Infinite Skills - Oracle SQL and JSON - TorrentBank

File Name:Infinite Skills - Oracle SQL and JSON

Create Tool:uTorrent/2210

Create Time:2017-07-03 13:59:39

File Size:932.46 MB

File Count:66

File Hash:550bcbcdff335f09e0d49f0386aff5822071a9c6

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Combining_JSON_And_Relational_Data/0 - Queries With Both JSON And Relational Data.mp4
Combining_JSON_And_Relational_Data/1 - Oracle Views.mp4
Conclusion/0 - Wrap Up And Thank You.mp4
Errors_Clause/3 - Advice For Error Clauses.mp4
Errors_Clause/1 - Available Error Clauses.mp4
Errors_Clause/0 - Introduction To Errors Clause.mp4
Errors_Clause/2 - Interaction With SQL Errors.mp4
Introduction/0 - Welcome To The Course.mp4
Introduction/2 - How To Access Your Working Files.mp4
Introduction/1 - About The Author.mp4
JSON_And_Relational_Data_And_SQL/3 - Introducing Relational SQL.mp4
JSON_And_Relational_Data_And_SQL/4 - Introducing JSON SQL.mp4
JSON_And_Relational_Data_And_SQL/1 - Introducing JSON Data.mp4
JSON_And_Relational_Data_And_SQL/2 - Course Example Data.mp4
JSON_And_Relational_Data_And_SQL/0 - Introducing Relational Data.mp4
JSON_Conditions/2 - Is_JSON Constraint.mp4
JSON_Conditions/0 - Strict JSON.mp4
JSON_Conditions/1 - Unique JSON.mp4
JSON_Conditions/3 - Comparison To Relational Data.mp4
JSON_Dot_Notation/1 - Query With Dot Notation.mp4
JSON_Dot_Notation/2 - Explain Plan For Dot Notation Queries.mp4
JSON_Dot_Notation/3 - Comparison To Relational Queries.mp4
JSON_Dot_Notation/0 - Introduction To Dot Notation.mp4
JSON_Exists Function/2 - Error Clauses.mp4
JSON_Exists Function/0 - Introduction To JSON_Exists.mp4
JSON_Exists Function/6 - JSON_Exists Passing Clause.mp4
JSON_Exists Function/4 - Comparison To Relational.mp4
JSON_Exists Function/5 - JSON_Exists Values.mp4
JSON_Exists Function/3 - Explain Plan.mp4
JSON_Exists Function/1 - SQL Where Clause.mp4
JSON_Indexes/2 - JSON Indexes.mp4
JSON_Indexes/3 - Explain Plan.mp4
JSON_Indexes/0 - Introduction To Indexes.mp4
JSON_Indexes/1 - Relational Indexes.mp4
JSON_Query Function/2 - Wrappers.mp4
JSON_Query Function/0 - Introducing JSON_Query.mp4
JSON_Query Function/5 - Comparison To Relational.mp4
JSON_Query Function/1 - Returning Clause.mp4
JSON_Query Function/3 - Error Clauses.mp4
JSON_Query Function/4 - Explain Plan.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/4 - Error Clause.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/9 - Explain Plan.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/6 - Wrappers.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/7 - Nested Rows.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/5 - Columns In Where Clause.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/1 - Columns Clause.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/8 - Array Values.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/3 - Return JSON.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/2 - Return Value.mp4
JSON_SQL_Deep_Dive/0 - Deep Dive Introduction.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/1 - Columns Clause.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/7 - Explain Plan.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/0 - Introduction To JSON_Table.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/2 - Error Clause.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/5 - Nested Values.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/6 - Mix And Match Data.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/8 - Comparison To Relational.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/4 - Wrappers.mp4
JSON_Table-Function/3 - JSON Format.mp4
JSON_Value-Function/1 - Error Clauses.mp4
JSON_Value-Function/2 - Returning Clause.mp4
JSON_Value-Function/5 - Comparison To Relational.mp4
JSON_Value-Function/0 - Introduction To JSON_Value.mp4
JSON_Value-Function/4 - Explain Plan.mp4
JSON_Value-Function/3 - On Empty Clause.mp4

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