Create Tool:qBittorrent v3.1.12
Create Time:2015-05-01 18:05:24
File Size:2.56 GB
File Count:124
File Hash:ddf7e918ad86d4027e7d04889c401ed98bfed6db
Exercise | 776.58 MB |
00 Introduction/00_00-Welcome.mp4 | 45.65 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_00-Intro22.mp4 | 7.43 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_01-introcustomshortcuts.mp4 | 22.19 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_02-installdekekeyswindows.mp4 | 19.18 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_03-installdekekeysonmac.mp4 | 15.01 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_04-remapmacOSshortcuts.mp4 | 5.01 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_05-adjustfewkeyprefsettings.mp4 | 25.12 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_06-colormanagedworkflow.mp4 | 19.49 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_07-estaboptimalclrsettings.mp4 | 18.49 MB |
22 Shortcuts and Settings/22_08-colorsettingsforPS.mp4 | 9.54 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_00-Intro23.mp4 | 11.12 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_01-createamulticolorblend.mp4 | 16.54 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_02-establishclippingmask.mp4 | 10.04 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_03-reinstateclippathscolors.mp4 | 13.45 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_04-editindividblendedpaths.mp4 | 8.49 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_05-adjustnumberblendsteps.mp4 | 15.64 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_06-fixproblemwithblendtool.mp4 | 7.69 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_07-differentlevelsofopacity.mp4 | 8.60 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_08-editthespineofablend.mp4 | 10.13 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_09-customspinetoanyblend.mp4 | 9.07 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_10-clipmaskkeepfillstroke.mp4 | 12.17 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_11-blendbetweengroups.mp4 | 5.76 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_12-adjustthespeedofablend.mp4 | 5.96 MB |
23 Blends and Masks/23_13-rotateobjectsin3Dspace.mp4 | 12.83 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_00-Intro24.mp4 | 9.99 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_01-customizesinglecharacter.mp4 | 10.65 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_02-letterfrmwpredefsymbol.mp4 | 13.52 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_03-logotypealongopenpath.mp4 | 10.21 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_04-typealongclosedpath.mp4 | 7.93 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_05-vertalgnorientspac.mp4 | 10.04 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_06-warptextaroundcircle.mp4 | 13.44 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_07-createclassicneoneffect.mp4 | 9.69 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_08-randomfluctuatnsbright.mp4 | 9.18 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_09-blockoutwmultistrokes.mp4 | 14.05 MB |
24 Logos and Specialty Text/24_10-addblurbokehinPs.mp4 | 14.54 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_00-Intro25.mp4 | 17.42 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_01-introcolorguidepanel.mp4 | 11.54 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_02-23harmonyrules.mp4 | 13.80 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_03-mixandmatchharmns.mp4 | 13.83 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_04-clrgroupsncustomHrules.mp4 | 15.60 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_05-workinsideditcolorsdbox.mp4 | 14.33 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_06-customizeaharmonyrule.mp4 | 15.56 MB |
25 The Color Guide Panel/25_07-constraincolorstolibrary.mp4 | 11.92 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_00-Intro26.mp4 | 8.03 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_01-introrecolorartworkcmnd.mp4 | 8.90 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_02-recolorwithcolorgroups.mp4 | 8.49 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_03-changecolorassignment.mp4 | 11.75 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_04-combinecolorstogether.mp4 | 12.14 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_05-tintsnshadessinglecolor.mp4 | 12.92 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_06-recolorartwithgradients.mp4 | 9.00 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_07-collectcreatethemeskuler.mp4 | 11.03 MB |
26 Recoloring Artwork/26_08-recolorartwkulertheme.mp4 | 12.03 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_00-Intro27.mp4 | 12.65 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_01-introbrushespanelstyles.mp4 | 11.79 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_02-applycalligraphicbrush.mp4 | 17.80 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_03-applyandscaleartbrush.mp4 | 15.74 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_04-applycstmscatterbrush.mp4 | 15.80 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_05-formatbrushedpattrntext.mp4 | 17.08 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_06-designacustomartbrush.mp4 | 14.53 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_07-createorreplaceartbrush.mp4 | 15.88 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_08-refinebrushtofitendcrnrs.mp4 | 12.37 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_09-expandfillnstrokebrush.mp4 | 24.04 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_10-typeonapathvsartbrush.mp4 | 25.37 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_11-textbrushwithwidthtool.mp4 | 31.13 MB |
27 Calligraphic, Scatter, and Art Brushes/27_12-infuseartwithtilepattern.mp4 | 11.89 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_00-Intro28.mp4 | 18.16 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_01-workwithopacityvalue.mp4 | 8.25 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_02-darkenmultiplycolorburn.mp4 | 11.77 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_03-lightenscreencolordodge.mp4 | 9.43 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_04-overlaysoftharddiffexclu.mp4 | 9.19 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_05-huesatcolorluminosity.mp4 | 9.82 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_06-combineseveralmodes.mp4 | 13.79 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_07-createaknockoutgroup.mp4 | 15.27 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_08-combinemodesdynamFX.mp4 | 13.19 MB |
28 Transparency and Blend Modes/28_09-exporttransprncyfromAI.mp4 | 19.95 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_00-Intro29.mp4 | 14.60 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_01-twostrokespixelbasedtile.mp4 | 10.92 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_02-createdepthusingstrokes.mp4 | 9.36 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_03-symmetrcllyoffsetstrokes.mp4 | 10.53 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_04-dupgroupsofattributes.mp4 | 14.65 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_05-expandcomplxappearnc.mp4 | 10.56 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_06-simplifymultistrokeFX.mp4 | 14.73 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_07-insetrectconverttoshape.mp4 | 35.23 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_08-alignedpattrnsnshadows.mp4 | 42.11 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_09-arrowhdsrotatedstrokes.mp4 | 33.90 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_10-overlapgradntstrokesavi.mp4 | 29.47 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_11-addcircularstrokeelemnts.mp4 | 36.35 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_12-outlineentiremultistroke.mp4 | 29.59 MB |
29 The Appearance Panel/29_13-seamlesswoodgrainpttrn.mp4 | 15.51 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_00-Intro30.mp4 | 23.56 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_01-repeattransformseries.mp4 | 10.78 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_02-adjustnupdatedynamFX.mp4 | 13.20 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_03-strokeingrouparndlayer.mp4 | 12.08 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_04-improvdropshadperform.mp4 | 10.46 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_05-applyeffectmultipletimes.mp4 | 13.61 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_06-intricatespirogrphpattern.mp4 | 26.66 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_07-scallopedgespuckerbloat.mp4 | 14.34 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_08-dynampathfindertolayer.mp4 | 10.76 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_09-createbeveledornaments.mp4 | 13.00 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_10-createscupturaltexteffect.mp4 | 15.88 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_11-dynamreltnshptextpaths.mp4 | 18.14 MB |
30 Dynamic Effects/30_12-edittextassociatewithdFX.mp4 | 13.20 MB |
31 Graphic Styles/31_00-Intro31.mp4 | 15.04 MB |
31 Graphic Styles/31_01-pixelbasedeffectgallery.mp4 | 9.60 MB |
31 Graphic Styles/31_02-copyFXfromlayertoother.mp4 | 18.26 MB |
31 Graphic Styles/31_03-intrographicstylespanel.mp4 | 13.41 MB |
31 Graphic Styles/31_04-stylesnFXgallerypreviews.mp4 | 18.75 MB |
31 Graphic Styles/31_05-enhancresolutnantialias.mp4 | 17.70 MB |
31 Graphic Styles/31_06-combineandsavestyles.mp4 | 20.44 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_00-Intro32.mp4 | 12.40 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_01-perfectlycenteredstar.mp4 | 11.84 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_02-equallyspacedbevelcircls.mp4 | 13.88 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_03-creatreflectivehighlights.mp4 | 13.02 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_04-twowaysrasterizearforPS.mp4 | 16.17 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_05-importartassmartobject.mp4 | 22.77 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_06-createlensflareeffectinPs.mp4 | 17.97 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_07-phottexturebrushhilights.mp4 | 24.75 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_08-updatevectorsmtobjinAI.mp4 | 20.45 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_09-pasteAIarttoshapelayers.mp4 | 16.99 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_10-assignFXtoindepnshapes.mp4 | 15.04 MB |
32 Combining the Powers of Illustrator and Photoshop/32_11-createphotorealisticart.mp4 | 10.73 MB |
33 Conclusion/33_00-Outro.mp4 | 8.84 MB |
Free Exercise | 28.21 KB | |
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