Jaworski M., Ziadé T. - Expert Python Programming, 4th Edition - 2021 - TorrentBank

File Name:Jaworski M., Ziadé T. - Expert Python Programming, 4th Edition - 2021

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code/.gitignore 87 B
code/Chapter 10/01 - Writing tests with pytest/batch.py 309 B
code/Chapter 10/01 - Writing tests with pytest/batch_1st_iteration.py 364 B
code/Chapter 10/01 - Writing tests with pytest/test_batch.py 825 B
code/Chapter 10/02 - Test parametrization/batch.py 309 B
code/Chapter 10/02 - Test parametrization/setup.cfg 120 B
code/Chapter 10/02 - Test parametrization/test_batch.py 1.62 KB
code/Chapter 10/03 - Pytests fixtures/backends.py 978 B
code/Chapter 10/03 - Pytests fixtures/docker-compose.yml 81 B
code/Chapter 10/03 - Pytests fixtures/interfaces.py 247 B
code/Chapter 10/03 - Pytests fixtures/README 139 B
code/Chapter 10/03 - Pytests fixtures/test_backends.py 1.84 KB
code/Chapter 10/03 - Pytests fixtures/test_fixtures.py 230 B
code/Chapter 10/04 - Using fakes/acme_fakes.py 331 B
code/Chapter 10/04 - Using fakes/acme_sdk.py 488 B
code/Chapter 10/04 - Using fakes/backends.py 1.23 KB
code/Chapter 10/04 - Using fakes/docker-compose.yml 81 B
code/Chapter 10/04 - Using fakes/interfaces.py 247 B
code/Chapter 10/04 - Using fakes/README 139 B
code/Chapter 10/04 - Using fakes/test_backends.py 2.12 KB
code/Chapter 10/05 - Mocks and unittest.mock module/mailer.py 432 B
code/Chapter 10/05 - Mocks and unittest.mock module/test_mailer.py 1.24 KB
code/Chapter 10/06 - Test coverage/backends.py 1.01 KB
code/Chapter 10/06 - Test coverage/docker-compose.yml 81 B
code/Chapter 10/06 - Test coverage/interfaces.py 247 B
code/Chapter 10/06 - Test coverage/README 139 B
code/Chapter 10/06 - Test coverage/setup.cfg 30 B
code/Chapter 10/06 - Test coverage/test_backends.py 1.84 KB
code/Chapter 10/07 - Mutation testing/primes.py 253 B
code/Chapter 10/07 - Mutation testing/setup.cfg 123 B
code/Chapter 10/07 - Mutation testing/test_primes.py 181 B
code/Chapter 10/07 - Mutation testing/test_primes_after_fixes.py 317 B
code/Chapter 10/08 - Faking realistic data values/mailer.py 432 B
code/Chapter 10/08 - Faking realistic data values/test_mailer.py 754 B
code/Chapter 10/09 - Faking time/test_time.py 489 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/CHANGELOG.md 0 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/LICENSE 0 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/MANIFEST.in 0 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/package_name/__init__.py 0 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/README.md 0 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/setup.cfg 69 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/setup.py 61 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/tests/__init__.py 0 B
code/Chapter 11/01 - Anatomy of Python package/tests/conftest.py 0 B
code/Chapter 11/02 - Namespace packages/acme/templating/__init__.py 163 B
code/Chapter 11/02 - Namespace packages/setup.py 102 B
code/Chapter 11/03 - Package scripts and entry points/findimports.py 606 B
code/Chapter 11/03 - Package scripts and entry points/scripts/findimports 40 B
code/Chapter 11/03 - Package scripts and entry points/setup.py 188 B
code/Chapter 11/04 - Convenient configuration handling/environ_config.py 524 B
code/Chapter 11/04 - Convenient configuration handling/plain_config.py 333 B
code/Chapter 12/01 - Python logging essentials/basic_logging.py 216 B
code/Chapter 12/02 - Logging system components/logging_handlers.py 811 B
code/Chapter 12/03 - Logging configuration/acme_logger.py 252 B
code/Chapter 12/03 - Logging configuration/configuration_dict.py 1.11 KB
code/Chapter 12/03 - Logging configuration/configuration_file.py 459 B
code/Chapter 12/03 - Logging configuration/logging.conf 378 B
code/Chapter 12/04 - Capturing errors for later review/sentry_example.py 384 B
code/Chapter 12/05 - Using Prometheus/backends.py 978 B
code/Chapter 12/05 - Using Prometheus/di.py 566 B
code/Chapter 12/05 - Using Prometheus/docker-compose.yml 565 B
code/Chapter 12/05 - Using Prometheus/Dockerfile 204 B
code/Chapter 12/05 - Using Prometheus/interfaces.py 247 B
code/Chapter 12/05 - Using Prometheus/prometheus.yml 326 B
code/Chapter 12/05 - Using Prometheus/tracking.py 1.88 KB
code/Chapter 12/06 - Distributed tracing with Jaeger/backends.py 978 B
code/Chapter 12/06 - Distributed tracing with Jaeger/di.py 566 B
code/Chapter 12/06 - Distributed tracing with Jaeger/docker-compose.yml 726 B
code/Chapter 12/06 - Distributed tracing with Jaeger/Dockerfile 330 B
code/Chapter 12/06 - Distributed tracing with Jaeger/interfaces.py 247 B
code/Chapter 12/06 - Distributed tracing with Jaeger/prometheus.yml 326 B
code/Chapter 12/06 - Distributed tracing with Jaeger/tracking.py 2.22 KB
code/Chapter 13/01 - Macro-profiling/myapp.py 287 B
code/Chapter 13/02 - Micro-profiling/myapp.py 809 B
code/Chapter 13/03 - Using objgraph module/myapp.py 651 B
code/Chapter 13/04 - Memoization/fibonacci.py 459 B
code/Chapter 2/01 - Writing your first Dockerfile/Dockerfile 233 B
code/Chapter 2/01 - Writing your first Dockerfile/echo.py 308 B
code/Chapter 2/01 - Writing your first Dockerfile/requirements.txt 12 B
code/Chapter 2/02 - Setting up complex environments/docker-compose.yml 388 B
code/Chapter 2/02 - Setting up complex environments/Dockerfile 233 B
code/Chapter 2/02 - Setting up complex environments/echo.py 308 B
code/Chapter 2/02 - Setting up complex environments/requirements.txt 12 B
code/Chapter 2/03 - Reducing the size of containers/Dockerfile 229 B
code/Chapter 2/03 - Reducing the size of containers/echo.py 308 B
code/Chapter 2/03 - Reducing the size of containers/requirements.txt 12 B
code/Chapter 2/04 - Addressing services inside of a Docker Compose environment/docker-compose.yml 294 B
code/Chapter 2/04 - Addressing services inside of a Docker Compose environment/Dockerfile 233 B
code/Chapter 2/04 - Addressing services inside of a Docker Compose environment/echo.py 308 B
code/Chapter 2/04 - Addressing services inside of a Docker Compose environment/requirements.txt 12 B
code/Chapter 2/05 - Communicating between Docker Compose environments/docker-compose.other.yml 296 B
code/Chapter 2/05 - Communicating between Docker Compose environments/docker-compose.yml 331 B
code/Chapter 2/05 - Communicating between Docker Compose environments/Dockerfile 233 B
code/Chapter 2/05 - Communicating between Docker Compose environments/echo.py 308 B
code/Chapter 2/05 - Communicating between Docker Compose environments/requirements.txt 12 B
code/Chapter 2/06 - Delaying code start up until service ports are open/docker-compose.yml 293 B
code/Chapter 2/06 - Delaying code start up until service ports are open/Dockerfile 233 B
code/Chapter 2/06 - Delaying code start up until service ports are open/echo.py 308 B
code/Chapter 2/06 - Delaying code start up until service ports are open/requirements.txt 31 B
code/Chapter 2/07 - Adding live reload for absolutely any code/docker-compose.yml 222 B
code/Chapter 2/07 - Adding live reload for absolutely any code/Dockerfile 233 B
code/Chapter 2/07 - Adding live reload for absolutely any code/echo.py 308 B
code/Chapter 2/07 - Adding live reload for absolutely any code/requirements.txt 40 B
code/Chapter 2/08 - Virtual development environments using Vagrant/Vagrantfile 806 B
code/Chapter 2/09 - Custom Python shells/pythonstartup.py 619 B
code/Chapter 3/01 - ChainMap from collections module/user_maps.py 882 B
code/Chapter 3/02 - Assignment expressions/findimports.py 640 B
code/Chapter 3/02 - Assignment expressions/findimports2.py 606 B
code/Chapter 3/02 - Assignment expressions/user_literal.py 340 B
code/Chapter 3/02 - Assignment expressions/user_literal2.py 316 B
code/Chapter 3/03 - Positional only parameters/cat.py 196 B
code/Chapter 3/03 - Positional only parameters/cat2.py 136 B
code/Chapter 3/03 - Positional only parameters/cat3.py 58 B
code/Chapter 3/04 - graphlib module/migrations.py 344 B
code/Chapter 3/05 - Module-level __getattr__ and __dir__ functions/import_warnings.py 320 B
code/Chapter 3/06 - Development mode/crasher.py 93 B
code/Chapter 3/07 - Structural pattern matching/fizzbuzz.py 181 B
code/Chapter 3/07 - Structural pattern matching/platforms.py 274 B
code/Chapter 3/07 - Structural pattern matching/points.py 534 B
code/Chapter 3/07 - Structural pattern matching/positional_points.py 555 B
code/Chapter 4/01 - Accessing super classes/caseinsensitive.py 968 B
code/Chapter 4/02 - Multiple iheritance and method resolution order/C3.txt 1.98 KB
code/Chapter 4/02 - Multiple iheritance and method resolution order/mro.py 265 B
code/Chapter 4/03 - Class instance initialization/aggregator_independent.py 1 B
code/Chapter 4/03 - Class instance initialization/aggregator_shared.py 181 B
code/Chapter 4/04 - Descriptors/reveal_access.py 672 B
code/Chapter 4/05 - Real-life example - lazily evaluated attributes/lazily_evaluated.py 696 B
code/Chapter 4/05 - Real-life example - lazily evaluated attributes/lazy_class_attribute.py 1.24 KB
code/Chapter 4/05 - Real-life example - lazily evaluated attributes/lazy_property.py 504 B
code/Chapter 4/06 - Dunder methods/matrices.py 2.13 KB
code/Chapter 4/06 - Dunder methods/matrices_with_scalars.py 3.08 KB
code/Chapter 4/06 - Dunder methods/matrices_with_singledistpatch.py 3.12 KB
code/Chapter 4/06 - Dunder methods/stub.cpp 267 B
code/Chapter 4/07 - Single dispatch/dispatch.py 602 B
code/Chapter 4/08 - Dataclasses/vector.py 691 B
code/Chapter 4/08 - Dataclasses/vector_dataclasses.py 498 B
code/Chapter 5/01 - A bit of history_ zope.interface/colliders_interfaces.py 2.22 KB
code/Chapter 5/01 - A bit of history_ zope.interface/colliders_invariants.py 2.65 KB
code/Chapter 5/01 - A bit of history_ zope.interface/colliders_simple.py 1.62 KB
code/Chapter 5/02 - Using function annotations and abstract base classes/colliders_abc.py 2.54 KB
code/Chapter 5/02 - Using function annotations and abstract base classes/colliders_subclasshooks.py 2.56 KB
code/Chapter 5/02 - Using function annotations and abstract base classes/dummy_interface.py 940 B
code/Chapter 5/03 - Interfaces though type annotations/colliders_protocol.py 2.54 KB
code/Chapter 5/04 - Inversion of control in applications/index.html 81 B
code/Chapter 5/04 - Inversion of control in applications/tracking.py 1.23 KB
code/Chapter 5/05 - Inversion of control in applications p.2/backends.py 978 B
code/Chapter 5/05 - Inversion of control in applications p.2/docker-compose.yml 147 B
code/Chapter 5/05 - Inversion of control in applications p.2/Dockerfile 128 B
code/Chapter 5/05 - Inversion of control in applications p.2/interfaces.py 247 B
code/Chapter 5/05 - Inversion of control in applications p.2/tracking.py 1.56 KB
code/Chapter 5/06 - Using dependency injection frameworks/backends.py 978 B
code/Chapter 5/06 - Using dependency injection frameworks/di.py 566 B
code/Chapter 5/06 - Using dependency injection frameworks/docker-compose.yml 147 B
code/Chapter 5/06 - Using dependency injection frameworks/Dockerfile 175 B
code/Chapter 5/06 - Using dependency injection frameworks/interfaces.py 247 B
code/Chapter 5/06 - Using dependency injection frameworks/tracking.py 1.38 KB
code/Chapter 6/01 - What is multithreading/start_new_thread.py 190 B
code/Chapter 6/01 - What is multithreading/start_new_threads.py 275 B
code/Chapter 6/01 - What is multithreading/thread_safe_visits.py 498 B
code/Chapter 6/01 - What is multithreading/thread_visits.py 495 B
code/Chapter 6/02 - An example of a threaded application/synchronous.py 716 B
code/Chapter 6/03 - Using one thread per item/one_thread_per_item.py 1.01 KB
code/Chapter 6/04 - Using a thread pool/thread_pool.py 1.37 KB
code/Chapter 6/05 - Using two-way queues/two_way_queues.py 1.61 KB
code/Chapter 6/06 - Dealing with errors in threads/error_handling.py 1.97 KB
code/Chapter 6/07 - Throttling/throttling.py 2.90 KB
code/Chapter 6/08 - Multiprocessing/forks.py 652 B
code/Chapter 6/09 - The built-in multiprocessing module/basic_multiprocessing.py 491 B
code/Chapter 6/09 - The built-in multiprocessing module/pipes.py 765 B
code/Chapter 6/09 - The built-in multiprocessing module/sharedctypes.py 463 B
code/Chapter 6/10 - Using process pools/process_pools.py 913 B
code/Chapter 6/11 - Using multiprocessing.dummy as the multithreading interface/multiprocessing_dummy.py 1.03 KB
code/Chapter 6/12 - Python async and await keywords/async_print.py 408 B
code/Chapter 6/12 - Python async and await keywords/waiters.py 390 B
code/Chapter 6/12 - Python async and await keywords/waiters_await.py 567 B
code/Chapter 6/13 - A practical example of asynchronous programming/async_aiohttp.py 887 B
code/Chapter 6/13 - A practical example of asynchronous programming/asyncrates.py 272 B
code/Chapter 6/14 - Integrating non-asynchronous code with async using futures/async_futures.py 1.17 KB
code/Chapter 7/01 - Event-driven programming in GUIs/tk_zen.py 555 B
code/Chapter 7/02 - Event-driven communication/flask_zen.py 677 B
code/Chapter 7/03 - Callback-based style/tk_zen_binding.py 590 B
code/Chapter 7/04 - Subject-based style/observers.py 2.06 KB
code/Chapter 7/05 - Topic-based style/topic_based_events.py 942 B
code/Chapter 8/01 - One step deeper_ class decorators/autorepr.py 999 B
code/Chapter 8/01 - One step deeper_ class decorators/autorepr_subclassed.py 1003 B
code/Chapter 8/02 - Intercepting class instance creation process/instance_counting.py 520 B
code/Chapter 8/02 - Intercepting class instance creation process/xlist.py 222 B
code/Chapter 8/03 - Metaclass usage/case_user.py 687 B
code/Chapter 8/04 - Using __init__subclass__ method as alternative to metaclasses/autorepr.py 1.05 KB
code/Chapter 8/04 - Using __init__subclass__ method as alternative to metaclasses/autorepr_with_init_subclass.py 1.52 KB
code/Chapter 8/05 - Falcons compiled router/api.py 388 B
code/Chapter 8/06 - Hy/hyllo.hy 53 B
code/Chapter 9/01 - Writing extensions/fibonacci.py 276 B
code/Chapter 9/02 - Pure C extensions/fibonacci.c 1.07 KB
code/Chapter 9/02 - Pure C extensions/setup.py 146 B
code/Chapter 9/03 - Exception handling/fibonacci.c 1.24 KB
code/Chapter 9/03 - Exception handling/setup.py 146 B
code/Chapter 9/04 - Cython as a source-to-source compiler/.gitignore 12 B
code/Chapter 9/04 - Cython as a source-to-source compiler/fibonacci.py 276 B
code/Chapter 9/04 - Cython as a source-to-source compiler/setup.py 855 B
code/Chapter 9/05 - Cython as a language/fibonacci.c 115.55 KB
code/Chapter 9/05 - Cython as a language/fibonacci.pyx 425 B
code/Chapter 9/05 - Cython as a language/setup.py 856 B
code/Chapter 9/06 - Calling C functions using ctypes/qsort.py 1.28 KB
code/LICENSE 1.04 KB
code/README.md 172 B
code/requirements.txt 555 B
Jaworski M., Ziadé T. - Expert Python Programming, 4th Edition - 2021.epub 4.52 MB
Jaworski M., Ziadé T. - Expert Python Programming, 4th Edition - 2021.pdf 7.95 MB
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