Pluralsight - Introduction to Dynamic Routing by Ross Bagurdes - TorrentBank

File Name:Pluralsight - Introduction to Dynamic Routing by Ross Bagurdes

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4. Troubleshooting OSPF/4. Demo- Issues with Lingering Configurations on a Network.mp4
5. EIGRP/3. Demo- Configuring and Troubleshooting EIGRP.mp4
5. EIGRP/5. Demo- Configuring and Troubleshooting EIGRP IPv6.mp4
4. Troubleshooting OSPF/2. Demo- Troubleshooting the Neighbor Relationships on Your Routers.mp4
4. Troubleshooting OSPF/1. Demo- Troubleshooting Router IDs.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/7. Demo- Experimenting with RIP.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/7. Demo- Completing the OSPF Configuration on Routers A and B.mp4
4. Troubleshooting OSPF/5. Demo- The Danger of Advertising Everything.mp4
3. OSPF in a Broadcast Network/2. Demo- Examining OSPF as It Comes Online in a Broadcast Network.mp4
4. Troubleshooting OSPF/6. Demo- Using the Bandwidth to Manipulate the Direction of the Traffic on a Network.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/6. Demo- Configuring RIP on Routers B and C.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/5. Demo- Configuring RIP on Router A.mp4
3. OSPF in a Broadcast Network/1. OSPF Neighbors.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/1. How Dynamic Routing Works.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/3. Routing Protocol Categories.mp4
4. Troubleshooting OSPF/3. Demo- Troubleshooting Missing Networks from Your Routing Table and Testing Connectivity.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/2. Metric.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/6. Demo- The Wildcard Mask.mp4
3. OSPF in a Broadcast Network/3. Demo- Examining How a Topology Change Effects the DR BDR and DR Other.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/5. Demo- Examining if Your RIP Network Is Functional before Configuring OSPF.mp4
5. EIGRP/1. Introducing EIGRP.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/8. Demo- Configuring a Passive Interface on a Router.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/1. The Process of Discovering Your OSPF Neighbors.mp4
5. EIGRP/4. Demo- Verifying Connectivity of Your EIGRP Network.mp4
5. EIGRP/2. EIGRP Operation.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/2. Router ID and the Neighbor Table.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/3. Exchanging Link Information and Calculating the Routing Table in OSPF.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/4. OSPF Terminology Review.mp4
0. Course Overview/0. Course Overview.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/4. Administrative Distance and Metric in Different Routing Protocols.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/0. Introduction.mp4
3. OSPF in a Broadcast Network/0. Introduction.mp4
4. Troubleshooting OSPF/0. Introduction.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/9. Summary.mp4
5. EIGRP/6. Summary.mp4
1. Protocols and Terminology/8. Summary.mp4
2. Introducing OSPF/0. Introduction.mp4
5. EIGRP/0. Introduction.mp4
4. Troubleshooting OSPF/7. Summary.mp4
3. OSPF in a Broadcast Network/4. Summary.mp4

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