 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/app.pdf | 127.88 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems/1806_PDF_C11.pdf | 127.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_16.pdf | 127.44 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_04.pdf | 126.28 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_33.pdf | 124.98 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h12m17s202.png | 124.62 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_79.pdf | 124.60 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_21.pdf | 124.11 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-55.pdf | 123.72 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/data/MachiningDocument.CATScript | 123.37 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Data/Diaphragm.CATPart | 122.84 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/magnet.CATPart | 122.48 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-18-17h53m21s4.png | 122.11 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_E04.pdf | 122.03 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_38.pdf | 121.73 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch97.pdf | 121.29 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch97.pdf | 121.29 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch02.pdf | 121.00 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Generative Drafting/Data/DS_Template.CATDrawing | 120.94 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_38.pdf | 120.64 KB |
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thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-18-17h53m49s35.png | 120.43 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-18-17h54m19s76.png | 119.97 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch101.pdf | 118.73 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch101.pdf | 118.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-69.pdf | 118.46 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_07.pdf | 117.73 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook/61693_fm.pdf | 117.17 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_17.pdf | 117.05 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Mechanism in Packaging Industry.3gp | 116.70 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Data/Voicecoil.CATPart | 116.37 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/tweeter/T_Magnet.CATPart | 116.24 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_10.pdf | 116.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_77.pdf | 116.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_69.pdf | 115.75 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/data/Process_spot_drill_counter.CATProcess | 115.60 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_74.pdf | 115.42 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_96.pdf | 115.02 KB |
videos/New folder/YouTube - Four bar mechanism.3gp | 114.80 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_18.pdf | 114.77 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/NC-Manufacturing/data/Tooling.CATPart | 114.43 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_87.pdf | 113.76 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_32.pdf | 113.63 KB |
Material Science/callister - materials science solution manual/ch13.pdf | 113.54 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_16.pdf | 112.88 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_72.pdf | 112.83 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_69.pdf | 112.06 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_19.pdf | 112.04 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_25.pdf | 112.00 KB |
machine design/Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)/DK1163ch1.pdf | 111.75 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Knowledgeware/Data/Wheel_Rim_Start.CATPart | 111.51 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-75.pdf | 111.51 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/250mm Driver.CATProduct | 111.44 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch90.pdf | 111.36 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch90.pdf | 111.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_63.pdf | 111.09 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-35.pdf | 110.89 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_113.pdf | 110.76 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/250mm Driver.CATProduct | 110.60 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_29.pdf | 110.09 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/Toc.jsp.htm | 110.01 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_7.pdf | 109.97 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_11.pdf | 109.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_64.pdf | 109.66 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/magnet.CATPart | 109.55 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_02.pdf | 109.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_27.pdf | 109.27 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_51.pdf | 109.25 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h13m12s16.png | 109.00 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_96.pdf | 108.82 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-18-17h54m37s5.png | 108.57 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_14.pdf | 108.27 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_106.pdf | 108.21 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch14/sm14_51.pdf | 108.08 KB |
machine design/Standard Handbook of Machine Design/69584_hc.pdf | 108.08 KB |
Finite element analysis & CFD(catia)/New folder/Coupled Structural-Thermal Analysis ANSYS [Uni of Alberta].pdf | 107.92 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_28.pdf | 107.81 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_53.pdf | 107.77 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_03.pdf | 107.73 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Drafting/Data/Surround.CATPart | 107.59 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_53.pdf | 107.58 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_35.pdf | 107.30 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_100.pdf | 107.16 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_1.pdf | 107.01 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_30.pdf | 107.01 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_3.pdf | 106.83 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_104.pdf | 106.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_98.pdf | 106.65 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/Handbook of Evaporation Technology.htm | 105.58 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment - The Pocket Reference/82982_ap2.pdf | 105.55 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_82.pdf | 104.96 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_37.pdf | 104.67 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Piping Handbook/71061_B09.pdf | 104.46 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_22.pdf | 104.22 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch14/sm14_46.pdf | 104.21 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_74.pdf | 103.78 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_71.pdf | 103.68 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Corrosion Engineering/65162_appg.pdf | 103.62 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch14/sm14_47.pdf | 103.47 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_109.pdf | 103.36 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_13.pdf | 103.17 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_125.pdf | 103.16 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_102.pdf | 102.88 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_103.pdf | 102.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_28.pdf | 102.45 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_114.pdf | 102.45 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_40.pdf | 102.45 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Engineers' Guide to Rotating Equipment/8344x_toc.pdf | 101.73 KB |
catia/TUTORIAL CATIA/Assembly Design/Data/Step7/T_Magnet.CATPart | 101.50 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_31.pdf | 101.01 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_29.pdf | 100.64 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_92.pdf | 100.33 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_25.pdf | 100.29 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_54.pdf | 100.17 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_07.pdf | 99.56 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_56.pdf | 99.52 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_16.pdf | 99.40 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_71.pdf | 99.27 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_105.pdf | 99.11 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_26.pdf | 99.03 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch14/sm14_48.pdf | 98.52 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-77.pdf | 98.31 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_64.pdf | 98.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-80.pdf | 97.79 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_fm.pdf | 97.31 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_12.pdf | 97.31 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_26.pdf | 96.53 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_68.pdf | 96.36 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_63.pdf | 96.24 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_18.pdf | 96.06 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_98.pdf | 95.96 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_48.pdf | 95.96 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_60.pdf | 95.77 KB |
Mechanical Measurement/Measurement Handbook/ch52.pdf | 95.77 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Measurement Handbook/ch52.pdf | 95.77 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Facility Piping Systems Handbook/58773_appa.pdf | 95.74 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_46.pdf | 95.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_11.pdf | 95.44 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Handbook of Evaporation Technology/10977_33.pdf | 94.96 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_69.pdf | 94.96 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_48.pdf | 94.90 KB |
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thermodynamics/basic/notes/first law/vlcsnap-2011-11-21-00h13m22s111.png | 94.67 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_76.pdf | 94.30 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_49.pdf | 93.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_51.pdf | 93.51 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-18.pdf | 92.32 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_45.pdf | 92.28 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_101.pdf | 92.27 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch08/sm8_21.pdf | 92.14 KB |
thermodynamics/basic/notes/Module 5.pdf | 91.88 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch04/problem4-52.pdf | 91.63 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_65.pdf | 91.40 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch07/sm7_11.pdf | 91.23 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch03/sm3_12.pdf | 90.83 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_21.pdf | 90.73 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11s_5.pdf | 90.49 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch10/sm10_35.pdf | 90.39 KB |
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thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_23.pdf | 89.98 KB |
control engg/Mechanical & Fluid Control Engineering/Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook/81314_12.pdf | 89.81 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_44.pdf | 89.69 KB |
thermodynamics/heat and mass transfer/solutions/ch11/sm11_58.pdf | 89.49 KB |
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