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Histoire, Histoires/The Art of Computer Programming/The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes I-IVa - [Addison-Wesley] - Donald E. Knuth.pdf | 552.25 MB |
A Practical Guide to Video And Audio Compression (2005) - [Elsevier] - Cliff Wootton.pdf | 9.90 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/A Guide to Graph Colouring, Algorithms and Applications (2016) - [Springer] - R.M.R. Lewis.pdf | 2.46 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/A Practical Theory of Programming (2016) - [Springer] - Eric C.R. Hehner.pdf | 1.33 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Advanced Data Structures (2008) - [Cambridge] - Peter Brass.pdf | 1.64 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithm Design (2006) {Scan} - [Pearson] - John Kleinberg, Éva Tardos.pdf | 42.78 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithm Theory, SWAT 2002 (2002) - [Springer] - M. Penttonen, E. Meineche Schmidt.pdf | 4.29 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithmique et programmation pour non-matheux (2008) - Christophe Darmengeat.pdf | 1.77 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithmique, Raisonner pour concevoir (2009) {Dump} - [ENI] - Christophe Haro.pdf | 18.38 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithmique, Techniques fondamentales de programmation, Exemples en Java (2007) {Dump} - [ENI] - Sébastien Rohaut.pdf | 10.15 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithmique, Techniques fondamentales de programmation, Exemples en PHP (2009) {Dump} - [ENI] - Sébastien Rohaut.pdf | 2.35 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms (1984) - [Addison-Wesley] - Robert Sedgewick.pdf | 4.37 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms (4th ed, 2011) - [Addison-Wesley] - Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne.pdf | 24.02 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms and Data Structures (1985) - Niklaus Wirth.pdf | 1.20 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms and Data Structures (1986) - [Prentice Hall] - Niklaus Wirth.pdf | 36.15 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ (1993) {Dump} - [CRC Press] - Alan Parker.pdf | 14.03 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms and Parallel Computing (2011) - [Wiley] - Fayez Gebali.pdf | 7.91 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms for Interviews (2010) - [CreateSpace] - Adnan Aziz, Amit Prakash.pdf | 15.46 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms for Linear-quadratic Optimization (1996) - [Marcel Dekker] - Vasile Sima.djvu | 4.02 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms for Visual Design Using the Processing Language (2009) - [Wiley] - Kostas Terzidis.pdf | 7.27 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms in a Nutshell, A Desktop Quick Reference (2009) - [O'Reilly] - George T. Heineman, Gary Pollice, Stanley Selkow.pdf | 12.33 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms in C (1990) - [Addison-Wesley] - Robert Sedgewick.pdf | 28.97 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4 (3rd ed, 1998) - [Addison-Wesley] - Robert Sedgewick.pdf | 34.23 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Algorithms, A Functional Programming Approach (2nd ed, 1999) - [Addison-Wesley] - Fethi Rabhi, Guy Lapalme.djvu | 2.30 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms (2nd ed, 2012) - [World Scientific] - Michael Soltys.pdf | 1.73 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms (2nd ed, 2013) - [Addison-Wesley] - Robert Sedgewick, Philippe Flajolet.pdf | 4.83 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/An Introduction to the Theory of Computation (1989) {Webdump} - [Computer Science Press] - Eitan M. Gurari.pdf | 5.99 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Analysis of Algorithms, An Active Learning Approach (2001) - [Jones and Bartlett] - Jeffrey J. McConnell.pdf | 1.51 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Apprendre à programmer, Algorithmes et conception objet (2è ed, 2008) - [Eyrolles] - Christophe Dabancourt.pdf | 17.25 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/C++ Plus Data Structures (3rd ed, 2003) - [Jones and Bartlett Publishers] - Nell Dale.pdf | 18.13 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Clean Code Cheat Sheet v2.1 (2013) - [Bbv Software Services] - Urs Enzler.pdf | 549.19 KB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Colonies de fourmis (2008) - [] - Pierre Schwartz.pdf | 107.75 KB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Computing Handbook (3rd ed, 2014) - [CRC Press] - Tucker, Allen, Gonzalez, Teofilo, Diaz-Herrera, Jorge.pdf | 24.35 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Cours Algorithmique et Programmation, Licence Informatique (2010) - J. Stern.pdf | 606.77 KB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++, Walls and Mirrors (3rd ed, 2002) - [Addison-Wesley] - Frank M Carrano, Janet J Prichard.pdf | 35.94 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Compression, The Complete Reference (3rd ed, 2004) - [Springer] - David Salomon.pdf | 13.21 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms (2001) {Dump} - Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman.pdf | 6.40 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ (2nd ed, 2001) - [Thomson] - Adam Drozdek.djvu | 3.93 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ (2nd ed, 2011) - [Wiley] - Goodrich, Tamassia, Mount.pdf | 17.15 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (2nd ed, 2005) - [Thomson] - Adam Drozdek.pdf | 3.76 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (4th ed, 2005) - [Wiley] - Goodrich, Tamassia.pdf | 15.94 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (6th ed, 2014) - [Wiley] - Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser.pdf | 9.77 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (2013) - [Wiley] - Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser.pdf | 6.49 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript (2014) - [O'Reilly] - Michael McMillan.pdf | 8.27 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Data Structures and Program Design in C++ (2000) - [Prentice Hall] - Robert L. Kruse, Alexander J. Ryba.pdf | 6.31 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Design Concepts in Programming Languages (2008) - [MIT Press] - Franklyn Turbak, David Gifford.pdf | 5.10 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Développez des applications originales pour iPhone et iPod Touch (2010) - [Pearson] - Jean-Marc Delprato.pdf | 9.73 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Encyclopedia of Algorithms (2008) - [Springer] - Ming-Yang Kao.pdf | 54.64 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Essentials of Programming Languages (3rd ed, 2008) - [MIT Press] - Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand.pdf | 3.41 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Event Processing in Action (2009) {Dump} - [Manning] - Opher Etzion, Peter Niblett.pdf | 13.47 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms (1984) - [Computer Science Press] - Ellis Horowitz.pdf | 18.35 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (2007) - [O'Reilly] - Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary Pollice, David West.pdf | 51.96 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Head First Programming (2009) - [O'Reilly] - Paul Barry, David Griffiths.pdf | 13.46 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/How to Think about Algorithms (2008) - [Cambridge] - Jeff Edmonds.pdf | 6.03 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Informatique et sciences du numérique, Spécialité ISN en terminale S (2012) - [Eyrolles] - Gilles Dowek.pdf | 74.18 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Informatique et sciences du numérique, Édition spéciale Python (2013) - [Eyrolles] - Gilles Dowek.pdf | 51.68 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Introduction to Algorithms (2nd ed, 2001) - [MIT Press] - Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein.pdf | 12.67 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed, 2009) - [MIT Press] - Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein.pdf | 5.55 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Introduction to Algorithms, Instructor's Manual (2nd ed, 2001) - [MIT Press] - Thomas H. Cormen, Clara Lee, Erica Lin.pdf | 1.65 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation (2nd ed, 2001) - [Addison-Wesley] - John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman.pdf | 56.62 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Introduction to Data Compression (3rd ed, 2006) - [Elsevier] - Khalid Sayood.pdf | 3.72 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/L'orienté objet (2è ed, 2007) - [Eyrolles] - Hugues Bersini.pdf | 7.23 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Langages formels, Calculabilité et complexité, Cours et exercices corrigés (2014) - [Vuibert] - Olivier Carton.pdf | 8.07 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Les bases de l'informatique et de la programmation (2004) - [Berti] - Robert Michel di Scala.pdf | 10.10 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Les langages à objets, Principes de base, techniques de programmation (1992) - [Armand Colin] - Michel Beaudouin-Lafon.pdf | 609.27 KB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Les virus informatiques, Théorie, pratique et applications (2è ed, 2009) - [Springer] - Éric Filiol.pdf | 19.57 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Mastering Algorithms with C (1999) - [O'Reilly] - Kyle Loudon.epub | 3.90 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Mastering Algorithms with C (1999) - [O'Reilly] - Kyle Loudon.pdf | 5.05 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Mastering Algorithms with Perl (1999) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - Jon Orwant, Jarkko Hietaniemi, John Macdonald.pdf | 6.03 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Memory Management Algorithms and Implementation in C and C++ (2003) - [Wordware Publishing] - Bill Blunden.pdf | 4.04 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Object Oriented Software Composition (1995) - [Prentice Hall] - Oscar Nierstrasz, Dennis Tsichritzis.pdf | 13.84 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Object-Oriented Construction Handbook (2005) - [Elsevier] - Heinz Züllighoven.pdf | 17.31 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Practical Genetic Algorithms (2nd ed, 2004) - [Wiley] - Haupt.pdf | 2.64 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Problems on Algorithms (2nd ed, 2002) - Ian Parberry, William Gasarch.pdf | 2.41 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Programming Challenges (2003) - [Springer] - Steven S. Skiena Miguel A. Revilla.pdf | 14.61 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Refactoring, Improving the Design of Existing Code (1999) - [Pearson] - Martin Fowler, Kent Beck.pdf | 1.90 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code (2005) - [Springer] - Paolo Tonella, Alessandra Potrich.pdf | 5.82 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Reversing, Secrets of Reverse Engineering (2005) - [Wiley] - Eldad Eilam.pdf | 8.36 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/S'initier à la programmation avec des exemples (2008) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 6.77 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Secure Programming with Static Analysis (2007) - [Addison-Wesley] - Brian Chess, Jacob West.pdf | 4.71 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd ed, 1996) - [MIT Press] - Abelson, Sussman.pdf | 9.04 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/The Algorithm Design Manual (2nd ed, 2008) - [Springer] - Steven S Skiena.pdf | 3.89 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/The Object-Oriented Thought Process (3rd ed, 2008) - [Addison-Wesley] - Matt Weisfeld.pdf | 3.35 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/Thinking Recursively (1986) - [Wiley] - Eric S Roberts.djvu | 1.17 MB |
Algorithmes, Programmation divers/What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (2007) - [Red Hat] - Ulrich Drepper.pdf | 1.06 MB |
ArchiCAD, De la prise en main jusqu'au traceur (2005) - [Dunod] - Éric Wilk.pdf | 7.18 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know (2009) - [O'Reilly] - Richard Monson-Haefel.epub | 15.28 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know (2009) - [O'Reilly] - Richard Monson-Haefel.pdf | 2.01 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/Architecture Logicielle (2006) - [Dunod] - Jacques Printz.pdf | 5.40 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/Design Pattern Card (2007) - Jason S. McDonald.pdf | 82.43 KB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/Design Patterns for Dummies (2006) - [Wiley] - Steve Holzner.pdf | 4.89 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) - [Pearson] - Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides.epub | 7.39 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/Framework Design Guidelines (2nd ed, 2009) - [Addison-Wesley] - Krzysztof Cwalina, Brad Abrams.pdf | 45.23 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/Object Oriented Design and Patterns (2nd ed, 2006) - [Wiley] - Cay Horstmann.pdf | 7.91 MB |
Architecture logicielle, Design Patterns/Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (2002) - [Addison-Wesley] - Martin Fowler et al.pdf | 5.78 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/A Practical Introduction to Computer Architecture (2009) - [Springer] - Daniel Page.pdf | 9.45 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Acquisition de données, Du capteur à l'ordinateur (3è ed, 2011) - [Dunod] - Georges Asch.pdf | 71.47 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Assembler upgrader et dépanner son PC (2010) - [Pearson] - Michel Martin.pdf | 52.39 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach (4th ed, 2007) - [Elsevier] - John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson.pdf | 5.54 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach (4th ed, 2007), Companion CD Appendices.rar | 6.20 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware Software Interface (3rd ed, 2005) - [Elsevier] - David a Patterson, John L Henne.pdf | 50.05 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware Software Interface (3rd ed, 2005), Solutions.pdf | 2.40 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware Software Interface (4th ed, 2009) {Scan} - [Elsevier] - David a Patterson, John L Henne.pdf | 252.45 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware Software Interface (4th ed, 2009), CD.rar | 20.33 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Configuration et dépannage de PC, Guide de formation avec exercices pratiques, De Win XP à Win 8 (5è ed, 2014) - [Eyrolles] - Sophie Lange.pdf | 99.44 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Configuration et dépannage de PC, Guide de formation avec exercices pratiques, Win XP, Vista, 7 (4è ed, 2012) - [Eyrolles] - Sophie Lange.pdf | 127.67 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Learn Hardware, Firmware and Software Design (2005) - [Corollary Theorems] - OG Popa.pdf | 6.63 MB |
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Architecture métérielle, Électronique/Memory Systems, Cache, DRAM, Disk (2008) - [Elsevier] - Bruce Jacob, Spencer W. Ng, David T. Wang.pdf | 23.31 MB |
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Architecture métérielle, Électronique/See MIPS Run Linux (2nd ed, 2007) - [Elsevier] - Dominic Sweetman.pdf | 5.13 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/The Computer Engineering Handbook (2002) - [CRC Press] - Vojin Oklobdzija.pdf | 21.59 MB |
Architecture métérielle, Électronique/USB Complete, The Developer's Guide (4th ed, 2009) - [Lakeview Research] - Jan Axelson.pdf | 6.62 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino (2011) - Floss Manuals.epub | 12.16 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino (2011) - Floss Manuals.pdf | 3.83 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Adventures (2013) - [Apress] - James Floyd Kelly, Harold Timmis.pdf | 15.63 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino and Kinect Projects (2012) - [Apress] - Enrique Ramos Melgar, Ciriaco Castro Díez, Przemek Jaworski.pdf | 79.23 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino and Lego Projects (2013) - [Apress] - Jon Lazar.pdf | 13.98 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Android Blueprints (2014) - [Packt] - Marco Schwartz, Stefan Buttigieg.pdf | 5.45 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Bots and Gadgets (2011) - [O'Reilly] - Kimmo Karvinen, Tero Karvinen.pdf | 55.70 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Cookbook (1st ed, 2011) - [O'Reilly] - Michael Margolis.pdf | 7.49 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Cookbook (2nd ed, 2012) - [O'Reilly] - Michael Margolis.pdf | 11.84 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Development Cookbook (2015) - [Packt] - Cornel Amariei.pdf | 3.99 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Electronics Blueprints (2015) - [Packt] - Don Wilcher.pdf | 14.25 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino for Secret Agents (2015) - [Packt] - Marco Schwartz.pdf | 4.67 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino in Action (2013) - [Manning] - Martin Evans, Joshua Noble, Jordan Hochenbaum.pdf | 11.78 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Maîtrisez sa programmation et ses cartes d'interface (2è ed, 2014) - [Dunod] - Christian Tavernier.pdf | 24.41 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Music and Audio Projects (2015) - [Apress] - Mike Cook.pdf | 12.55 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Premiers pas en informatique embarquée (2014) - Simon Landrault, Hippolyte Weisslinger.epub | 16.25 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Premiers pas en informatique embarquée (2014) - Simon Landrault, Hippolyte Weisslinger.pdf | 21.86 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Projects to Save the World (2011) - [Apress] - Emery Premeaux, Brian Evans.pdf | 27.16 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Robotics (2011) - [Apress] - Warren, Adams, Holle.pdf | 20.67 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Sketches (2015) - [Wiley] - James A. Langbridge.pdf | 128.79 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Starter Kit Projects Book (1st ed, 2012).pdf | 16.23 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino User Guide for Operating System (2nd ed, 2015) - [SS Publishing] - Robert Scott.epub | 478.47 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino User Guide for Operating System (2nd ed, 2015) - [SS Publishing] - Robert Scott.pdf | 1.12 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Wearables (2012) - [Apress] - Tony Olsson.pdf | 9.18 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino Workshop (2013) - [No Starch] - John Boxall.pdf | 6.99 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino, A Quick-Start Guide (1st ed, 2011) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Maik Schmidf.pdf | 9.47 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino, A Quick-Start Guide (2nd ed, 2015) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Maik Schmidf.pdf | 29.20 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino, A Technical Reference (2016) - [O'Reilly] - J. M. Hughes.epub | 84.03 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Arduino, A Technical Reference (2016) - [O'Reilly] - J. M. Hughes.pdf | 31.10 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Atelier Arduino (2006) - Jean-Noël Montagné.pdf | 4.96 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino (2012) - [O'Reilly] - Patrick Di Justo, Emily Gertz.pdf | 3.70 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Beginning Arduino (2nd ed, 2013) - [Apress] - Michal McRoberts.pdf | 9.58 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Beginning C for Arduino (1st ed, 2012) - [Apress] - Jack Purdum.pdf | 27.42 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Beginning C for Arduino (2nd ed, 2015) - [Apress] - Jack Purdum.pdf | 14.03 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things (2016) - [Apress] - Adeel Javed.pdf | 16.88 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/C Programming for Arduino (2013) - [Packt] - Julien Bayle.pdf | 10.53 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Getting Started with Arduino (2nd ed, 2011) - [Maker Media] - Massimo Banzi.pdf | 6.45 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Getting Started with Arduino (3rd ed, 2014) - [Maker Media] - Massimo Banzi, Michael Shiloh.pdf | 26.89 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Getting Started with RFID (2012) - [O'Reilly] - Tom Igoe.pdf | 2.58 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Internet of Things with the Arduino Yún (2014) - [Packt] - Marco Schwartz.pdf | 3.74 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/iOS Sensor Apps with Arduino (2011) - [O'Reilly] - Alasdair Allan.pdf | 41.48 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Le grand livre d'Arduino (2è ed, 2015) - [Eyrolles] - Erik Bartmann.pdf | 67.07 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Le grand livre d'Arduino (2è ed, 2015), Fichiers de | 74.11 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Learn Electronics with Arduino (2012) - [Apress] - Don Wilcher.pdf | 15.53 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Make a Mind-Controlled Arduino Robot (2012) - [O'Reilly] - Tero Karvinen, Kimmo Karvinen.pdf | 4.17 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Practical Arduino Engineering (2011) - [Apress] - Harold Timmis.pdf | 8.60 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Practical Arduino, Cool Projects for Open Source Hardware (2009) - [Apress] - Jonathan Oxer, Hugh Blemings.pdf | 9.49 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Practical AVR Microcontrollers (2012) - [Apress] - Alan Trevennor.pdf | 16.85 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Professional Android Open Accessory Programming with Arduino (2013) - [Wiley] - Andreas Göransson, David Cuartielles Ruiz.pdf | 25.94 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Programming Arduino with LabVIEW (2015) - [Packt] - Marco Schwartz, Oliver Manickum.pdf | 3.95 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Programming Your Home, Automate with Arduino, Android, and Your Computer (2012) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Mike Riley.pdf | 8.80 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Python Programming for Arduino (2015) - [Packt] - Pratik Desai.pdf | 10.44 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/À l'aventure avec Arduino (2015) - [Eyrolles] - Becky Stewart.pdf | 88.06 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Arduino/À l'aventure avec Arduino, Code.rar | 67.90 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with Sensors (2014) - [Maker Media] - Kimmo Karvinen, Tero Karvinen.pdf | 7.31 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Les capteurs pour Arduino et Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Dunod] - Karvinen, Valtokari.pdf | 56.30 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Make Sensors (2014) - [Maker Media] - Tero Karvinen, Kimmo Karvinen, Ville Valtokari.epub | 14.55 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Mouvement, lumière et son avec Arduino et Raspberry Pi (2016) - [Eyrolles] - Simon Monk.pdf | 60.33 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Adventures in Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Wiley] - Carrie Anne Philbin.pdf | 8.05 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Beginning Raspberry Pi 2 (2015) - [Suntime Publishing] - Charles Daniels.pdf | 1.69 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi (2013) - [Apress] - Charles Bell.epub | 9.20 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Building a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi (2015) - [Packt] - Matthew Poole.pdf | 18.37 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Experimenting with Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Apress] - Warren Gay.pdf | 3.10 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Exploring Raspberry Pi Interfacing to the Real World (2016) - [Wiley] - Derek Molloy.epub | 31.36 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Exploring Raspberry Pi Interfacing to the Real World (2016) - [Wiley] - Derek Molloy.pdf | 20.10 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Exploring the Raspberry Pi 2 with C++ (2015) - [Apress] - Warren Gay.pdf | 4.96 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with Raspberry Pi (2013) - [O'Reilly] - Matt Richardson, Shawn Wallace.pdf | 14.16 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with Raspberry Pi (2nd ed, 2015) - [Maker Media] - Matt Richardson, Shawn Wallace.epub | 50.46 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with Raspberry Pi 3 (2016) - Agus Kurniawan.epub | 3.55 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with Raspberry Pi 3 (2016) - Agus Kurniawan.pdf | 7.08 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Zero (2016) - [Packt] - Richard Grimmett.epub | 13.21 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Zero (2016) - [Packt] - Richard Grimmett.pdf | 16.12 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi (2013) - Kevin Johnson.epub | 912.87 KB |
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Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Hello Raspberry Pi! Python programming for kids and other beginners (2016) - [Manning] - Ryan Heitz.pdf | 35.25 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/How to Mount an External Hard Drive on the Raspberry Pi {Document}.pdf | 350.39 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10 (2nd ed, 2015) - [Apress] - Peter Membrey, David Hows.pdf | 10.29 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python (2014) - [Apress] - Wolfram Donat.pdf | 12.60 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux (2013) - [Apress] - Peter Membrey, David Hows.pdf | 9.13 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Learning Internet of Things (2015) - [Packt] - Peter Waher.pdf | 11.66 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Learning Python with Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Wiley] - Alex Bradbury, Ben Everard.pdf | 87.64 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Mastering the Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Apress] - Warren Gay.pdf | 7.63 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Movement, Light, and Sound with Arduino and Raspberry Pi (2016) - [Maker Media] - Simon Monk.pdf | 140.96 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Penetration Testing with Raspberry Pi (2015) - [Packt] - Aamir Lakhani, Joseph Muniz.pdf | 14.63 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Practical Raspberry Pi (2013) - [Apress] - Brendan Horan.pdf | 12.57 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Programmez un Raspberry Pi avec Python (2014) - [Dunod] - Simon Monk.pdf | 49.03 MB |
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Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Programming the Raspberry Pi, Getting Started with Python (1st ed, 2013), Source Codes.rar | 36.02 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Programming the Raspberry Pi, Getting Started with Python (2nd ed, 2016) - [McGraw-Hill] - Simon Monk.pdf | 9.38 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Android Projects (2015) - [Packt] - Gokhan Kurt.epub | 3.22 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Blueprints (2015) - [Packt] - Dan Nixon.pdf | 24.11 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Computer Architecture Essentials (2016) - [Packt] - Andrew K. Dennis.epub | 1.23 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Computer Architecture Essentials (2016) - [Packt] - Andrew K. Dennis.pdf | 2.32 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming (2015) - [Packt] - Ashwin Pajankar.pdf | 8.82 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Cookbook (2014) - [O'Reilly] - Simon Monk.pdf | 13.66 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Cookbook (2nd ed, 2016) - [O'Reilly] - Simon Monk.epub | 39.26 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Cookbook (2nd ed, 2016) - [O'Reilly] - Simon Monk.pdf | 15.78 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers (2014) - [Packt] - Tim Cox.pdf | 31.45 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Embedded Projects (2015) - [Packt] - Sai Yamanoor, Srihari Yamanoor.pdf | 5.82 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi for Dummies (1st ed, 2013) - [Wiley] - Sean McManus, Mike Cook.pdf | 45.77 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi for Dummies (2nd ed, 2014) - [Wiley] - Sean McManus, Mike Cook.epub | 20.67 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi for Kids for Dummies (2015) - [Wiley] - Richard Wentk.epub | 24.92 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi for Kids for Dummies (2015) - [Wiley] - Richard Wentk.pdf | 32.85 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents (2013) - [Packt] - Stefan Sjogelid.pdf | 6.12 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Gaming (2nd ed, 2015) - [Packt] - Shea Silverman.pdf | 7.89 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Hacks (2014) - [O'Reilly] - Ruth Suehle, Tom Callaway.epub | 9.72 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Hacks (2014) - [O'Reilly] - Ruth Suehle, Tom Callaway.pdf | 79.92 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects Vol. 1 - [Wiley] - Andrew Robinson, Mike Cook.pdf | 11.95 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference (2014) - [Apress] - Warren Gay.pdf | 3.52 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi LED Blueprints (2015) - [Packt] - Agus Kurniawan.pdf | 8.78 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Mechatronics Projects (2015) - [Packt] - Sai+Srihari Yamanoor.pdf | 8.93 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook (1st ed, 2013) - [Packt] - Rick Golden.pdf | 10.42 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook (2nd ed, 2015) - [Packt] - Rick Golden.pdf | 25.89 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids (1st ed, 2014) - [Packt] - Daniel Bates.pdf | 7.94 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids (2nd ed, 2015) - [Packt] - Daniel Bates.pdf | 2.57 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Robotic Blueprints (2015) - [Packt] - Richard Grimmett.pdf | 9.96 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Robotics Essentials (2015) - [Packt] - Richard Grimmett.pdf | 10.95 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Robotics Projects (2014) - [Packt] - Richard Grimmett.pdf | 16.89 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Robotics Projects (2nd ed, 2015) - [Packt] - Richard Grimmett.epub | 37.88 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Server Essentials (2014) - [Packt] - Piotr J. Kula.epub | 1.79 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Server Essentials (2014) - [Packt] - Piotr J. Kula.pdf | 2.01 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi System Software Reference (2014) - [Apress] - Warren Gay.pdf | 1.80 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi User Guide (2014) - Vilros.pdf | 2.16 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi User Guide (2nd ed, 2014) - [Wiley] - Eben Upton, Gareth Halfacree.pdf | 25.38 MB |
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Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, A Quick-Start Guide (1st ed, 2012) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Maik Schmidt.pdf | 4.07 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, A Quick-Start Guide (2nd ed, 2014) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Maik Schmidt.epub | 15.68 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, A Quick-Start Guide (2nd ed, 2014) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Maik Schmidt.pdf | 12.05 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, Prise en main et premières réalisations (2013) - [Dunod] - Christian Tavernier.pdf | 8.57 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, The Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Kevin Gray.epub | 510.69 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, The Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Kevin Gray.pdf | 962.98 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, The Ultimate User Guide - Patrick Hunter.epub | 89.88 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi, The Ultimate User Guide - Patrick Hunter.pdf | 414.76 KB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Guru Guide - Raspberry Pi Projects 2015.pdf | 45.65 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux Journal - 2013-05 - Raspberry Pi.pdf | 58.40 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux Magazine HS 75 - Raspberry Pi.pdf | 69.10 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer - Practical Raspberry Pi Projects.pdf | 48.26 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer - Raspberry Pi 2.pdf | 22.27 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer - Raspberry Pi for Beginners (2nd ed, 2014).pdf | 19.67 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer - Raspberry Pi for Beginners (6th ed, 2016).pdf | 33.89 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer - Raspberry Pi Tips Tricks Hacks Vol 1 (2nd ed, 2015).pdf | 39.39 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer - Raspberry Pi, The Complete Manual (5th ed, 2015).pdf | 20.68 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer - Raspberry Pi, The Complete Manual (6th ed, 2016).pdf | 13.64 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Linux User & Developer n°164 - Go Wireless! 25 Maker Projects for Raspberry Pi.pdf | 14.37 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Micro Mart - 2016-03-10 - Raspberry Pi 3.pdf | 17.56 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Pc Pro - 2012-10 - Office 2013, The Complete Guide Raspberry Pi.pdf | 146.12 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/RasPi Magazine - Announcing the Raspberry 2.pdf | 10.71 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/RasPi n°1 - 2015-07.pdf | 8.48 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Revues divers/Wired - 2013-07 - How Raspberry Pi Conquered the World.pdf | 55.21 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Teach Yourself Visually Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Wiley] - Richard Wentk.pdf | 87.18 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/MagPi Education Edition n°02.pdf | 16.31 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi Essentials - Learn to code with Scratch.pdf | 9.89 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi Essentials - Learning to code with C.pdf | 4.65 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi Essentials - Minecraft.pdf | 3.70 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi Essentials - Python Games.pdf | 10.13 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi Essentials - Sense Hat.pdf | 9.17 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi Essentials - Simple Electronics with Gpio Zero.pdf | 6.02 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi Essentials - Terminal Guide.pdf | 2.29 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°01.pdf | 19.52 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°02.pdf | 12.13 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°03.pdf | 11.93 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°04.pdf | 11.90 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°05.pdf | 11.04 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°06.pdf | 13.51 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°07.pdf | 11.69 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°08.pdf | 9.85 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°09.pdf | 14.03 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°10.pdf | 38.75 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°11.pdf | 20.04 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°12.pdf | 18.04 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°13.pdf | 13.74 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°14.pdf | 7.04 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°15.pdf | 7.04 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°16.pdf | 8.75 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°17.pdf | 9.88 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°18.pdf | 11.94 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°19.pdf | 12.89 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°20.pdf | 13.99 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°21.pdf | 11.14 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°22.pdf | 12.53 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°23.pdf | 9.56 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°24.pdf | 11.30 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°25.pdf | 10.09 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°26.pdf | 13.55 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°27.pdf | 9.56 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°28.pdf | 11.95 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°29.pdf | 13.88 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°30.pdf | 16.42 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°31.pdf | 23.80 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°31b.pdf | 15.57 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°32.pdf | 10.81 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°33.pdf | 11.63 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°34.pdf | 11.73 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°35.pdf | 12.34 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°36.pdf | 14.96 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°37.pdf | 19.86 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°38.pdf | 16.30 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°39.pdf | 19.10 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°40.pdf | 22.16 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°41.pdf | 22.84 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°42.pdf | 22.80 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°43.pdf | 18.57 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°44.pdf | 20.12 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°45.pdf | 18.32 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°46.pdf | 21.39 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°47.pdf | 21.35 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°48.pdf | 20.54 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°49.pdf | 19.74 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°50.pdf | 32.66 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi n°51.pdf | 22.94 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The MagPi SE1.pdf | 18.81 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The MagPi/The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book.pdf | 36.78 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2016) - [No Starch] - Simon Monk.pdf | 34.63 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Ultimate Guide to Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Magbook] - Kevin Partner.pdf | 10.22 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Un Media Center dans mon salon avec un Raspberry Pi (2016) - [Mediaforma] - Michel Martin.pdf | 3.77 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/Your Unofficial Raspberry Pi Manual {Document} - Christian Cawley.pdf | 3.79 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi/À la découverte du Raspberry Pi (2014) - [Eyrolles] - Matt Richardson, Shawn Wallace.pdf | 22.64 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino (1st ed, 2013) - [Packt] - Andrew K. Dennis.pdf | 5.96 MB |
Arduino, Raspberry Pi/Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino (2nd ed, 2015) - [Packt] - Andrew K. Dennis.pdf | 5.94 MB |
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Bases de données, SQL/Bases de données orientées graphes avec Neo4j (2016) - [Eyrolles] - Benhenni, Bois.pdf | 45.37 MB |
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Bases de données, SQL/Beginning SQL Queries, From Novice to Professional (2nd ed, 2016) - [Apress] - Clare Churcher.pdf | 20.43 MB |
Bases de données, SQL/Database Programming with JDBC and Java (2nd ed, 2001) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - George Reese.pdf | 1.30 MB |
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Développement/Git/Pro Git (2009) - Scott Chacon.pdf | 5.37 MB |
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Développement/HLSL Development Cookbook (2013) - [Packt] - Doron Feinstein.pdf | 7.40 MB |
Développement/iOS Dev/Beginning iOS Application Development with HTML and JavaScript (2012) - [Wiley] - Richard Wagner.pdf | 53.16 MB |
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Développement/Linux Dev/Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide v10 (2014) - Mendel Cooper.pdf | 2.62 MB |
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Développement/Linux Dev/Expert Shell Scripting (2009) - [Apress] - Ron Peters.pdf | 1.58 MB |
Développement/Linux Dev/Guide avancé d'écriture des scripts Bash 5.3 (2008) - Mendel Cooper.pdf | 2.41 MB |
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Développement/Linux Dev/Linux Device Drivers (2nd ed, 2001) - [O'Reilly] - Alessandro Rubini, Jonathan Corbet.pdf | 7.29 MB |
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Développement/Linux Dev/Linux System Programming, Talking directly to the Kernel and C library (2007) - [O'Reilly] - Robert Love.pdf | 2.37 MB |
Développement/Linux Dev/Pro Bash Programming (1st ed, 2009) - [Apress] - Johnson, Varma.pdf | 5.77 MB |
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Développement/Linux Dev/Professional Linux Programming (2007) - [Wiley] - Jon Masters, Richard Blum.pdf | 4.79 MB |
Développement/Linux Dev/Programmation système en C sous Linux (2000) - [Eyrolles] - Christophe Blaess.pdf | 4.19 MB |
Développement/Linux Dev/Shell Scripting (2011) - [Wiley] - Steve Parker.pdf | 13.48 MB |
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Développement/Linux Dev/The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (2007) - Peter Jay Salzman, Michael Burian, Ori Pomerantz.pdf | 539.17 KB |
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Développement/Mac OS Dev/Advanced Mac OS X Programming (2011) - [Big nerd ranch] - Mark Dalrymple.pdf | 20.24 MB |
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Développement/Mac OS Dev/Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook (2010) - [Addison-Wesley] - David Chisnall.pdf | 11.08 MB |
Développement/Mac OS Dev/Cocoa Programming, A Quick Start Guide for Developers (2010) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Daniel H Steinberg.pdf | 4.83 MB |
Développement/Mac OS Dev/Cocoa Recipes for Mac OS X (2nd ed, 2010) - [Peachpit] - Bill Cheeseman.pdf | 4.66 MB |
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Développement/Mac OS Dev/Mastering Xcode 4, Develop and Design (2012) - [Peachpit] - Joshua Nozzi.pdf | 13.16 MB |
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Histoire, Histoires/The Design of Design, Essays from a Computer Scientist (2010) - [Addison-Wesley] - Frederick P. Brooks.pdf | 7.85 MB |
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Histoire, Histoires/The Old New Thing, Practical Development Throughout the Evolution of Windows (2007) - [Addison-Wesley] - Raymond Chen.pdf | 60.97 MB |
Histoire, Histoires/The Passionate Programmer (2nd ed, 2009) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Chad Fowler.pdf | 1.21 MB |
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Informatique, Internet et TPE, Choisir et mettre en oeuvre les bons outils (2009) - [Dunod] - Albéric Quenfaime.pdf | 5.32 MB |
Internet et les réseaux sociaux, que dit la loi (2è ed, 2015) - [Eyrolles] - Fabrice Mattatia.pdf | 15.66 MB |
Je débute en blogging, Tome 1, Créer son blog (2012) - Copywriting Pratique.pdf | 2.40 MB |
Je débute en blogging, Tome 2, Alimenter, faire connaître, gérer et monétiser son blog (2012) - Copywriting Pratique.pdf | 1.98 MB |
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L'impression 3D (2è ed, 2014) - [Eyrolles] - Mathilde Berchon.pdf | 91.47 MB |
Langages/ActionScript 3, Programmation séquentielle et orientée objet (2008) - [Eyrolles] - David Tardiveau.pdf | 7.86 MB |
Langages/Ada/Ada for Software Engineers (2005) - [Wiley] - Mordechai Ben-Ari.pdf | 2.56 MB |
Langages/Ada/Ada Programming (2013) - [Wikibooks].pdf | 3.21 MB |
Langages/Ada/Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Ada (2007) - [Cambridge] - Alan Burns.pdf | 3.17 MB |
Langages/Algol/Informal Introduction to Algol 68 Revised (2nd ed, 1977) - [North-Holland] - Lindsey, Van der Meulen.pdf | 17.65 MB |
Langages/Algol/Programming Algol 68 Made Easy (2001) - [Phoenix Engineering] - Sian Leitch.pdf | 1.44 MB |
Langages/Algol/Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68 (1969) - Van Wijngaarden, Mailloux, Peck, Koster.pdf | 11.34 MB |
Langages/Algol/Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68 (1972) - Aan Wijngaarden et al.pdf | 1.48 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/ARM Manuals/ARM instruction set {Presentation} - ARM University.pdf | 683.26 KB |
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Langages/Assembleur/ARM Manuals/ARM v7-AR Architecture Reference Manual (2014) - [ARM].pdf | 21.40 MB |
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Langages/Assembleur/ARM Manuals/ARM v8-A Architecture Reference Manual (2016) - [ARM].pdf | 47.28 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Assembly Language for Intel Based Computers (4th ed, 2002) - [Prentice Hall] - Kip R. Irvine.pdf | 83.10 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Assembly Language for Intel Based Computers (4th ed, 2002), Workbook.pdf | 258.65 KB |
Langages/Assembleur/Assembly Language for x86 Processors (6th ed, 2011) - [Prentice Hall] - Kip R. Irvine.pdf | 2.37 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Assembly Language for x86 Processors (7th ed, 2014) - [Prentice Hall] - Kip R. Irvine.pdf | 11.39 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux (2005) - [Springer] - Sivarama P. Dandamudi.pdf | 30.54 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Code Table (2003) - Roger Jegerlehner.pdf | 98.89 KB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Application Note TLBs, Paging structure Caches and their Invalidation (2008) - [Intel].pdf | 290.48 KB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual (2007) - [Intel].pdf | 3.45 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 1, Basic Architecture (2009) - [Intel].pdf | 3.91 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2A, Instruction Set Reference, A-M (2009) - [Intel].pdf | 2.93 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2B, Instruction Set Reference, N-Z (2009) - [Intel].pdf | 5.72 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 3A, System Programming Guide, Part 1 (2009) - [Intel].pdf | 5.45 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 3B, System Programming Guide, Part 2 (2009) - [Intel].pdf | 4.16 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel 64 Architecture x2APIC Specification (2008) - [Intel].pdf | 343.66 KB |
Langages/Assembleur/Intel Manuals/Intel SSE4 Programming Reference (2007) - [Intel].pdf | 679.46 KB |
Langages/Assembleur/Introduction au 8051 (2013) - Jean-Michel Gonet.pdf | 22.74 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Introduction to 64-bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for Linux (2011) - Ray Seyfarth.pdf | 4.89 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Linux Assembly Language Programming (2000) - [Prentice Hall] - Bob Neveln.pdf | 2.47 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/MIPS Assembly Language Programming (2003) - Robert Britton.pdf | 622.32 KB |
Langages/Assembleur/MIPS R4000 Microprocessor User's Manual (2nd ed, 1994) - [MIPS Technologies] - Joe Heinrich.pdf | 2.00 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/MIPS Reference (2009) - [Elsevier].pdf | 8.97 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Modern x86 Assembly Language Programming, 32-bit, 64-bit, SSE and AVX (2014) - [Apress] - Daniel Kusswurm.pdf | 8.31 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/PC Assembly Language (5th ed, 2006) - Paul Carter.pdf | 1.00 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Professional Assembly Language (2005) - [Wiley] - Richard Blum.pdf | 6.60 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Professional Assembly Language (2005), Code.rar | 132.93 KB |
Langages/Assembleur/Programmation en assembleur du 68000 (1985) {Scan} - [Éditests] - Frank Brown.pdf | 37.60 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Programming the Z-80 (2nd ed, 1980) - [Sybex] - Rodnay Zaks.pdf | 10.60 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers Vol 1&2 (4th ed, 1983) {Scan} - [Pearson] - M.A. Mazidi, J.G. Mazidi.pdf | 42.94 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/The Art of Assembly Language (2nd ed, 2010) - [No Starch] - Randall Hyde.pdf | 22.22 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/The Art of Assembly Language (3rd ed, 2000).pdf | 4.30 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/The IDA Pro Book, The Unofficial Guide (2008) {Scan} - [No Starch] - Chris Eagle.pdf | 39.84 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Using 6502 Assembly Language (2nd ed, 1982) - [Datamost] - Randy Hyde.pdf | 16.01 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming (2nd ed, 1997) {Scan} - [R&D Books] - Barry Kauler.pdf | 12.15 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/Write Great Code, Volume II, Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level (2006) - [No Starch] - Randall Hyde.pdf | 4.57 MB |
Langages/Assembleur/X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals (2013) - [CRC Press] - Joseph Cavanagh.pdf | 3.61 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/A Programmer's Guide to C# 5.0 (4th ed, 2012) - [Apress] - Eric Gunnerson, Nick Wienholt.pdf | 4.52 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Accelerated C# 2010 (2010) - [Apress] - Trey Nash.pdf | 6.99 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Adaptive Code via C# (2014) - [Microsoft Press] - Gary McLean Hall.epub | 19.62 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming (2002) - [Microsoft Press] - Jeffrey Richter.pdf | 10.20 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 (2016) - [Wrox] - Perkins, Vibe Hammer, Reid.pdf | 10.97 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Beginning Visual C# 2010 (2010) - [Wrox] - Watson, Nagel, Pedersen, Reid, Skinner.pdf | 29.71 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# 4.0 Unleashed (2011) - [Sams] - Bart De Smet.pdf | 49.93 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# 5 First Look (2012) - [Packt] - Joel Martinez.pdf | 3.59 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# 5.0 Unleashed (2013) - [Sams] - Bart De Smet.pdf | 65.53 MB |
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Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# 6.0 and the .Net 4.6 Framework (7th ed, 2015) {Dump} - [Apress] - Andrew Troelsen, Philip Japikse.pdf | 34.66 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# Bible (2002) - [Wiley] - Ferguson, Patterson, Beres, Boutquin, Gupta.pdf | 4.04 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# et .Net version 2 (2è ed, 2006) - [Eyrolles] - Gérard Leblanc.pdf | 16.60 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# in Depth (2nd ed, 2011) - [Manning] - Jon Skeet.pdf | 13.92 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# in Depth (3rd ed, 2014) - [Manning] - Jon Skeet.epub | 5.88 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# in Depth (3rd ed, 2014) - [Manning] - Jon Skeet.pdf | 10.76 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# pour les nuls (2001) - [First] - Stephen Randy Davis.pdf | 63.87 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# Primer, A Practical Approach (2002) - Stanley B. Lippman.pdf | 1.09 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# Programming (2nd ed, 2010) - [University of Hull] - Rob Miles.pdf | 3.09 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/C# Your Visual Blueprint for Building .NET Applications (2002) - [Hungry Minds] - Eric Butow, Tommy Ryan.pdf | 9.47 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/CLR via C# (3rd ed, 2010) - [Microsoft Press] - Jeffrey Richter.pdf | 37.54 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/CLR via C# (3rd ed, 2010), Sample Codes.rar | 145.63 KB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Concurrency in C# Cookbook (2014) - [O'Reilly] - Stephen Cleary.pdf | 4.73 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/ECMA Intl Standard 335, Common Language Infrastructure, Partitions I to VI (4th ed, 2006) - [ECMA].pdf | 3.08 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Effective C#, 50 Specific Ways to Improve your C# (2nd ed, 2010) - [Addison-Wesley] - Bill Wagner.pdf | 2.77 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Essential C# 4.0 (2010) - [Addison-Wesley] - Mark Michaelis.pdf | 10.07 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Functional Programming in C# (3rd ed, 2011) - [Wrox] - Olivier Sturm.pdf | 7.19 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Head First C# (2nd ed, 2010) - [O'Reilly] - Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene.pdf | 28.79 MB |
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Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Improving .Net Performance, Intel Whitepaper - Hanchinmani.pdf | 190.68 KB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Introducing .NET 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010 (2010) - [Apress] - Alex Mackey.pdf | 15.05 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Introducing .Net 4.5 (2nd ed, 2012) - [Apress] - Alex Mackey, William Tulloch, Mahesh Krishnan.pdf | 19.20 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Microsoft .Net, Architecting Applications for the Enterprise (2nd ed, 2015) - [Microsoft Press] - Esposito, Saltarello.pdf | 5.07 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Microsoft 10226A, Programming in C# with Visual Studio 2010, Lab Manual - [Microsoft].pdf | 4.56 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Microsoft 10226A, Programming in C# with Visual Studio 2010, Trainer Handbook Vol 1 - [Microsoft].pdf | 30.94 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Microsoft 10226A, Programming in C# with Visual Studio 2010, Trainer Handbook Vol 2 - [Microsoft].pdf | 22.25 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# (2010) - [Apress] - Adam Freeman.pdf | 4.61 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Pro C# 2010 and the .Net 4 Platform (5th ed, 2010) - [Apress] - Andrew Troelsen.pdf | 22.70 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Pro C# 2010 and the .Net 4 Platform (5th ed, 2010), | 9.21 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Professional C# 2012 and .Net 4.5 (2013) - [Wiley] - Nagel, Evjen, Glynn, Watson, Skinner.pdf | 30.07 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Professional C# 4 and .Net 4 (2010) - [Wiley] - Nagel, Evjen, Glynn, Watson, Skinner.pdf | 40.42 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Professional C# 4 and .Net 4 (2010), Code and Extra Chapters.rar | 64.87 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Professional C# 6 and .Net Core 1.0 (2016) {Webdump} - [Wiley] - Christian Nagel.pdf | 328.09 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Programming C# 4.0 (6th ed, 2010) - [O'Reilly] - Griffiths, Adams, Liberty.pdf | 11.01 MB |
Langages/C#, .Net Framework/Writing High-Performance .Net Code (2014) - Ben Watson.pdf | 3.89 MB |
Langages/C, C++/21st Century C Programming (2012) - [O'Reilly] - Ben Klemens.pdf | 6.13 MB |
Langages/C, C++/A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ (2002) - [Jones & Bartlett] - Ulla Kirch-Prinz, Peter Prinz.pdf | 10.29 MB |
Langages/C, C++/A Tour of C++ (2014) - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 1.30 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Absolute C++ (1st ed, 2001) - [Addison-Wesley] - Walter Savitch.pdf | 8.19 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Absolute C++ (5th ed, 2013) - [Pearson] - Walter Savitch.pdf | 5.90 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Accelerated C++ (2000) {Webdump} - [Addison-Wesley] - Andrew Koenig, Barbara E. Moo.pdf | 2.58 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Advanced C++ Template Techniques (2015) {Presentation} - Sanderson.pdf | 169.79 KB |
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Langages/C, C++/ANSI C89 - American National Standard.txt | 496.23 KB |
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Langages/C, C++/Apprendre le C++ (2007) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 12.41 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Apprenez à programmer en C (2010) - [Le site du zéro] - Mathieu Nebra.pdf | 15.60 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Apprenez à programmer en C (2012) - [Le site du zéro] - Mathieu Nebra.pdf | 11.84 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Beginning Programming C with ++ for Dummies (2010) - [Wiley] - Stephen Davis.pdf | 55.28 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Beginning Visual C++ 2010 (2010) - [Wiley] - Ivor Horton.pdf | 48.12 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook (2013) - [Packt] - Antony Polukhin.pdf | 3.58 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C for Dummies (2nd ed, 2004) - [Wiley] - Dan Gookin.pdf | 7.96 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C Programming Language, The Ultimate Guide for Beginners (2016) - Darell Graham.epub | 124.23 KB |
Langages/C, C++/C Programming Language, The Ultimate Guide for Beginners (2016) - Darell Graham.pdf | 549.11 KB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ 11 14 Overview {Presentation} - Gian Lorenzo Meocci.pdf | 5.16 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ 11 for Programmers (2nd ed, 2014) - [Prentice Hall] - Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel.epub | 36.81 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Coding Standards (2005) - [Pearson] - Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu.pdf | 1.25 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Concurrency in Action (2012) - [Manning] - Anthony Williams.pdf | 5.65 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ for C Programmers (1994) - JT Kalnay.pdf | 999.78 KB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ for Computer Science and Engine (4th ed, 2006) - [Broquard eBooks] - Vic Broquard.pdf | 6.71 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ for Dummies (5th ed, 2004) - [Wiley].pdf | 7.62 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ for Everyone (2nd ed, 2012) - [Wiley] - Cay Horstmann.pdf | 26.63 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ How to Program (7th ed, 2010) - [Pearson] - Paul Dietel, Harvey Deitel.pdf | 8.76 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ How to Program (8th ed, 2012) - [Pearson] - Paul Dietel, Harvey Deitel.pdf | 25.34 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ in a Nutshell (2003) - [O'Reilly] - Ray Lischner.pdf | 4.45 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ L'essentiel du code et des commandes (2009) - [Pearson] - Vincent Gouvernelle.pdf | 1.80 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Language Tutorial (2007) - Juan Soulié.pdf | 1.10 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ pour les programmeurs C (2007) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 5.55 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Primer (5th ed, 2013) {Dump} - [Addison-Wesley] - Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo.pdf | 55.42 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Primer Plus (6th ed, 2012) - [Addison-Wesley] - Stephen Prata.pdf | 13.14 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Programming (7th ed, 2015) - [Cengage Learning] - DS Malik.pdf | 256.01 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2nd ed, 2009) - [Cengage Learning] - Mark Lee.pdf | 6.48 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Quick Reference.pdf | 23.75 KB |
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Langages/C, C++/C++ Standard Library Quick Reference (2016) - [Apress] - Peter Van Weert, Marc Gregoire.pdf | 21.06 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++ Without Fear (2nd ed, 2011) - [Prentice Hall] - Brian Overland.pdf | 6.24 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++, The Complete Reference (3rd ed, 1998) - [McGraw-Hill] - Herbert Schildt.pdf | 8.77 MB |
Langages/C, C++/C++14 and early thoughts about C++ 17 (2013) {presentation} - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 3.14 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Core C++, A Software Engineering Approach (2000) {Dump} - [Prentice Hall] - Victor Shtern.pdf | 4.23 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Cours de C et C++ (2002) - C. Casteyde.pdf | 2.34 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Cours de C et C++ (2005) - C. Casteyde.pdf | 2.94 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Cours programmation C++ et programmation orientée objet (2012) - Jamila Sam Haroud.pdf | 227.96 KB |
Langages/C, C++/Cryptography in C & C++ (2nd ed, 2013) - [Apress] - Michael Welschenbach.pdf | 3.05 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy (2010) - [CareerMonk] - Narashima Karumanchi.pdf | 1.72 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Data Structures Using C++ (2nd ed, 2010) - [Cengage Learning] - DS Malik.pdf | 5.28 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Designing Components with the C++ STL (3rd ed, 2002) - [Addison-Wesley] - Ulrich Breymann.pdf | 1.12 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Effective C++, 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd ed, 2008) - [Addison-Wesley] - Scott Meyers.pdf | 5.67 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Effective Modern C++, 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++ 11 And C++ 14 (2015) - [O'Reilly] - Scott Meyers.epub | 18.20 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Effective Modern C++, 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++ 11 And C++ 14 (2015) - [O'Reilly] - Scott Meyers.pdf | 4.48 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Effective STL (2001) - [Addison-Wesley] - Scott Meyers.pdf | 1.47 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Even Simpler C++ with C++14 {Presentation} - Peter Sommerlad.pdf | 2.56 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Evolution of C++ (2012) {Presentation} - Torsten Sehy.pdf | 277.56 KB |
Langages/C, C++/Exercices en C++ (3è ed, 2007) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 14.77 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Expert C Programming Deep C Secrets (1994) - [Prentice Hall] - Peter van der Linden.pdf | 2.12 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Expert C Programming Deep C Secrets (1994) {Cropped} - [Prentice Hall] - Peter van der Linden.pdf | 2.12 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Fundamentals of Programming C++ (2016) {Draft Cropped} - Richard L. Halterman.pdf | 7.21 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Fundamentals of Programming C++ (2016) {Draft} - Richard L. Halterman.pdf | 7.59 MB |
Langages/C, C++/GCC 4.1.2 (2005) - [GNU Press] - Richard M. Stallman.pdf | 2.11 MB |
Langages/C, C++/GCC 4.6.2 (2010) - [GNU Press] - Richard M. Stallman.pdf | 3.03 MB |
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Langages/C, C++/GCC, The Complete Reference (2002) - [McGraw-Hill] - Arthur Griffith.pdf | 5.73 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Illustrating C (1992) - [Cambridge] - Donald Alcock.pdf | 7.80 MB |
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Langages/C, C++/Langage C++ et calcul scientifique (2013) - Pierre Saramito.pdf | 6.67 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Le C en 20 heures (2010) - [Framabook] - Eric Berthomier, Daniel Schang.pdf | 4.77 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Le C++ pour les pros (1999) - Ours blanc des Carpathes.pdf | 158.55 KB |
Langages/C, C++/Le C++14 est arrivé (2016) - Zeste de savoir.pdf | 2.58 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Le langage C (2006) - H. Garreta.pdf | 711.40 KB |
Langages/C, C++/Le langage C++, Initiez-vous à la programmation en C++ (2009) - [Pearson] - Jesse Liberty, Bradley Jones.pdf | 7.84 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Le livre du C, Premier langage, Pour les vrais débutants en programmation (2007) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 25.10 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Learn C on the Mac (2009) - [Apress] - Dave Mark.pdf | 5.58 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Learn C on the Mac (4th ed, 2009) - [Apress] - Dave Mark.pdf | 7.23 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Learn C++ (2014) - [Tutorials Point].pdf | 1.82 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Learn C++ in a Day (2015) - [Acodemy].epub | 152.53 KB |
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Langages/C, C++/Learning OpenCV 2.5, Computer Vision in C++ {Early Release} (2nd ed, 2016) - [O'Reilly] - Adrian Kaehler.pdf | 20.69 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Let Us C (5th ed, 2004) - [BPB] - Yashwant Kanetkar.pdf | 7.84 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Mieux programmer en C++ (2000) - [Eyrolles] - Herb Sutter.pdf | 1023.13 KB |
Langages/C, C++/Mini manuel de C++, Cours+exos corrigés (2010) - [Dunod] - Jean-Michel Révillac.pdf | 5.98 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Modern C++ Design (2001) - [Addison-Wesley] - Andrei Alexandrescu.pdf | 2.12 MB |
Langages/C, C++/More Effective C++, 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (2008) - [Addison-Wesley] - Scott Meyers.pdf | 7.33 MB |
Langages/C, C++/More Exceptional C++, 40 New Engineering Puzzles Programming Problems and Solutions (2001) - [Addison-Wesley] - Herb Sutter.pdf | 1.15 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Move Semantics, Rvalue References and Perfect Forwarding (2010) {Presentation} - Scott Meyers.pdf | 299.92 KB |
Langages/C, C++/N1256 ISO-IEC 9899-TC3 Programming languages, C99 (2007) - Committee Draft.pdf | 3.61 MB |
Langages/C, C++/N1570 ISO-IEC 9899 201x C11 (2011) - Standard Draft.pdf | 1.60 MB |
Langages/C, C++/N3242 Standard for Programming Language C++, 2011-02-28 (2011) - Working Draft.pdf | 10.09 MB |
Langages/C, C++/N3337 Standard for Programming Language C++, 2012-01-16 (2012) - Working Draft.pdf | 10.43 MB |
Langages/C, C++/N3797 Standard for Programming Language C++, 2013-10-13 (2013) - Working Draft.pdf | 10.80 MB |
Langages/C, C++/N4567 Standard for Programming Language C++, 2015-11-09 (2015) - Working Draft.pdf | 11.00 MB |
Langages/C, C++/N4594 Standard for Programming Language C++, 2016-05-30 (2016) - Working Draft.pdf | 12.31 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th ed, 2002) - [Sams] - Robert Lafore.pdf | 13.03 MB |
Langages/C, C++/OOP with C++ - Pooja Chawla.pdf | 1.99 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Overview of the New C++, C++0x (2010) - [Artima] - Scott Meyers.pdf | 3.01 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Overview of the New C++, C++11-14 (2015) {Extract, 42 pages} - [Artima] - Scott Meyers.pdf | 1.84 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Pont entre C et C++ (2001) - [Addison-Wesley] - Pierre-Nicolas Lapointe.pdf | 1.35 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Practical C Programming (3rd ed, 1997) - [O'Reilly] - Steve Oualline.pdf | 5.87 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Practical C++ Programming (2nd ed, 2003) - [O'Reilly] - Steve Ouallin.pdf | 4.25 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Pratical C++ Programming (1995) - [O'Reilly] - Steve Oualline.pdf | 2.60 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Problem Solving with C++ (9th ed, 2014) - [Pearson] - Walter Savitch.pdf | 9.46 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programmation en C++ et génie logiciel (2007) - [Dunod] - Vincent T'kindt.pdf | 2.26 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programmer efficacement en C++, 42 conseils pour mieux maîtriser le C++ 11 et le C++ 14 (2016) - [Dunod] - Scott Meyers.pdf | 114.85 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programmer en langage C, Cours et exercices (5è ed, 2009) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 32.15 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programmer en langage C, Cours et exercices corrigés (5è ed, 2009) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 3.52 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programmez avec le langage C++ (2011) - [Le site du zéro] - Mathieu Nebra, Matthieu Schaller.pdf | 24.88 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programmez avec le langage C++ (2011) {Dump} - [Le site du zéro] - Mathieu Nebra, Matthieu Schaller.pdf | 17.97 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programming Principles and Practices C++ (2009) - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 150.41 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Programming Principles and Practices C++ (2nd ed, 2014) - [Pearson] - Bjarne Stroustrup.epub | 33.29 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Safe C++ (2012) - [O'Reilly] - Vladimir Kushnir.pdf | 5.67 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ (2003) - [O'Reilly] - John Viega, Matt Messier.pdf | 5.11 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Standard C++ Course Reader (2009) - Keith Schwarz.pdf | 6.40 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Starting Out with C++ Early Objects (8th ed, 2014) - [Pearson] - Tony Gaddis, Judy Walters, Godfrey Muganda.pdf | 60.53 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C Programming Language (2nd ed, 1988) - [Prentice Hall] - Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie.pdf | 2.54 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C Programming Language, ANSI C (2nd ed, 1988) - [Prentice Hall] - Kernighan, Ritchie.pdf | 1.48 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C Programming Language, ANSI C (2nd ed, 1988) {Scan} - [Prentice Hall] - Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie.pdf | 16.03 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C++ Programming Language (3rd ed, 1997) {Special Edition} - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 3.23 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C++ Programming Language (3rd ed, 1997) {With appendices} - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 3.52 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C++ Programming Language (4th ed, 2013) - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.epub | 6.33 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C++ Programming Language (4th ed, 2013) - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 13.69 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C++ Programming Language with appendixes (3rd ed, 1997) - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 3.21 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C++ Standard Library, A Tutorial and Reference (1999) - [Addison-Wesley] - Nicolai M Josuttis.pdf | 4.51 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The C++ Standard Library, A Tutorial and Reference (2nd ed, 2012) - [Addison-Wesley] - NM Josuttis.pdf | 12.90 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The Design and Evolution of C++ (1994) - [Addison-Wesley] - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 38.73 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The Design of C++ 11 (2012) {Presentation} - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 4.62 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The Essence of C++ with examples in C++84, C++98, C++11, and C++14 (2014) {Presentation} - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 3.37 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The Evolution of C++, 1985 to 1989 {Scan} - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf | 2.00 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The GNU C Library Reference Manual, for version 2.23 (2016) - [Free Software Foundation] - Sandra Loosemore.pdf | 3.54 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The GNU C Reference Manual (2015) - [Free Software Foundation] - Trevis Rothwell, James Youngman.pdf | 547.03 KB |
Langages/C, C++/The Rook's Guide to C++ (2013) - Jeremy A. Hansen.pdf | 1.25 MB |
Langages/C, C++/The Standard Template Library (1995) - [HP] - Alexander Stepanov, Meng Lee.pdf | 195.21 KB |
Langages/C, C++/Thinking in C++ Vol 1 (2nd ed, 2000) - [Prentice Hall] - Bruce Eckel.pdf | 2.38 MB |
Langages/C, C++/Thinking in C++ Vol 2 (2nd ed, 2000) - [Prentice Hall] - Bruce Eckel.pdf | 1.94 MB |
Langages/Caml/Le langage Caml (1998) - [Inria] - Pierre Weis.pdf | 200.53 KB |
Langages/Caml/Le langage Caml (2è ed, 2009) - [Dunod] - Pierre Weis, Xavier Leroy.pdf | 2.21 MB |
Langages/Delphi in a Nutshell (2000) - [O'Reilly] - Ray Lischner.pdf | 24.20 MB |
Langages/F#/Beginning F# (2009) - [Apress] - Robert Pickering.pdf | 5.81 MB |
Langages/F#/Beginning F# (2009), Sources.rar | 1.78 MB |
Langages/F#/Expert F# 2.0 (2nd ed, 2010) - [Apress] - Don Syme, Adam Granicz, Antonio Cisternino.pdf | 5.21 MB |
Langages/Fortran/Computational Physics Fortran (1990) - [Westview] - Koonin, Meredith.pdf | 43.13 MB |
Langages/Fortran/Modern Fortran Explained (7th ed, 2011) - [Oxford] - Metcalf, Reid, Cohen.pdf | 2.15 MB |
Langages/Fortran/Modern Fortran, Style and Usage (2012) - [Cambridge] - Clerman, Spektor.pdf | 2.52 MB |
Langages/Fortran/Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 (1997) - [Cambridge] - Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery.pdf | 20.64 MB |
Langages/Fortran/Programmer en Fortran, Fortran 90 et ses évolutions, Fortran 95, 2003 et 2008 - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 26.14 MB |
Langages/Fortran/The Fortran 2003 Handbook, The Complete Syntax, Features and Procedures (2009) - [Springer] - Adams, Brainerd, Hendrickson, Maine, Martin, Smith.pdf | 5.48 MB |
Langages/Functional Programming for the Real World with examples in C# and F# (2009) - [Manning] - Thomas Petricek, Jon Skeet.pdf | 5.74 MB |
Langages/Fuze Basic/Fuze Basic, Project Workbook (2015) - [Fuze] - Jon Silvera, Colin Bodley.pdf | 2.65 MB |
Langages/Fuze Basic/Fuze Basic, Reference Guide v1.4 Basic 3.3 (2016) - [Fuze] - Jon Silvera, Colin Bodley.pdf | 9.23 MB |
Langages/Fuze Basic/Fuze Basic, Reference Guide v2 Basic 3.5 (2016) - [Fuze] - Jon Silvera, Colin Bodley.pdf | 1.84 MB |
Langages/Haskell/Haskell Programming Language - [Wikibooks].pdf | 3.74 MB |
Langages/Haskell/Haskell, The Craft of Functional Programming (2nd ed, 1999) {Scan} - [Addison-Wesley] - Suimon Thompson.pdf | 13.94 MB |
Langages/Haskell/Haskell, The Craft of Functional Programming (2nd ed, 1999), | 118.01 KB |
Langages/Haskell/Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! (2011) - [O'Reilly] - Miran Lipovača.pdf | 763.56 KB |
Langages/Haskell/The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming (2004) - [College Publications] - Kees Doets, Jan van Eijck.pdf | 1.41 MB |
Langages/Haskell/Why Functional Programming Matters (2004) - John Hughes.pdf | 165.54 KB |
Langages/Haskell/Yet Another Haskell Tutorial (2006) - Hal Daumé III.pdf | 682.05 KB |
Langages/Haxe 3 Manual (2016) - Haxe Foundation.pdf | 1.34 MB |
Langages/Introduction to Functional Programming (1997) - John Harrison.pdf | 883.82 KB |
Langages/Java/A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification (3rd ed, 2009) - [Addison-Wesley] - Khalid A. Mughal, Rolf W. Rasmussen.pdf | 6.13 MB |
Langages/Java/Absolute Java (6th ed, 2016) {Global Edition} - [Pearson] - Walter Savitch.pdf | 7.07 MB |
Langages/Java/Algorithmique et programmation en Java (4è ed, 2014) - [Dunod] - Vincent Granet.pdf | 19.92 MB |
Langages/Java/Ant, The Definitive Guide (2002) - [O'Reilly] - Jesse Tilly, Eric Burke.pdf | 2.51 MB |
Langages/Java/Apprendre Java et C++ en parallèle (4è ed, 2008) - [Eyrolles] - Jean-Bernard Boichat.pdf | 11.86 MB |
Langages/Java/Apprenez à programmer en Java (2010) - [Le site du zéro] - Cisboy.pdf | 20.17 MB |
Langages/Java/Architectures réparties en Java (3è ed, 2015) - [Dunod] - Annick Fron.pdf | 39.34 MB |
Langages/Java/Architectures réparties en Java (3è ed, 2015), | 15.16 MB |
Langages/Java/Beginning Java 7 (2011) - [Apress] - Jeff Friesen.pdf | 10.03 MB |
Langages/Java/Beginning Programming with Java for Dummies (3rd ed, 2012) - [Wiley] - Barry Burd.pdf | 15.50 MB |
Langages/Java/Big Java (4th ed, 2010) - [Wiley] - Cay Horstmann.pdf | 40.57 MB |
Langages/Java/Building Java Enterprise Applications Vol 1, Architecture (2002) - [O'Reilly] - Brett McLaughlin.pdf | 3.00 MB |
Langages/Java/Core Java for the Impatient (2015) - [Addison-Wesley] - Cay Horstmann.epub | 12.00 MB |
Langages/Java/Core Java for the Impatient (2015) {eBook converted} - [Addison-Wesley] - Cay Horstmann.pdf | 21.78 MB |
Langages/Java/Core Java Vol 1 (10th ed, 2016) - [Prentice Hall] - Horstmann.pdf | 37.06 MB |
Langages/Java/Core Java Vol 1 (8th ed, 2008) - [Prentice Hall] - Horstmann, Cornell.pdf | 14.98 MB |
Langages/Java/Core Java Vol 1 (9th ed, 2013) - [Prentice Hall] - Horstmann, Cornell.epub | 18.59 MB |
Langages/Java/Core Java Vol 1 (9th ed, 2013) - [Prentice Hall] - Horstmann, Cornell.pdf | 38.40 MB |
Langages/Java/Core Java Vol 2 (9th ed, 2013) {Bad quality} - [Prentice Hall] - Horstmann, Cornell.epub | 39.56 MB |
Langages/Java/Creating Effective JavaHelp (2000) - [O'Reilly] - Kevin Lewis.pdf | 1.39 MB |
Langages/Java/Design Patterns in Java (1st ed, 2016) - Devendra Singh.pdf | 3.44 MB |
Langages/Java/Designing Enterprise Applications with Java 2 Enterprise Edition (2000) - [Sun Microsystems] - Nicholas Kassem.pdf | 5.34 MB |
Langages/Java/Developing Java Beans (1997) - [O'Reilly] - Robert Englander.pdf | 1.25 MB |
Langages/Java/Essential App Engine, Building High-Performance Java Apps with Google App Engine (2012) - [Pearson] - Adriaan de Jonge.pdf | 5.84 MB |
Langages/Java/Exercices en Java (2è ed, 2006) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 3.64 MB |
Langages/Java/Exercices en Java, 175 exercices corrigés (4è ed, 2014) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 116.49 MB |
Langages/Java/Functional Programming for Java Developers (2011) - [O'Reilly] - Dean Wampler.pdf | 4.61 MB |
Langages/Java/Functional Programming in Java (2014) - [The Pragmatic Programmers] - Venkat Subramaniam.pdf | 2.42 MB |
Langages/Java/Getting Started with Roo (2011) - [O'Reilly] - Josh Long, Steve Mayzak.pdf | 7.94 MB |
Langages/Java/J2ME in a Nutshell (2002) - [O'Reilly] - Kim Topley.pdf | 5.29 MB |
Langages/Java/Java 1.4 et 5.0 (3è ed, 2006) - [Eyrolles] - Emmanuel Puybaret.pdf | 7.54 MB |
Langages/Java/Java 2D Graphics (1999) - [O'Reilly] - Jonathan Knudsen.pdf | 2.29 MB |
Langages/Java/Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook (2012) - [Packt] - Javier Fernández González.pdf | 2.78 MB |
Langages/Java/Java and Mac OS X Developer Reference (2010) - [Wiley] - T. Gene Davis.pdf | 24.47 MB |
Langages/Java/Java and SOAP (2002) - [O'Reilly] - Robert Englander.pdf | 2.44 MB |
Langages/Java/Java and XML (2nd ed, 2001) - [O'Reilly] - Brett McLaughlin.pdf | 4.53 MB |
Langages/Java/Java and XML Data Binding (2002) - [O'Reilly] - Brett McLaughlin.pdf | 2.13 MB |
Langages/Java/Java and XSLT (2001) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - Eric M. Burke.pdf | 1.91 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Distributed Computing (1998) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - Jim Farley.pdf | 939.44 KB |
Langages/Java/Java Enterprise in a Nutshell (2001) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - David Flanagan, Jim Farley, William Crawford, Kris Magnusson.pdf | 2.16 MB |
Langages/Java/Java IO (1999) - [O'Reilly] - Elliotte Rusty Harold.pdf | 2.20 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Management Extensions (2002) - [O'Reilly] - J. Steven Perry.pdf | 2.52 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Message Service (2001) - [O'Reilly] - Richard Monson-Haefel, David A. Chappell.pdf | 1.02 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Network Programming (2nd ed, 2000) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - Elliotte Rusty Harold.pdf | 2.52 MB |
Langages/Java/Java NIO (2002) - [O'Reilly] - Ron Hitchens.pdf | 2.72 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Performance (2012) - [Addison-Wesley] - Charlie Hunt, Binu John.pdf | 8.36 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Persistence et Hibernate (2008) - [Eyrolles] - Anthony Patricio.pdf | 3.68 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer (2011) - [Wiley] - Yakov Fain.pdf | 12.13 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer (2nd ed, 2015) - [Wiley] - Yakov Fain.pdf | 18.11 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Programming for Android Developers for Dummies (2014) - [Wiley] - Barry Burd.epub | 7.69 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Programming for Android Developers for Dummies (2014) - [Wiley] - Barry Burd.pdf | 45.58 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Programming Learn Advanced Skills (2012) - [McGraw-Hill] - Poornachandra Sarang.pdf | 9.16 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Programming with Oracle JDBC (2002) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - Donald Bales.pdf | 1.26 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Reference Library 1.2 (1997) {Dump} - [O'Reilly].pdf | 31.65 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Reference Library 1.3 (1998) {Dump} - [O'Reilly].pdf | 19.08 MB |
Langages/Java/Java RMI (2001) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - William Grosso.pdf | 2.13 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Security (2nd ed, 2001) - [O'Reilly] - Scott Oaks.pdf | 1.08 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Servlet Programming (1998) - [O'Reilly] - Jason Hunter.pdf | 4.32 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Threads (2nd ed, 1999) - [O'Reilly] - Scott Oaks & Henry Wong.pdf | 1.24 MB |
Langages/Java/Java Web Services (2002) - [O'Reilly] - David Chappell, Tyler Jewell.pdf | 2.59 MB |
Langages/Java/Java, How to program (9th ed, 2012) - [Prentice Hall] - Deitel.pdf | 23.43 MB |
Langages/Java/Java, The Good Parts (2010) - [O'Reilly] - Jim Waldo.pdf | 2.78 MB |
Langages/Java/JBoss 3.2 Workbook for Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd ed, 2003) - [O'Reilly] - Bill Burke, Sacha Labourey.pdf | 1.06 MB |
Langages/Java/JUnit in Action (2nd ed, 2011) - [Manning] - Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, Gregory.pdf | 10.56 MB |
Langages/Java/Just Spring (2011) - [O'Reilly] - Madhusudhan Konda.pdf | 4.81 MB |
Langages/Java/La programmation objet en Java (2006) - [Dunod] - Michel Divay.pdf | 7.00 MB |
Langages/Java/Le livre de java (10è ed, 2015) - [Eyrolles] - Anne Tasso.pdf | 47.33 MB |
Langages/Java/Learn Java for Android Development (1st ed, 2010) - [Apress] - Jeff Friesen.pdf | 9.23 MB |
Langages/Java/Learn Java for Android Development (2nd ed, 2013) - [Apress] - Jeff Friesen.pdf | 3.65 MB |
Langages/Java/Learning Wireless Java (2001) - [O'Reilly] - Qusay Mahmoud.pdf | 1.40 MB |
Langages/Java/Murach's Java Programming (4th ed, 2012) - Joel Murach.pdf | 121.46 MB |
Langages/Java/OCP Java SE 6 Programmer Practice Exams 310-065 (2011) - [McGraw-Hill] - Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra.pdf | 3.80 MB |
Langages/Java/Pro Java 8 Programming (3rd ed, 2015) - [Apress] - Brett Spell.pdf | 9.53 MB |
Langages/Java/Pro Java ME Apps (2011) - [Apress] - Ovidiu Iliescu.pdf | 7.04 MB |
Langages/Java/Programmation Java, pour les enfants, les parents et les grands-parents (2005) - [Smart Data Processing] - Yakov Fain.pdf | 3.75 MB |
Langages/Java/Programmer en Java (3è ed, 2006) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 3.75 MB |
Langages/Java/Programmer en Java (5è ed, 2008) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 3.36 MB |
Langages/Java/Programmer en Java (9è ed, 2014) - [Eyrolles] - Claude Delannoy.pdf | 78.96 MB |
Langages/Java/Refactoring des application Java J2EE (2005) - [Eyrolles] - Jean-Philippe Retaillé.pdf | 8.27 MB |
Langages/Java/Starting Out with Java (6th ed, 2015) - [Prentice Hall] - Tony Gaddis.pdf | 11.03 MB |
Langages/Java/Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (2nd ed, 2010) - [Prentice Hall] - Mark Cade, Humphrey Sheil.pdf | 2.65 MB |
Langages/Java/Thinking in Java (4th ed, 2006) - [Prentice Hall] - Bruce Eckel.pdf | 9.47 MB |
Langages/Learning ClojureScript (2016) - [Packt] - W. David Jarvis, Rafik Naccache, Allen Rohner.epub | 4.78 MB |
Langages/Learning ClojureScript (2016) - [Packt] - W. David Jarvis, Rafik Naccache, Allen Rohner.pdf | 4.76 MB |
Langages/Learning Google Apps Script (2016) - [Packt] - Ramalingam Ganapathy.pdf | 9.16 MB |
Langages/LINQ/Essential LINQ (2009) - [Addison-Wesley] - Charlie Calvert, Dinesh Kulkarni.pdf | 8.73 MB |
Langages/LINQ/Pro LINQ in C# 2010 (2010) - [Apress] - Adam Freeman, Joseph C. Rattz Jr.pdf | 9.04 MB |
Langages/LINQ/Pro LINQ in C# 2010 (2010) - [Apress] - Adam Freeman, Joseph C. Rattz.pdf | 8.98 MB |
Langages/LINQ/Professional LINQ (2008) - [Wiley] - Scott Klein.pdf | 7.05 MB |
Langages/Lisp/An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp (2nd ed, 2002) - [Free Software Foundation] - Robert J. Chassell.pdf | 1.01 MB |
Langages/Lisp/ANSI Common Lisp (1996) - [Prentice Hall] - Paul Graham.pdf | 5.85 MB |
Langages/Lisp/Basic Lisp Techniques (2000) - David J. Cooper.pdf | 578.24 KB |
Langages/Lisp/Common Lisp, A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation (1990) - [Benjamin-Cummings] - David S. Touretzky.pdf | 971.82 KB |
Langages/Lisp/Common Lisp, A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation (1990), Sources.rar | 3.29 KB |
Langages/Lisp/Common Lisp, An Interactive Approach (1992) - [Computer Science press] - Stuart C. Shapiro.pdf | 2.52 MB |
Langages/Lisp/Common Lisp, The Language (2nd ed, 1990) - Guy L. Steele.pdf | 3.80 MB |
Langages/Lisp/Common Lisp, Une introduction à la programmation (2è ed, 1991) {Scan} - Harald Wertzr.pdf | 80.66 MB |
Langages/Lisp/Land of Lisp (2011) - [No Starch] - Conrad Barski.pdf | 18.43 MB |
Langages/Lisp/Lisp book (1997) - Gary D. Knott.pdf | 461.24 KB |
Langages/Lisp/LISP in small pieces (1996) - [Cambridge] - Christian Queinnec.djvu | 4.73 MB |
Langages/Lisp/On Lisp, Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp (1993) - [Prentice Hall] - Paul Graham.pdf | 1.06 MB |
Langages/Lisp/Practical Common Lisp (2005) - [Apress] - Peter Siebel.epub | 616.06 KB |
Langages/Lisp/Successful Lisp, How to Understand and Use Common Lisp (2001) - David B. Lamkins.pdf | 798.93 KB |
Langages/Lua/Lua 5.1 Reference Manual (2012) - [] - Ierusalimschy, De Figueiredo, Celes.pdf | 1.61 MB |
Langages/Lua/Programming in Lua (3rd ed, 2013) - [] - Roberto Ierusalimschy.epub | 368.70 KB |
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Langages/Objective-C/Become an Xcoder, Start Programming the Mac Using Objective-C (2006) - [CocoaLab] - Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin.pdf | 2.35 MB |
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Langages/Objective-C/Learning Objective-C 2.0 (2011) - [Addison-Wesley] - Robert Clair.pdf | 4.26 MB |
Langages/Objective-C/Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C (2007) - [Apple].pdf | 492.45 KB |
Langages/Objective-C/Objective C-2.0 Runtime Reference (2007) - [Apple].pdf | 521.60 KB |
Langages/Objective-C/Objective-C Developer Reference (2011) - [Wiley] - Jiva DeVoe.pdf | 12.87 MB |
Langages/Objective-C/Objective-C for Absolute Beginners (2010) - [Apress] - Gary Benett, Mitch Fischer, Brad Lees.pdf | 14.81 MB |
Langages/Objective-C/Objective-C Fundamentals (2011) - [Manning] - Fairbairn, Fahrenkrug, Ruffenach.pdf | 13.23 MB |
Langages/Objective-C/Objective-C Phrasebook (2011) - [Pearson] - David Chisnall.pdf | 2.40 MB |
Langages/Objective-C/Objective-C Visual QuickStart Guide (2010) - [Peachpit Press] - Steven Holzner.pdf | 1.48 MB |
Langages/Objective-C/Pro Objective-C Design Patterns for iOS (2010) - [Apress] - Carlo Chung.pdf | 26.05 MB |
Langages/Objective-C/Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2009) - [Addison-Wesley] - Stephen G. Kochan.pdf | 5.98 MB |
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Langages/Objective-C/The Objective C 2.0 Programming language (2008) - [Apple].pdf | 1.18 MB |
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Langages/Pascal/Microsoft Pascal Compiler, Lib Reference Manual (1985) {Scan} - [Microsoft].pdf | 1.47 MB |
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Langages/Perl/Advanced Perl Programming (1997) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - Sriram Srinivasan.pdf | 2.51 MB |
Langages/Perl/Beginning Perl (2012) - [Wrox] - Curtis Poe.pdf | 4.43 MB |
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Langages/Perl/Learning Perl (6th ed, 2011) - [O'Reilly] - Randal L. Schwartz, Brian Foy, Tom Phoenix.pdf | 4.38 MB |
Langages/Perl/Mastering Perl (2007) - [O'Reilly] - Brian D Foy.pdf | 7.40 MB |
Langages/Perl/Mastering Perl (2nd ed, 2014) - [O'Reilly] - Brian D Foy.pdf | 8.08 MB |
Langages/Perl/Modern Perl (2010) - [Onyx Neon Press] - Chromatic.pdf | 1.53 MB |
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Langages/Perl/Perl Quick Reference Guide 5.004 - Johan Vromans.pdf | 193.31 KB |
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Langages/Perl/Programming Perl (4th ed, 2012) - [O'Reilly] - Tom Christiansen, Brian D Foy, Larry Wall.pdf | 14.86 MB |
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Langages/PL-1/PL-1 MVS & VM Language Reference (2nd ed, 1995) - [IBM].pdf | 1.13 MB |
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Langages/Python/Beginning Python (2005) - [Wiley] - Norton et al.pdf | 10.91 MB |
Langages/Python/Cahier d'activités Python pour les kids (2016) - [Eyrolles] - David Weinachter.pdf | 13.70 MB |
Langages/Python/Core Python Applications Programming (3rd ed, 2012) - [Prentice Hall] - Wesley J. Chun.pdf | 12.21 MB |
Langages/Python/Data Science from Scratch, First Principles with Python (2015) - [O'Reilly] - Joel Grus.epub | 1.18 MB |
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Langages/Python/Doing Math with Python (2015) - [No Starch] - Amit Saha.pdf | 3.91 MB |
Langages/Python/Expert Python Programming (2nd ed, 2016) - [Packt] - Michał Jaworski, Tarek Ziadé.epub | 3.27 MB |
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Langages/Python/Fundamentals of Python from First Programs through Data Structures (2010) - [Course Technology, Cengage Learning] - Kenneth A. Lambert.pdf | 5.79 MB |
Langages/Python/Head First Python (2011) - [O'Reilly] - Paul Barry.pdf | 28.73 MB |
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Langages/Python/Learn Python in a Day (2015) - [Acodemy].pdf | 769.79 KB |
Langages/Python/Learning Python (4th ed, 2009) - [O'Reilly] - Mark Lutz.pdf | 7.40 MB |
Langages/Python/Learning Python (5th ed, 2013) - [O'Reilly] - Mark Lutz.pdf | 14.72 MB |
Langages/Python/Learning Python Design Patterns (2nd ed, 2016) - [Packt] - Chetan Giridhar.epub | 2.13 MB |
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Langages/Python/Making Use of Python (2002) - [Wiley] - Rashi Gupta.pdf | 5.28 MB |
Langages/Python/Mastering Python Data Visualization (2015) - [Packt] - Kirthi Raman.pdf | 8.67 MB |
Langages/Python/Mastering Python Design Patterns (2015) - [Packt] - Sakis Kasampalis.epub | 1.51 MB |
Langages/Python/Mastering Python Scientific Computing (2015) - [Packt] - Hemant Kumar Mehta.epub | 5.12 MB |
Langages/Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python (2nd ed, 2010) - [Cambridge] - Jaan Kiusalaas.pdf | 4.15 MB |
Langages/Python/Pro Android Python with SL4A (2011) - [Apress] - Paul Ferrill.pdf | 5.62 MB |
Langages/Python/Pro Python (2010) - [Apress] - Marty Alchin.pdf | 2.91 MB |
Langages/Python/Pro Python System Administration (2010) - [Apress] - Rytis Sileika.pdf | 4.59 MB |
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Langages/Python/Programmation Python, Conception et optimisation (2è ed, 2009) - [Eyrolles] - Tarek Ziadé.pdf | 2.79 MB |
Langages/Python/Programming Computer Vision with Python (2012) - [O'Reilly] - Jan Erik Solem.pdf | 67.20 MB |
Langages/Python/Programming in Python 3 (2nd ed, 2009) - [Addison-Wesley] - Mark Summerfield.pdf | 6.24 MB |
Langages/Python/Programming in Python 3 (2nd ed, 2010) - [Addison-Wesley] - Mark Summerfield.pdf | 2.81 MB |
Langages/Python/Programming Python (4th ed, 2010) - [O'Reilly] - Mark Lutz.pdf | 28.79 MB |
Langages/Python/Python & XML (2002) {Dump} - [O'Reilly] - Christopher A. Jones.pdf | 3.31 MB |
Langages/Python/Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook (2010) - [Packt] - Mike Ohlson de Fine.pdf | 5.90 MB |
Langages/Python/Python 3 Web Development, Beginner's Guide (2011) - [Packt] - Michel Anders.pdf | 3.05 MB |
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Langages/Python/Python for Data Analysis (2013) - Wes McKinney.pdf | 8.73 MB |
Langages/Python/Python Multimedia, Beginner's Guide (2010) - Ninad Sathaye.pdf | 4.28 MB |
Langages/Python/Python pour les kids (2015) - [Eyrolles] - Jason Briggs.pdf | 105.93 MB |
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Langages/Python/The Python Standard Library by Example (2011) - [Addison-Wesley] - Doug Hellmann.pdf | 10.91 MB |
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